Chapter 19

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"Shit!" I yelled after burning myself with my curling iron. I checked my neck in the mirror to see a giant red spot turning purple. Great, now I will look like I have a hickey at my meeting! "Hey Angel, almost ready?" Ryan appeared in the doorway. I turned around to look at him and his eyes studied my whole body in awe. "You look beautiful as always," he said, meeting my eyes. I was wearing a cute top and skirt with simple golden jewelry to look professional for our meeting.

 I was wearing a cute top and skirt with simple golden jewelry to look professional for our meeting

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I blushed and winced from my burning neck. He quickly noticed the red spot on my neck and came closer. "Oh," was all he said in a shocked tone, but he sounded slightly hurt.
"I just burned myself with my curling iron," I said shrugging.
"Oh I thought...never mind. Let me get some ice for you," he said relieved. He leaned in and kissed my red mark before running down the stairs to get me ice. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as my heart melted. Gosh, why is he so perfect?

"Are you guys sure you are okay with us leaving you here again?" I asked Max and Kaylee.
"Yeah of course," Max answered with a comforting smile. Yesterday, me and Ryan were out all day since we released our song together the day before. We had tons of interviews and promo to do so we had to leave Max and Kaylee at my house all day. Surprisingly, they seemed to get along very well. I felt bad leaving Max since he flew down here for our party and to see me, and I was leaving him alone for the day with Ryan's crazy girlfriend. Although, after our meeting, Max was going to take me out on a date before flying back tonight. Sarah was unable to come because she got super sick last minute, but she facetimed me a whole lot making sure I knew she was super proud of me. Corbyn was pretty upset she couldn't come, and I feel like something is going on between them.
"Now go before you are late!" Kaylee said before shutting the front door on me and Ryan.
"Well that was weird, usually she hates me spending time with you," I said and Ryan laughed.
"Maybe she has finally warmed up to you. I'm just glad they get along, otherwise that would be really awkward for the both of them to be left alone together for the whole day," he pointed out. I laughed and followed him to his car.

"There are my two stars!" Mr. Kallman stood up and opened his arms to us. "Your song has done even better than we expected! Well done you two, well done," he praised us. "You guys have gained a massive following from the past two days and your number of streams is ten times as many we expected!" My jaw dropped as Mr. Kallman just beamed at us.
"Your numbers have been increasing even more since the announcement of you guys opening for Why Don't We this morning," Eric added. "Two of the shows have already sold out."
"What? No way!" Ryan yelled excitedly.
"That's amazing!" I said, overwhelmed with excitement.
"We have been busy the past few days booking you two interviews because of all the requests," Eric continued. "Never in all my years managing have I ever had such a high demand to interview openers."
"We have had five phone calls so far from radio stations that want to play your new song," Mr. Kallman said. I could not believe my ears, our song is going to be on the radio!
"Ryan, we had to order a whole other shipment of your merch because of your sales! And Alexis, I know your merch line is dropping next week but we had to already purchase a second shipment because of how many sales we predict you will get. You two are blowing up like crazy!" Eric continued. "Anyways, we didn't only call you here to praise you for your hard work, but we had to make adjustments to your schedules. Here are the new copies," Eric said, handing us each a packet. "I'll send you the online version as well. You two need to go live some time over the next few days because it was a big request from your fans throughout your comments. I also scored some new brand deals for you guys and they will be in touch with you shortly." The rest of our meeting was going over the new schedule, more about what we have to post on social media, my merch line, and how to handle brand deals. Of course at the end we talked more details about tour which was always super exciting to talk about! Who knew being an artist would be so much work?
"You two are free to go, thank you for coming," Mr. Kallman finally said, shaking our hands. "Keep up this work you two, and you could be on the front page of every magazine in America, that's for sure."

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