Authors note

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Hey guys!

If you are reading this you probably read all of drivers license, so THANK YOU SO MUCH! You guys mean so much to me, and I'm glad to see some people enjoyed this story!

I can officially say...I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE LAST WEEK! Yes the week after I get my drivers license I am ending my first book called drivers license. If you didn't know already, this book is based off the song driver's license, so I thought it was insane when I was driving home right after getting my license, and the first song that came on the radio as we pulled out of the parking lot was driver's license (I'll put a picture at the top lol).

Anyways back to talking about the book, I first got the idea to write it for my friend when we were talking about how she used to write fanfics. I told her I've always wanted to write but I've been too scared, and she encouraged me to write my first story, and make it about her! When we were thinking of a plot idea, we were listening to driver's license and I came up with a SLIGHTLY different plot and she loved it! I wrote in my freetime which is why the book took SO long before I came up with a schedule, so I apologize for that. I'm also kinda scared to see how the story goes because I kinda forgot some of the stuff I wrote! I hope all my random ideas don't clash together, but I'm excited and nervous to read my first book! This was a great learning experience for me, and I promise my future books will only get better from here!

SPEAKING OF FUTURE BOOKS...I do not think there will be a sequel to this, but if I randomly have an idea or get the urge to write about this again, I will! There will be another Ryan Herron book in the near future and I'm starting to brainstorm with my friend already!

With that being said I'm also open to other requests and ideas so if you have anything you would like to see from me, leave a comment!

I am working on my second book afterlife, which is a Daniel seavey fanfic for another one of my friends, and if you have read some of it you would know it's PRETTY DIFFERENT from driver's license lol. It's a mafia book, and her requests were a little different too. If that sounds interesting feel free to check it out!

I'm hoping to come out with another Ryan Herron book soon, so if you are interested follow me to get updates on how that book is going! Writing is something I enjoy doing, and I'm excited to continue it!

I hope to see your comments and see you guys again soon! Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday, and thank you once again for reading driver's license! I love all of you guys <3

Xoxo strawberryfields324

driver's license // r.h.Where stories live. Discover now