Chapter 27

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I woke up in my bunk alone with my blanket placed over me. I must have fallen asleep during the second Harry Potter movie last night. I yawned and climbed out of bed. Today was our second concert and I was barely even nervous! I walked to our kitchen area and saw Jonah and Daniel were already awake. "Morning guys," I said as I grabbed a mug.
"Morning Lexi," they both greeted.
"How was last night?" I asked.
"Great, it was nice catching up with some old friends," Joanh said.
"What did you and Ryan do?" Daniel asked while grabbing the apple juice from our fridge.
"Not much, we just explored and got chased by some fans," I said, pouring the leftover coffee Jonah made into my mug.
"Yikes," Daniel laughed.
"Morning you three, it's time to wake the other princesses up from their beauty sleep," Jon said before walking over to the bunks. Moments later, I heard a scream and a thump. We laughed as the 4 other boys walked over to the kitchen area.

A few hours later, I walked out of my only interview for the day. I was interviewed by this funny guy who had a slight accent. Ryan had his interview after me, so we decided to meet in the green room for lunch once he was done. I grabbed a cup of water and sat on the couch, checking my phone for the first time this morning. Max had called me again last night so I decided to return the call. I put my phone to my ear and listened to it ring, eventually it went to voicemail. I sighed and scrolled through Instagram for a bit until Ryan walked into the room. "Hey how did it go?" I asked.
"Eh," he shrugged. "She was super nosey. She asked about my relationship with Kaylee the whole time," he said.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, grabbing a paper plate to fill with salad.
"It's fine, I'm just glad it's over with," he said, joining me. "Now we just have to wait a few hours for sound check."
"Wanna play uno?" I asked pulling out a deck of cards I stole from Jack earlier. He smiled and we sat down to play.

"20 minutes until showtime," Eric said, knocking on my open door. I smiled at him as my makeup artist grabbed the setting spray. I was a little nervous, but my body longed for the adrenaline rush I was bound to get once I hit the stage. I thanked the makeup artist and checked myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a cute top with a pair of jeans and my converse. I had silver hoops in with my necklace from Max, a necklace I bought in LA when I went shopping with Ryan and Zach, and my silver rings.

 I had silver hoops in with my necklace from Max, a necklace I bought in LA when I went shopping with Ryan and Zach, and my silver rings

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I smiled in the mirror, feeling super confident and happy. I couldn't believe a few months ago I was sitting in my room, recording myself singing a Shawn Mendez song and getting only a few views on YouTube, dreaming about performing on stage. Now here I am on tour, about to open for my new LA friends who act like my older brothers sometimes, in a giant stadium with a hit single and ep out and a bright future for my career ahead of me. Looking back at this moment now, just me smiling in the mirror, I wish I had savored it a little longer before everything went to shit.

I now had 15 minutes before getting on stage. I had my mic on and I kept peaking my head out from backstage to see the crowd. My phone started vibrating in the back of my pocket so I pulled it out and answered a call from Max.
"Hey babe, sorry I couldn't talk yesterday," I said smiling and walking farther backstage so I could hear him over the crowd.
"It's okay, no worries," he said. I could hear his smile through the phone and that made me smile even more.
"How's football going?" I asked.
"Pretty good, I'm actually going to the gym to lift weights in a few minutes," he said. "Listen Lexi, I wanted to talk to you about this as soon as I could." I gasped as my thoughts went straight to yesterday morning's picture fiasco.
"Is this about the picture with Ryan? I'm so sorry about the whole thing..." I started rambling.
"No Lexi, it's fine, it wasn't your fault," he laughed. I was shocked he wasn't mad or jealous. That's the Max I know and love! "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."
"Oh, okay," I said surprised.
"I don't know how to say this without hurting you, but I want to be honest with you," he said. I felt my throat tighten and my heart started beating faster. "Lexi, I've lost my feelings for you. Believe me, I tried so hard to fight for them, to fight for us, but you can't force feelings."
"W-wait what?" I stammered, tears filling my eyes.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't want to accept it," he said. He genuinely sounded sorry, which broke my heart even more. I couldn't see clearly, tears clouded my vision. I had to focus on each breath so I didn't choke on my tears. My knees gave out from under me and I fell to the floor still holding the phone with a shaky hand. I didn't even notice he stopped talking.
"D-did you ever l-love me?" I asked, my voice cracking.
"Of course I did Lexi, you know I did. I just think it's best to stay friends," he said. I never knew heartbreak could hurt so much.
"Yep, friends," I said.
"I'm so glad you took this well, I didn't want to hurt you," he said. He's so clueless. "Well I'm going to the gym, let me know how your concert goes!" he said before hanging up.

My phone slipped out of my hand and I curled into a ball and let all the pain from my fresh heartbreak out. Moments later I heard footsteps pound against the floor, getting louder and louder until stopping before me. Someone crouched down and engulfed me in a hug. I kept crying, feeling like it would never end. My tears soaked whoever's shirt it was, and my body shook in their arms. I felt those arms slowly pull back so I could look them in the face. I looked up to see Corbyn giving me an alarmed look and Ryan running towards me only a few feet away. Me and Ryan held eye contact until he reached me, Corbyn forced me to stand up, my legs still shaking. I fell into Ryan and held onto him like I would never let go. His hands played with my hair and rubbed my back to calm me down. My sobs started slowing so he started asking me questions. "Angel what happened?"
"H-he broke m-my heart," I choked out between sobs.
"That fucking asshole.." he started angrily before Zach put his hand on his shoulder.
"He said he l-lost his f-feelings for m-me," I elaborated before crying harder.
"Alexis two minutes before...what the actual fuck just happened?" Eric asked after he turned the corner to see me having a breakdown.

Authors Note:
Hey guys I COMPLETELY forgot to upload this like two days ago so PLEASE DON'T BE MAD IT TOOK SO LONG!

I hope this doesn't sound too rushed because I love this chapter and I love where this story is headed! This is just the first thing that happens to Alexis so just you wait! These next few chapters are going to be so good!

Anyways I hope everyone had a good day, and has an even better tomorrow! It's your choice weather it's going to be a good day or not :)

I love you all and we are SO close to 2k reads which is ABSOLUTELY INSANE considering we just hit 1k reads not that long ago! Seriously, I'm so grateful for all of you and have a great rest of your day!

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