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february 14/15

a/n: lots of texting in this one fellas


february 13th

fucking losers



bill: happy birthday bev!

eddie: i stayed up until 12 just to wish u a happy birthday ily bev

stan: happy birthday beverly! have a great day, you deserve it



bill: ma'am if you don't have a good day i will shoot

bev: thank u guys that's so sweet

ben: mike is asleep rn he doesn't normally stay up past 11 but u Know he's wishing u a happy birthday in his sleep

bev: sgshkjkjsh yeah

beverly rolled over on her bed, accidentally unplugging her phone. she held her phone to her chest, the warmth of her friends love. it buzzed again and she looked to her phone, her heart dropping.

tristann.15: happy birthday bev!

bevthebitch: thanks tristan

she didn't know why, but it was just so draining to talk to tristan now. it was like he expected her to always be available for hours on end to talk. and honestly? she just didn't want to.

tristann.15: so since it's your birthday

tristann.15: and y'know, we've been talking fr a while

tristann.15: i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?

beverly almost vomited. not that the idea was sickening, but she had been dreading the moment tristan would ask that. maybe it was a little sickening. she stared at her phone for a second and flicked herself, hoping it was just a dream. or a nightmare. but nonetheless, she stayed conscious. 

bevthebitch: tristan i'm really flattered but i don't like you like that

tristann.15: wtf

tristann.15: i'm nice to you, i take you out places, we talk every second fucking day, we get along and you pull this bullshit? what is fucking wrong with you? are you a goddamn prude?

tristann.15: i treat you so well for you to be such a bitch

she put her phone on her bed, still watching it cautiously. this was it, this was the moment she had been dreading like a bitch and it was happening on her birthday.

tristann.15: what more can i even do? or do you just hate me? you'll hang out with all those other boys and probably fuck them but you can't even go on a date with me? 

tristann.15: whore

there it was. of course, there it was. beverly wasn't going to cry, but it still hurt. she didn't want to hurt, she knew he was just lashing out in anger, that he probably didn't mean it, but wow. was he right? did she owe him that? was she leading him on?

then she turned and saw richie and bill, standing at her window. she quickly turned off her phone and opened the window,

"what the fuck are you guys doing here?" she whispered, "i have a screen." she motioned to the screen in the window that was preventing them from entering.

"h-huh-happy birthday, bev." bill said, smiling widely. both bill and richie had had an idea to go visit her, and had (bill a bit reluctantly at first) decided to work together.

"and i got the screen problem," richie soon set to work at disassembling the screen, a job done in seconds. beverly watched in awe. the sneaking out possibilities that she'd never discovered...

"how did you learn to do that?" beverly asked. they were talking incredibly quiet, just in case anyone were to hear. richie handed the screen to bev, who put it aside.

"eddie's window has, or had, a screen. i have a habit of breaking into my best friend's houses." richie explained as bill fit himself through the window inside the room. after helping bill, bev took richie's hand and pulled him inside.

"wow. it's impuh-puh-it's impressive." bill complimented. richie pulled his bag around to the front and unzipped it, revealing two gifts.

"oh my god, guys, you didn't have to." beverly sat down on her bed, moving her phone. both bill and richie shook their heads, giving beverly their separate gifts. first was bill's, the phone case she'd been wanting, and a shit ton of candy with it. then was richie's a very pretty ring (marry me bev!), an obscene amount of pressed flowers, and 'shut richie up for an hour' coupon. she gave them both hugs, having almost forgotten entirely about tristan. 

"woah, richie, what happened to your wrist?" beverly asked, noticing a bruising pattern that definitely hadn't been there before. 

"nothing, they just appeared." richie shook his head, beverly's eyebrows quirking upwards. even bill was a bit concerned, still wanting richie to be healthy and safe, even if he didn't like him. 

"rich, you s-s-suh-you suck at-suck at lying" bill said, richie turning his head. bill hadn't called him rich in a long time. 

"fine, dad grabbed my wrist a little too hard, nothing big. i promise. he was just a little miffed, y'know." richie wasn't entirely lying, he was just taking out the part where he was thrown to the ground via said wrist and called homophobic slurs for wearing nail polish. other than that, though, he was telling the truth.

"richie..." and soon they were in a group hug together, and bill trusted richie just a little bit more. 

they sat down on the floor and beverly grabbed her phone from the bed, seeing more notifications.

"you wanna hear something to cry about since we're so sad here, tristan asked me out." beverly said, forgetting she hadn't told the boys about her friendship with tristan.

"WHAT?" bill almost screamed, but reminded himself of the probably-sleeping-father next door. beverly shushed him, richie giggling.

"no uh, we were friends. long story, but yeah. and he just asked me out, i said no, duh! and he..." richie and bill, utterly confused, began to read silently the texts beverly was showing them. richie gasped, literally cracking his knuckles. bill was speechless.

"i'm... i'm gonna kill him." richie said, beverly shaking her head. 

"beverly... c-cuh-can we-can we have sec-have a second group hug?" bill asked, both richie and bev nodding. and for the second time that night, they group hugged, comforting each other at god-awful hours in the morning. 

"happy birthday bev." richie whispered, the hug tightening.

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