Chapter 31

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We walked in and the strong scent of alcohol greeted us. Adam's living room was filled with both people I knew and didn't know. I saw some of my old classmates, football players, and their girlfriends. A guy and girl approached Sarah to greet her. She said hi and introduced me to them, but my mind was elsewhere. I was busy soaking up the feeling of being a normal teen again, which I never thought I would miss. Although, I would never give up my fans and all I've worked so hard for! That means more to me than going to a stupid high school party to feel nostalgic.

We made our way to the kitchen after bumping into a couple people we knew and a group of guys asking us to dance. I grabbed a red solo cup and looked at my options. I ended up pouring a mango white claw into my cup, which the boys were always recommending. Oh shoot, the boys! I set my cup down to text Ryan that I would sleep at my house tonight and not to worry when Adam and one of his friends approached me."Hey Lexi! I'm so glad you could make it," he said, giving me a warm smile.
"Yeah I'm happy I could make it," I said, leaning on the counter.
"Oh right, Lexi, this is Jake, one of my good friends," he said, gesturing to the tall guy next to him who I've seen with Max before. "And this is Alexis, Max's girl," he said proudly. I felt a dull pain in my chest as my smile dropped. He didn't know? I was really surprised considering Adam was basically his best friend. Adam noticed my face and his eyes widened as his smile melted into concern.
"Uh...we aren't exactly together...anymore," I managed out, looking up so the tears forming in my eyes wouldn't fall.
"Oh...I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." he trailed off, starting to look confused. That makes two of us.
"Well thanks for hosting," I said politely before grabbing my cup and walking away. I didn't need anyone to see me cry.

"Lexi what the fuck, you've already had too many of those," Sarah said, snatching the new mango white claw out of my hand and replacing it with a cup of water.
"No...I've only had..." I lifted my hand so I could kind of see it in front of me, but brought it closer to my face because it was still very blurry. "One...two...three...four...five" I said, lifting each finger up slowly, "too many to count," I slurred.
"Exactly," Sarah sighed. "At least you've stopped crying." I frowned, trying to remember how long ago I chugged my first mango white claw, which was really good by the way, and was coming to find Sarah so I could cry. Only then I SAW Max walking near Sarah so I ran back into the kitchen before he could see me. I had totally ignored the fact that if Max and Adam are friends, Adam would definitely invite him. After that I drank a little more and THEN came to Sarah crying. Long story short, I was a little drunk and kind of a mess.

"Shit, I forgot I gave one of my friends my phone because I don't have pockets," Sarah sighed, guestering to her cute skirt. "Come on, let's go find him and get out of here," she said, grabbing my hand. I bumped into someone and almost fell on my face. "Fuck my life," she muttered, helping me over to the nearest couch so I could sit down. "Okay, stay RIGHT HERE I'll be back in like five minutes," she said, talking to me like I was a child.
"Okay," I answered. She disappeared into the crowd and suddenly, I didn't feel that well. I've been to Adams before so I knew the bathroom was close by. I stumbled my way to the bathroom just to find out someone was in it. I remembered he had another one upstairs that probably wasn't being used so I made my way upstairs to try and find it.

I walked down the hallway and found a door that was cracked open so I assumed it was the bathroom. Well, I could not have been more wrong. I walked into a bedroom to find two people heavily making out on top of the bed. I guess I was loud walking in because they stopped to look up at me and I could see the fear and shock on their faces. It was Max and Kaylee. I couldn't believe my eyes. Max was just in his boxers and Kaylee was in a lace black bra and matching underwear. "Lexi?" He whispered, but I was already running out of the room, as far away from them as I could.

I tripped on my way down the stairs only to be caught by...Ryan? I wasn't sure when he got there or how but I just cried and cried into his chest as he carried me out of there, followed closely by Sarah. My mind was racing, trying to process what I just saw.

