Chapter 20

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It's been a few weeks since me and Max fought, and today is the day I leave for tour. Of course since our fight, he apologized to me and I forgave him, and then we went on like nothing ever happened. He did make a bit more of an effort to talk to me, which I greatly appreciated. Me and Max decided not tell anyone else about the fight considering we moved past it. That meant not Ryan or even Sarah knew about it. No one seemed to notice we didn't talk for about a week before he texted me. Ryan knew something was bothering me, but didn't push me to talk about it. Instead, he went out of his way to make sure I was okay every chance he got. One morning, he came by my house to drop flowers to see me smile. Another day when we were supposed to be rehearsing for tour, he cancelled it and took the whole day to sit on the couch and watch movies with me with the ice cream and chocolate he had brought over. He is truly amazing and I am the luckiest person in the world to have him in my life!

"What time are you guys leaving?" Sarah asked through the phone.
"We leave on the tour bus for Phoenix Arizona around eleven thirty tonight," I said while packing the last of my things.
"That's so exciting!" she said grinning.
"Thanks Sarebear, I just can't believe tomorrow is my first show!"
"You got this, I'll be joining you in a few days! Oh, and good luck with your drivers test today," she added.
"Thanks, I'm kinda nervous," I admitted.
"Don't be, you've been waiting for this day," she pointed out.
"I'm just glad all my paperwork finally got sorted out. Complicated legal shit," I mutter causing her to laugh.
"Hey, at least you got all your hours in before tour, then it would be another month or two before you could get your licence."
"I'm just happy the boys took time to help me," I said. The boys besides Ryan (because he wasn't old enough to accompany me) took turns taking me out to drive. Jonah would take me out often throughout the day and would keep track of how many hours I have left. He was always hyping me up on the road and helped me study for my drivers test. Corbyn also helped me study for my drivers test, and would also take me out to drive a lot. He didn't have any feedback on my driving skills and we would just chat about other things. Jack would take me out to drive and play the best music. We would jam along for an hour or so and he also never said a word about my driving. Daniel would randomly call me in the evening and take me driving at night to make sure I got all my night time hours in. And Zach...well, he always made me drive him to get food. He probably took me out the least, but hey, at least he always paid for my food!
"How are you getting there?" she asked.
"Corbyns going to pick me up and take me to the DMV in like 5 minutes," I said checking the time.
"Okay, I have to go watch Max's first off season game," she said, throwing on a sweatshirt.
"Oh right, thats today. Tell him I wish him good luck," I said grabbing my phone.
"I will, don't worry. Oh I forgot, he wanted to wish you luck on your test, and said he can't wait to be able to drive around town with you once you come to Chicago," she said. I blushed think of all the memories I have of Max driving with me. Although we were the same age, Max taught me how to drive since his birthday was only a few days after the cut off, meaning he was a bit older than me. He taught me everything I know and was always super supportive of me getting my license, since I decided to wait until after my birthday. I felt like I wasn't exactly ready to get my license and Max always supported my decision and tried to get me more comfortable with driving slowly. In fact, if it weren't for him, I would probably not even be getting my license before Junior year at all.
"Alright, bye Sarebear, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said before I hung up. Right on cue, Corbyn texted me telling me he was here. I checked my outfit one last time before heading out the door.

I was dressed pretty casual today

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I was dressed pretty casual today. I was wearing one of my favorite pairs of ripped jeans with a shirt I bought last week when I went to the mall with Jer. I gave the necklace Max gave me one last rub before I ran out the door.

"Well?" Corbyn asked leaning against the outside his car with a smile on his face. It's been a few hours and I just walked out of the DMV. I was pretty nervous to take my test, but my instructor was really nice and eased my nerves.
"I passed!" I yelled excitedly, showing him my drivers license proudly.
"Congrats! I knew you would pass," he said grinning at me. "Let me go full mom for a sec and take some pictures for the gram," he said squatting down to take pictures of me in the empty part of the parking lot.
"Wow Corbyn, you are really good at taking pictures," I complimented in awe.
"Thanks, make sure to give me photo creds," he joked. A few minutes later, I had posted my favorite photos on instagram and made sure to give Corbyn photo creds. As soon as I posted, my phone continued to blow up. Corbyn had to take a quick phone call so while he was waiting I checked feedback on my last post. I saw lots of comments congratulating me, and some hate ones that I didn't pay attention to. Ryan reposted my post on his story and wrote a sweet paragraph that caused my heart to melt. He wrote how proud he is of me and how he admires how hard I work, which brought tears to my eyes. My label tagged me and Ryan in their new post, which was a  cute picture of me and Ryan. They congratulated me on getting my licence and promoted our new song some more.
"Should we go out for ice cream, to celebrate?" he asked.
"Duh, you know I could never turn down some ice cream," I said walking over to the passenger side.
"Hey what are you doing?" he asked.
"Um...getting in the car?" I said confused.
"Yeah, getting in the wrong side of the car! YOU are driving us there he says, sliding into the passenger seat before I could say a word. I smiled and sat behind the steering wheel.

"I'll go grab us some napkins, be right back," Corbyn said standing up from his chair. I drove us to a new ice cream place and I was sitting at a table enjoying my chocolate ice cream. My phone buzzed and I saw Kaylee had made a new post on instagram. I opened it to see high professional photos of her modeling this underwear brand. My photos were just of me in baggy clothes goofing off with Corbyn. Her hair and makeup made her look flawless and looking at her tiny body made me feel insecure. For once, I looked at my ice cream and didn't want to eat it. Maybe that's why Ryan is with her and not me. "Does the chocolate not taste good here?" Corbyn asked sitting back down across from me with a puzzled expression.
"No, it's really good, maybe the best I've had," I answered truthfully.
"Okay good, well finish it before it melts!" he grins. He knows how to make me feel better. I smile and pick up my spoon to put the cold and creamy goodness into my mouth.

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