Chapter 1

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*Buzz Buzz* I slowly feel less groggy. My eyes flutter open; I can feel the warmth of the sunlight against my face from my window. Why is it so light out? *Buzz Buzz* I sit up and squint, looking at my clock. It was almost 6:00am. Oh shit, I have to get ready for school! Stomach growling, I rush to my bathroom to shower. The cold water hits my skin and jolts me awake. As I scrub my hair I sing a song I have been working on called 99 thoughts. The shower is one of my favorite places to figure out song lyrics. I don't know what it is, but sometimes I end up getting the best ideas! I turn off the water and dry myself off and a new lyric pops into my head. I need to write that down! I tuck my towel under my armpits and almost slip racing back out to my room.

*Buzz Buzz* I saw some old homework laying out on my desk next to my phone, so I grabbed a pen and used the back of it. *Buzz Buzz* I glance over to see my phone blowing up with notifications. *Buzz Buzz* What is going on? *Buzz Buzz* I quickly scribble down the lyrics and grab my phone just as it starts to ring. I look to see "Sarebear🐻💅✨" flash across the screen. I hit accept and put the phone to my ear. "Hey sorry I just got out of the shower but you didn't need to spam me like tha-"
"I'm so sorry, I recorded another cover last night and I fell asleep right after that." I said, cutting her off
"Huh? What do you mean by 'everyone'?" Panic rose in my voice
"Lexi, have you not checked your phone?" Sarah asked
"Ummm... no? I just picked up my phone because you were calling." I said
"Go check your channel! Now!"
"Just do it!" She said excitedly. I grabbed my computer and logged into youtube. I went straight to my video from last night and could not believe my eyes. I felt my phone slip out of my hand as I stared at my statistics. 6.2 million views? 2 million likes? 1.7 subscribers? How did this happen? I blinked my eyes to make sure I was seeing this right. "Hello? Lexi?" I heard coming faintly from the floor. I picked up my phone.
"W-how did this... happen?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair, still in shock.
"I don't know, you just blew up! You are basically a celebrity now! Have you checked instagram yet?"
"Not yet, but I will check now," I said opening my instagram. Over half a million followers? And I was verified? I checked to see who followed me and I saw some well known musicians and influencers. The one username that caught my eye was @atlanticrecords. Holy shit! My dream record label has followed me! I rushed over to my dms and found a message from them! It read;

"Good morning Alexis. This is Craig Kallman, the CEO of Atlantic Records. I am reaching out to you because I saw your amazing cover last night. Alexis, you have a true gift for music and know how to use that gift. I would like to present an offer to sign you with Atlantic Records. If you would be interested, we can work together on pushing your solo career and release an EP in a few months. I can put a team of talented songwriters for you if you do not want to write your own songs. We can book you on a tour if the EP does well enough and expand from there. We would love to fly you down to Los Angeles Thursday afternoon for the weekend to discuss this in further depth if you are interested. Please let me know and I can have someone book a hotel for you and find someone to drive you around. I have another solo artist already flying in Thursday morning, so he can show you around once you arrive. I have to be at a release party for one of our bands that is dropping an album Thursday night and you are welcome to come. I will send someone to pick you up at the airport, just let me know  if you are interested. We will figure out all the details for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to my office. I will leave my information below:"

I could not believe my eyes. I just got offered my dream record deal! I started to scream and jump up and down. "Wait what happened?" Sarah asked. I had honestly forgotten I was on the phone with her!
"SARAH! I JUST GOT OFFERED A DEAL WITH ATLANTIC RECORDS!!" I screamed with a huge stupid smile plastered across my face.
"OH. MY. GOSH. NO WAY!" She screamed back. I could feel her giant smile through the screen. For the next few minutes we were just screaming with excitement, and I felt like I was on top of the world. This is a feeling I would never forget.

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