Chapter 11

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I woke up alone in the guest bed. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. I checked the time and it was 6:52am. I had a plane to catch at 11:30, so I had to leave soon. I made the bed so the boys wouldn't have to later (I don't know what they clean in this house, or if they clean anything).

I started walking down the hallway to the staircase quietly when I heard two voices from downstairs. One was clearly angry, while the other one sounded upset. "...Can't be doing that! It's not fair to either of them!" the angry one said.
"I know, I know," the upset one says.
"How would you like it if your girl didn't have feelings for you, and had feelings for another guy?" the other one was silent as the angry one continued on. "How would you react if you found out that she slept with another guy too..."
"But it was an accident! We just fell asleep!"
"Okay but you still like her! You don't even like the girl you are dating and that's not fair to her. You are leading both of them on and that's a dick move. I'm only telling you this as your older brother Ryan..." the angry one says, but then they get too quiet so I can no longer hear them. I decided to take that as my chance to start down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I found both Ryan and Zach at the table eating cereal shirtless. Dang, I could get used to seeing Ryan like this more often! They noticed me coming in and looked up. I quickly moved my eyes so they couldn't see me checking Ryan out. You could feel the awkward tension in the room just walking in. I decided to pretend not to have noticed Ryan with no shirt and walk over to make myself a bowl of cereal to hide myself blushing.
"Good morning Lexi," Zach says and I can tell he is waiting for Ryan to say something to me.
"Good morning Zach! Good morning Ry," I said pouring some milk into my cereal.
"Morning angel," he says, staring at me. I blush and can see Zachs shocked face. Ryan notices and immediately stutters. "I...uh...mean Lexi," he says, turning bright red. I giggle and sit down next to him.
"Angel is fine, it's a cute nickname. You've called me it before." Zachs eyes were huge at this point. I thought his jaw would never close; it was open so wide. Just then Corbyn walks in, also with no shirt. Do these guys just walk around half naked all the time?
"Mornin guys," he yawns grabbing a cereal bowl.
"Morning Corbyn," I said since Zach was in shock and Ryan was still slightly embarrassed. Corbyn notices Zachs silence and looks up.
"Zach? You good bro?" he asks.
"...Did you know Ryan calls Alexis 'angel'?" he asks, still in awe. Corbyn laughs and shakes his head.
"No, I did not. That's really cute though, when did he call her that?" he asks, taking a spoonful of cereal.
"Just this morning and yesterday morning," I said.
"Yesterday morning? You guys were together yesterday morning?" Zach asks, smirking. Oh gosh. Why did I say that?
"Uh..." I started.
"Yep! I set up a cute little blanket with food and stuff for them in front of the hollywood sign and I'm guessing you guys fell asleep together," Corbyn says smiling. I could not tell who was more red: me or Ryan. Zach gasped and looked between the three of us.
"You guys went on a date?" Zach asked excitedly. That's something I want to know. Was it a date?
"What's going on?" Jack asks, emerging into the kitchen followed by Daniel both also shirtless. Great. Almost everyone is here to hear about me and Ryan.
"Alexis-" Zach started before I cut him off.
"-Has to leave in a few minutes so she won't miss her flight," I said. Nice save Alexis!
"Wait what?" Ryan asks.
"Yeah, I have to fly back to Chicago today and then I'll fly back and move here Tuesday."
"Aww man! What time is your flight?" Daniel asks
"Oh that's soon!" Jonah says, popping his head into the kitchen.
"Do you need a ride back to the hotel or the airport?" Jack asks.
"I would love a ride back to the hotel! I actually have someone already driving me from the hotel to the airport but thanks so much for offering!" I said.

