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Alexis's pov

"Just say you won't let go," I sang quietly, into slightly lopsided mic stand. I already tried fixing it but there isn't much you can do on your bedroom floor. I strummed the guitar one last time and set my checkered guitar pick down on my night stand. I placed my guitar "Prince" down and stood up to stop my phone from recording. I smiled to myself, satisfied with my cover of the week.

I've been singing for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing guitar 2-3 years now. I can play other instruments like the piano and the ukulele, but guitar has been my favorite recently. I have been uploading videos of me singing and playing my instruments on my youtube channel since I was in 7th grade. Of course I got made fun of for it by some of the kids in my class, but I eventually learned to ignore them. That being said I don't have a ton of followers, but one day I dream I'll be up on a big stage touring the world. As of right now, I just post covers of songs and sing from the safety of my bedroom.

I've also written a few of my own songs, but only my mom and my best friend Sarah have heard some of them. I'm hoping to finish writing this special one I've been working on recently, and maybe release it as my first single later this year.

Music has always been there for me, especially during dark times. Its my way to escape reality and clear my head. I've been so busy studying for tests that I didn't have time to record for the week so I took today after school to relax and do what I love.

Looking at the clock it was only 6:00pm, but I was already so tired from a long school day. I made one last quick edit and uploaded my new cover to my youtube channel. I yawned and decided to treat myself to a well deserved nap. I wrapped myself in the comfort of my blanket and dozed off, dreaming of a life that was closer in reach than I thought was possible.

Authors note:
Hey guys I'm sorry for how these first few chapters sound lol I promise my writing gets better! I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)

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