I don't remember what happened after that, except I woke up the next morning with a POUNDING headache in my bed. I looked to my nightstand to find water, a plate of egos waffles, and some medicine. I looked down to see I was in an oversized T-shirt and pj shorts. Looking at the mirror across my bed, my hair was a mess but at least my makeup was taken off. My jewelry was placed nicely on my dresser as well as my outfit from last night. I took my medicine and was eating my waffles from last night when the memories from last night started flooding my brain. The feeling of heartbreak, betrayal, and worthlessness flooded me and I started crying again. Sarah came in and sat down on my bed to hug me. We sat in silence as I cried, which was all I needed. She knew not to push me, and I was so grateful for that. Finally I said "thank you for helping me last night."
"It wasn't just me, I had a little help from Ryan," she said softly. Wait what?
"What?" I said.
"He said he was worried when you weren't answering your phone, and so when he checked your location and saw you were at a party and got there as fast as he could and found you as you were about to fall down the stairs," she said. "Then he carried you back after you passed out to his car and drove back home and I drove my car over here."
"Where is he now?" I asked.
"He helped me get you ready for bed and he left to go back to the bus after I thanked him," she said, taking a bite of one of my egos waffles.
"Wait...did he dress me?" I asked going red. I was probably enough of a mess last night, I didn't need to embarrass myself any more.
"No of course not," she laughed. "I did, and I promise I didn't look, but he helped remove your makeup and jewelry," she said smiling. I blushed, imagining him doing it while I'm passed out.
"Thank you Sarebear," I said.
"Of course Lexi. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you out of my sight," she said, blaming herself.
"It's not your fault, at least I now know why Max broke up with me," I said, a lump in my throat forming.
"Wait what?" she asked, shocked.
"Yeah, I caught him hooking up with Kaylee," I said.
"Wait, Ryan's girlfriend?" she asked, shocked. I sat there, I completely forgot she was dating Ryan. Suddenly, all the pity I felt for myself vanished and a new anger filled me. The doorbell rang and Sarah turned her head to the hallway.
"Speaking of Ryan, that would be him," she said, getting up to get the door. Even though I wasn't feeling great, I still got up and followed her. She opened the door and he looked so surprised to see me.
"Hey Lexi, how are you feeling?" he asked.
"Are you and Kaylee still together?" I asked abruptly.
"Uh..yes why," he answered uncomfortably.
"Because then I caught her cheating on you with Max last night," I said. Ryan stood there shocked and he looked hurt for a second, but then looked at me like he was slightly doubting me.
"Are you sure? Because last night you were really drunk so..."
"I remember what I saw," I said confidently. His eyebrows moved into a slight questioning look as we stared each other in the eyes. He still doesn't look like he believes me! "Do you not believe me?" I asked, kinda hurt.
"It's nothing personal, it's just...maybe you didn't see things clearly. I know you don't like her so maybe you just assumed it was her..."
"Are you kidding me? I would never tell you your girlfriend was cheating on you unless I saw it myself," I scoffed.
"I get that Lexi, I do, but..."
"But what Ryan?" I fired. Sarah flinched at the growing tension.
"But maybe because you were so drunk off your ass last night I don't believe you! I get it, you're still heartbroken over some guy and you clearly don't like my girlfriend, but that doesn't mean you can come after my happy relationship because yours is a mess okay?" he snapped. I stared at him in shock as he realized what he just said.
"Lexi..." he trailed off.
"Leave." I said.
"I came to bring you back to the bus to get ready for interviews," he said.
"I'll get there later on my own. I hope your fucking happy with yourself," I said. I let him see a single fresh teardrop run down my cheek before walking back towards my room with more tears and a new pain in my chest.

Authors note:
Hey guys! It's only been like a week and a half, I'm proud! This has been one of the chapters I've been most excited to write this whole book! I'm pretty proud of it, especially considering how tired I am. Also I did NOT edit it or read it over so sorry of it absolutely sucks. Anyways, the book is wrapping up would you guys like another story? I'll take requests in the comments :)

Also please comment and let me know did you see this coming? I felt like I made it VERY obvious, but I would love to hear your thoughts!

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