Right before 8:00, I said my goodbyes for now and left the house with Corbyn. He offered to drive me since he had already eaten. I hopped into the passenger seat and as soon as he closed the door he turned to face me with a smirk. "So, what's going on between you and Ryan?" I groaned and put my face in between my knees.
"He has a girlfriend, remember?" I mumbled.
"Oh right, I forgot about that. Sorry Lexi." he was quiet for a minute before continuing. "I still think you guys would be cute together."
"Thanks Corbyn," I said smiling.
"Of course Lexi. So, what is Chicago like?" he asks, changing the subject. The rest of the way back I answered all his questions about Chicago. Yes I have ketchup on my hotdog, Yes I love deep dish pizza, the weather is so bipolar there, and Portillos is my favorite fast food place. I told him what school was like and I told him about my two best friends. I told him how I haven't told them I am moving here yet because I am too upset I have to leave them. Corbyn was great at listening, and would give me a nod or a few words to let me know he was paying attention. Finally, when I finished, he gave me some great advice.
"Have you heard the saying 'don't wait until it's too late?'" he asked.
"Yes, why?"
"Well I think you should not wait to tell your friends. Sarah is your best friend, correct?"
"And won't she be happy for all of your success and understanding?"
"Then don't wait until it's too late to tell her. When you get back to Chicago, spend as much time with her as possible. It won't be the last time you see her, you guys sound super tight! You can fly her out to a few shows and spend more time with her then."
"Thanks Corbyn, I really needed to hear that!" I said. He blushed and parked outside of the hotel.
"Sorry if I'm not the best at advice..."
"Um what?" I said, cutting him off. "Corbyn, that was perfect! You are like the older brother I always wish I had!"
"Aww thanks Lexi! You are like a younger sister to me and the other four guys! We love having you around!"
"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" I said giving Corbyn his goodbye hug.
"We are going to miss you too! Have a safe flight, and call us when you land!" He called as I shut the car door. I nodded and waved to him as he drove off.

An hour had passed, and I was showered and fully packed. I had all my bags by the door and slipped on my air force ones. I threw on a fresh pair of clothes and put my necklace back on. I ran a brush through my hair and threw on my black beanie. I took my last bag, and headed out of my room.

Jeremy came right on time and hopped out to help me toss my bags in the back

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Jeremy came right on time and hopped out to help me toss my bags in the back. "Good morning Lexi," he said with a grin.
"Good morning Jer," I replied. I slid into the passenger seat and was handed a paper bag.
"I picked you up a sandwich if you want for the flight," he said.
"Aww Jer, that was so sweet! Thank you!" We chatted for a little bit and before I knew it, I was back at LAX. There were more people this time, but not as bad as I expected. I had to stand behind only 4 people for security, and made it onto my flight in time. I made my way to my seat, as I did a few days ago, and made myself comfortable. I didn't have coffee this morning, but I was not tired so I took out my computer to work on some music. I threw on my headphones and got to work.

By the time we landed back in Chicago, I had written a whole new song. It's called "Pastel Skies", and it was inspired by the beautiful sunrise and sunset I saw with Ryan. That was one of the best nights of my life and it was super special to me. I never want to forget that night, and something about it was so magical it gave me inspiration to write a song about it.

I got off the plane quickly and headed outside. It is 10 degrees outside, super sunny, super windy, and at least half a foot of snow. Yep, I am definitely back in Chicago. I heard a car honk and turned to see my mom waiting for me. I smiled and rushed over to her car, almost slipping on the ice in the parking lot. "Hey Mom!" I greeted her, climbing into the car. I gave her a nice long hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before I threw my seatbelt on.
"Hi honey! How was LA?"
"It was absolutely amazing! Better than what I dreamed it would be!" I said smiling.
"I am glad to hear that, did you make any friends?" she asked.
"I did! I became friends with this boy band called 'Why Don't We' and one of the members' younger brother," I said.
"Oh nice sweetie, what are their names?"
"Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Zach, Jack, and then Ryan is Zach's younger brother."
"Are any of them cute?" she asked and I blushed.
"Well, Ryan is pretty cute. He is also super funny and sweet and..." I noticed my mom staring at me so I stopped talking for a second. "Um, anyways he has a girlfriend so I don't have a chance."
"Aww honey don't say that! You have a chance, but keep in mind there are plenty of fish in the sea, like Max," she said. I rolled my eyes and smiled, she loved Max. "Whoever you end up with, I just want you to be happy."
"Thanks Mom! That means a lot," I said as we pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car and started hauling my stuff upstairs. It was a bit past 4:30 but surprisingly, I was not tired. I opened the door to see a giant banner saying "Welcome home Lexi!" in marker. Before I could process anything I was knocked to the floor by my best friend Sarah.

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