Chapter 10

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Oh my gosh. Tour? TOUR? Am I dreaming?
"Of course we will!" we said at the same time. We looked at each other awkwardly for a second and then laughed like nothing happened earlier. I can't be mad at him forever. I should just be happy for him, Cassidy is a nice girl. She is so pretty... My thoughts were interrupted by the boys cheering excitedly and engulfing us in a huge group hug. "I AM TOURING WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER!" Zach yelled while ruffling Ryan's hair. We were all jumping up and down excitedly, this would be a moment I would never forget! We got out of our group hug and kept jumping and cheering. I turned to Ryan and he had the biggest smile on his face. We made eye contact and he got a little nervous.
"Hey," he said
"Hey," I returned smiling
"So..." before he said anything I gave him a huge hug. Deep down, I really missed him. Even if I can't potentially be with him, I can't lose him. He means so much to me, and I have to show him that. I've accepted I can't date him and I can't compare to Cassidy. Besides, as long as Ryan is happy, I am happy. Even if it hurts a little. He was shocked for a minute but hugged me back harder. "I'm sorry Lexi."
"There is nothing to be sorry about! I was just upset you didn't tell me, that's all. We are still best friends and I am sorry for overreacting."
"It's okay, I am just so glad to have my best friend back!"
"Me too Ryan," I said even though the whole "friends" part stung a little. We pulled apart and continued celebrating with the boys. Mr. Kallman came over to have us take pictures together to start advertising for the tour starting in two months.

Soon, the pizza came, and we all ate and started planning things out. "So we leave in about two months, which means you two have to each put out an EP soon. It's going to be a lot of work, but I know you guys are hard workers," Mr. Kallman said. Ryan looked at me and put down his pizza. I knew what he was going to ask, so I gave him a nod of approval.
"Mr. Kallman?"
"Yes Ryan?"
"Uh...what if me and Alexis wrote a song together?" Mr. Kallman choked on his pizza and grabbed his water. After he stopped choking,he had a huge grin on his face. That's new!
"Hold on, you guys wrote a song together?"
"Um, yeah" he said looking at me nervously
"Do you have a demo or something I can listen to?" He looked really excited.
"We have the lyrics all recorded and the beat but we just have to tune it a bit," Ryan said, grabbing his phone. He presses play, and our song fills the air. The whole time I curled myself into a ball and closed my eyes, I didn't want to see his reaction until the end. Once it was over, I looked up to see a shocked Mr. Kallman. His smile was really wide and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"This song is amazing! This will be perfect for the tour! You guys can sing a few of your own songs and then at the end you guys can sing this one together! We can release this song after you two release your EPs. Well done you two," Mr. Kallman says patting us on the back. We blush slightly from all the compliments. "I'm glad I put you two in a studio together, you can really hear the chemistry between you two in the song," he says winking at us. We blush even harder.

Me and Ryan joined the boys and sat down in a circle on the floor. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Zach asked.
"What if we did truth or dare?" Jack suggested.
"Sure," I said and took a sip of my sprite.
"Alright. Alexis, truth or dare?" Jonah asks me.
"Um...truth," I said as calmly as I could.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asks casually. I laughed, slightly out of nerves.
"Nope! I have never dated anyone," I turned to Daniel. "Daniel, truth or dare?" He thought for a moment.
"Dare," he says confidently. His smile showed his cute little tooth gap.
"Alright..." I had to think for a minute. "I dare you to..." out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bottle of something. "Take a shot of whatever that is!" I said pointing to the bottle. Daniel got up and walked to the bottle.
"What is it?" Jonah asked.
"I don't know, I have never heard of it. It's in another language." Daniel popped the cork off the bottle and poured some in a shot glass. He carefully walked over and sat back down. "Ready?" Daniel asks with a sly grin.
"Do it," I challenged him. Daniel tipped the glass into his mouth and swallowed. He squinted his face together in disgust. "Oh gross!" Daniel said running to grab something else to drink instead. We all burst out laughing. Jack was laughing so hard he fell off the couch, which made us laugh even more. Daniel came back with a mango white claw and sat down.
"I wish I caught that on camera man!" Jack said, still laughing. Daniel flipped him off and continued sipping his drink.
"Corbyn, truth or dare?" Daniel asked with a grin.
"Dare," Corbyn said without hesitation.
"I dare you to get a matching tattoo with me. Right now," he said with a smirk.
"What did you have in mind?" he asked, slightly nervous.
"Our album name, just like the one Jonah got." Corbyn's face lit up instantly.
"Dare accepted! Common guys, let's go to the tattoo parlor!" We all got up and followed them out into Jonah's new car.

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