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january 14/15

stan: bill, can we talk?

bill: hi

bill: what's up?

stan: can i come to your house today?

bill: yea, u okay?

stan: i need to talk to you about something.

bill: yeah sure babe

bill: when are you coming over?

stan: i don't know yet.

stan: maybe this afternoon?

bill: sure

bill: u sure ur okay ?

stan: i'll talk to you then.

lonely losers :(

beverly: good morning

richie: good morning?

eddie: it's eleven am

beverly: how is everybody doing today

eddie: you realize this is the Lonely losers group chat right?? not everybody??

beverly: yeah i was just wondering how u guys were holding up

beverly: pining and all

eddie: well. i'm doing okay, hiding it is like, second nature now

eddie: i think i have a chance of getting over him 😎

richie:  u better have used that emoji ironically

eddie: do i look straight?

beverly: what about u richie? also eddie im happy to hear it

richie: uh

richie: i'm okay. well like, not at all, but it's not my business to say why

beverly: oh?

eddie: tea?

richie: eddie never say tea again

richie: i just think... things are gonna change around here...

richie: and i'm a bit scared, tbh

beverly: what do u know that we don't????

richie:  i literally Cannot say.

eddie: rude

beverly: okay FINE be that way 

beverly: wanna hang out today? last weekend before school starts

eddie: Absolutely i will do anything to get out of my goddamn house

richie: sure

beverly: ... can i paint ur guys' nails

eddie: bev i'd love that but my momma would kill me

beverly: ok fax

beverly: rich?

richie: go ahead

beverly: yesss

richie was already getting dressed, eager to get out of the house. he put a colourful windbreaker on and grabbed his phone.

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