Chapter 16

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Oh sh*t! No no no no no, I must have not heard him right. I didn't know how to feel about what Corbyn just said. "Wait what?" I was shocked. I felt a pit of guilt in my stomach. How could I do this to Ryan?
"Don't tell anyone I told you," he mumbled looking down. "I wasn't supposed to say anything."
"Oh," I was silent for a moment, still trying to process what he told me.
"How does Ryan feel about you having a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Um, he uh, doesn't know" I said. Corbyn looked at me with a worried expression.
"You may want to tell him before it's too late," he said. I nodded, knowing he was right.
"But how do I tell him? Hey, I like you a lot, but I'm dating my best friend right now even though I still have feelings for you, sorry!" I said sarcastically. Frustrated and confused, I put a pillow to my face and let out a stressed scream. Corbyn just sat there and rubbed my back to calm me down.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure you will figure it out," he said.
"I just don't want to tell anyone yet," I said. He nods understandingly. Just then someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," I mumbled. Jack walked in with a smile on his face.
"Come downstairs guys, we ordered pizza and we are going to watch a movie!"

Me and Corbyn walked down the stairs to be greeted by the heavenly smell of pizza. We walked into my TV room and sat down on the couches. Jonah passed out paper plates and we dug into the pizza. I sat on the couch in between Ryan and Corbyn. "Do you guys want to do a hunger games movie marathon?" Corbyn asked.
"Ooh yes!" I said excitedly.
"Does anyone own the movies?" Jonah asked.
"I do, they are at my house, let me go get them," Ryan said. He finished the piece of pizza in his hand and set his plate down on the coffee table. I heard the door open and close and turned back around to see the four boys were circled around me and Corbyn.
"What the fuck is going on guys?" I asked, scared.
"What are you two hiding," Daniel asked.
"N-nothing," I stuttered.
"We aren't stupid, is it about my brother?" Zach asked. I looked at Corbyn in panic and he gave me a shrug.
"They are going to find out eventually, might as well tell them now." I knew he was right.
"I, uh, got a boyfriend," I said shyly. All four of their faces lit up and they started yelling excitedly.
"Whatever, I'm just happy they are finally together!" Jack yells back.
"I thought it would take so much longer for them to confess their feelings," Jonah said. They noticed my confused expression and stopped yelling.
"What? Is it bad to make bets on relationships?" Daniel asked. Jonah, Corbyn, and I shook our heads disappointingly.
"What bet?" I asked.
"When you and Ryan would get together," Jack explained. "I bet it would take you until we were on tour but Daniel thought it would be before we even left for tour."
"I'm not dating Ryan," I said confused. It took them a second to process what I just said before I got a bunch of confused looks from them.
"Who are you dating then?" Zach asked.
"Max," I said.
"The rude guy who we were on facetime with?" Zach asks.
"Yep, that's him," Corbyn said. They all made disgusted faces and I could tell they didn't approve.
"How long have you guys been dating?" Jonah asked.
"Less than 24 hours. He asked me out this morning by writing a love song and performing it in our school parking lot," I said blushing.
"Aww wait that is so sweet," Jack said.
"What's so sweet?" I turned around to see Ryan holding the movies in his hands. Crap, I guess I didn't hear the door open! He beamed at me and I returned a weak smile.
"The way Max asked her out this morning," Daniel said. Fuck you Daniel. I looked at Ryan and my heart broke. He just looked like someone completely shattered him.
"Oh," he said. He forced on a fake smile and made eye contact with me again. "Congrats Alexis."
"Thanks..." I managed to say, trying not to cry.
"Hey, as long as you're happy, I'm happy for you." While his face was smiling, his eyes said it all. I broke him, I broke Ryan.
"Let's get the movie set up," Jonah says awkwardly. I nod and stand up to help him set up.

We were 10 minutes into the second movie when I was too tired to sit up by myself. I was snuggled up against Ryan and we were sharing a blanket. I was so tired from my flight earlier and could barely keep my eyes open. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his strong safe arms wrap around me. "Goodnight Ry," I said sleepy.
"Good night angel," he chuckled. He kissed my forehead and I immediately fell asleep in his arms.

Ryan's pov

The third movie just finished and it was past 2:00am. I looked at Alexis and pushed a hair out of her face. Gosh, she is so beautiful. Zach and Jack had fallen asleep in the middle of the third movie. Zach was currently laying on top of Jack somehow. Jonah had made coffee for him and Corbyn a little while ago so they were quietly sipping on it as Daniel put in the fourth movie. I was starting to get tired so I laid down, pulling Alexis close to me. I held her body close to mine and adjusted the blanket so it was around both of us. Breathing in her signature scent (lavender vanilla), I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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