Chapter 8

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I could feel my face heating up. "Um, yeah, I think so." I looked back up at him, "Have you?"
"Yeah," he says scratching the back of his neck. My heart dropped, what if he has a girlfriend?
"Oh," that's all I could manage. We sat there in an awkward silence for a few minutes.
"Do you..." I started.
"Should we..." Ryan said at the same time.
We both looked at each other and started laughing. Once our laughter died down Ryan said, "Yeah, let's get to writing that song!"

We worked non stop on a song for almost 4 hours. In that time span, we had written the whole song after about two hours and we just finished producing the beat. All we had left to do was record and tune it. We gave it one final listen singing along to the beat. "Dang that was really good!" I exclaimed.
"I know right! We make a really good team," Ryan says, grinning at me. I blush and look back down at the computer.
"What if we actually released it?" I suggested.
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, I mean why not! It sounds really good and I think there is something special about this one." I said. We start to pack our things up.
"I think so too. Why don't we come back to record it another day and then show management to see what they have to say about it?"
"That sounds perfect! I'm starving anyways." His sweet laugh filled my ears and caused my smile to grow.
"Alright let's go eat! I'll drive," he says getting off the couch. I follow him out of the door and head for the elevator.

Once we get in the car, we decide I am the DJ and Ryan is the driver and gets to choose where we eat. I turned on one of the boys' new songs "Slow Down" because it is one of my favorites. We drove with the windows down and sang our lungs out. The wind whipped my hair around and I looked over to see Ryans soft brown hair all messed up. He looks so cute. We went through the In-N-Out burger drive through. We drove around the city for a little bit as the sun set started and ate our food. We sang our hearts out to throwback songs and new songs we liked. The last song ended and Ryan parked the car. I looked around us to see we were definitely not back at the hotel. I glanced over at Ryan, "Where are we?". His beautiful eyes met mine,
"I have one last surprise for today," he says, winking at me. Curious, I follow him out of the car and to a hiking path.
"How did you know I like hiking?" I laughed.
"I didn't," he smiled. "But I know now."

It didn't take us too long to reach the top. The sun was almost done setting, but the sky was filled with all sorts of beautiful colors. I look around and see no one else around, and the Hollywood sign to my left. I gasped when I saw a cute little picnic set up right in front of the sign. There was a big blanket all spread out with a pile of blankets and pillows. There were some snacks and drinks set up as well. I looked over at Ryan, unable to stop smiling, and watched him blush. "I, uh, I thought you might want to see LA from this view," he said looking out at the city. Colors of purple, pink, orange, and yellow painted the sky over the horizon.
"When did you have time to set this up?" I asked, shocked.
"I, uh, I gave Corbyn everything and asked him to do it," he said blushing.
"Not Zach?" I smirk.
"No way, Zach would lose everything or forget to do it!" he says. I laugh, he is so cute.
"Well, I think it looks amazing!" I look over to see him smiling.
"I'm glad you like it," he says as we start to walk toward the blanket.
"Do you come here often?" I ask. He nods, staring at the sky,
"Yeah, I come here to write songs or clear my head. No one comes up here, so it's like a secret spot."
"Your secret spot is really nice," I said, looking around more.
"Our secret spot is really nice," he says smiling at me. I blush and feel my heart melt, he wants to share his secret spot with me!

We laid down on the blankets and stared up at the stars. Millions of them twinkled across the night sky. We sat in peaceful silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence and the city view.
"How is it that we were just strangers from a coffee shop and now we work with the same label?" I asked.
"It must have been fate. Maybe our paths were destined to collide," he says smiling.
"Maybe they were," I said smiling, "I'm so glad we met."
"Me too. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I can tell you anything, things I can't even tell other people."
"It feels like I have known you for my whole life," I admit.
"You are pretty much my best friend and I met you only yesterday," he says laughing slightly. I felt a slight pain in my chest when he said friend. Why does that affect me like that? All of a sudden, Ryan jumps up and turns to me. He bows and holds out his hand, "May I have this dance my lady?" he asks grinning. I laugh and take his hand, "Of course fine sir," I giggled. We danced together, hand in hand, under the stars and it was absolutely magical. He twirled me around and dipped me back, I laughed and stared into his eyes. We started to slow dance and I rested my head on his shoulder.

After a while, we got tired and sat back down on the blanket. I laid my head on his chest and snuggled in. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me closer. I could hear his heartbeat picking up and feel his warm breath. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

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