Chapter 3

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Wednesday flew by and before I knew it, it was Thursday morning! I woke up pretty early to finish packing and to get ready for the day. I threw in my last t-shirt and zipped up my suitcase. I grabbed my clothes and went to change.

 I grabbed my clothes and went to change

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I tried to look cute today. After all, I was starting my solo career today. This would be the first impression some people get from me so I wanted to look presentable. I wanted to wear something comfy though because I still had to go to school and sit on a plane for a few hours. I did light makeup for school and packed the rest of my makeup in my carry on bag for the airport. I curled my hair today and threw on my classic black beanie. I looked around my room and packed my last few essentials in my carry on bag. As I dragged my bags out to my Moms car, I heard a honk behind me. I jumped as Sarah pulled into the driveway 15 minutes earlier than normal. I shut the trunk and walked over to her car with my backpack slung over my shoulder. "Hey Sunshine, why are you here so early?" I asked, sliding into her car.
"Hey Geek, you look so cute today! Get in because we are getting one last coffee before you ditch me for LA." Sarah says with a sly grin. I grin back at her, she knows me so well! We pull up to the drive through and order our regulars before heading off to school. We park and start to walk when a familiar voice calls "Lexi!". I turn around and see smiley Max jogging towards us. He stops and glances at Sarah. She looks him, then at me, and walks towards school without me. What was that about? I turn back towards Max "Hey Max, what's up?" I ask, trying to keep my cool. He runs his fingers through his hair and looks down. He looks kinda nervous. Max nervous? This is not the Max I know. "I uh... have something for you," he smiles sheepishly. He pulls a box out of his back pocket and gives it to me. My heart stops and I don't know what to say. I slowly open it and I start to tear up. It was a gold compass necklace.

 It was a gold compass necklace

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"Alexis..." He takes a deep breath and I look up at him smiling while a tear slips out of my eye. "I have known you for such a long time. You are so incredibly talented and I know you are going to go places with your music. I got you this necklace to remind you of where you are going and how far you have come. I just want you to know I will always be there for you no matter what and we will never be too far apart." I jump onto him, crossing my legs behind his back and wrapping my arms around his neck. I bury my face into his shirt and cry for a minute.
"Thank you Max. I am really going to miss you." I hop down and give him the necklace. "Can you help me put it on?" I turn around and hold my hair up. I feel his warm hands on the back of my neck clipping the necklace.
"Let me see," he says. I turn around and strike a pose. He laughs "You look beautiful as always." I blush and we head to our first class together.

After first period, I normally don't get to see Max until lunch, so that was my final goodbye to him for now. Before I knew it, I had to say goodbye to my best friend in the entire world, Sarah. "I am really going to miss you Sarah," I say and embrace her in a tight hug.
"Promise you will come back for me before you leave for good?" She asks, her voice quivering.
"Of course Sarebear! I could never leave my best friend like that!" She sniffles and I feel my tears soaking her shirt. "Besides, I bet one day you could move in with me! There are really good highschools and colleges down there!" She pulls away and wipes her eyes.
"Yes! I am sure we can talk to your mom about it once I get settled down there!"
"Call me everyday?"
"I promise."
We hug one last time before I run out the door to catch my flight. "Bye Geek!" She says waving.
"Bye Sunshine!" I wave back.

I walk out the school doors to find my Moms car. I hop in and throw my backpack in the back. "Hey Mom!" I greeted.
"Hey Sweetie! Do you have everything you need?"
"I think so!" I say grabbing my carry on bag. The drive to O'Hare Airport was not that long, and it was not that crowded on a Thursday afternoon. I kissed my mom goodbye and hauled my bags into the airport. There was no line for security, so I had plenty of time to go to the washroom. I touched up my hair and makeup before loading on the plane. There were barely any people on the plane, so I took an empty row to myself. The flight takes about two and a half hours to fly to LAX and I was very tired from packing all night. I put on my headphones and fell asleep as the plane took off into the sky.

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