Chapter 21

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After Corbyn dropped me home, I texted Ryan and asked if he wanted to hang out until we had to leave tonight. It was after lunchtime, so we agreed to go on a long car ride. "Hey you," Ryan greeted me with his signature smile as I opened the car door..
"Hey yourself," I greeted back, sliding into the passenger seat.
"Do you want to drive anywhere in particular?" he asked politely.
"Nope," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"You're adventurous, I like that," he laughed, causing me to blush. He reached out his hand to push a strand of hair out of my face. He gazed into my eyes and cupped my cheek for a second before pulling away. Why does he have such a big effect on me? His hand reaches the radio to pick a station and a song I love starts to play. We sing along loudly together with the car windows down, letting in the warm California breeze. I had my feet propped on the dashboard showing off my new vans. I gazed out the window looking at the sun shining through the palm tree leafs. In the moment, everything was perfect. All my stresses and worries vanished so I could just enjoy the LA weather and some amazing music with Ryan. The radio station played good song after good song and we kept singing loud. At stop lights, we got some weird looks, but we just kept singing loud with these stupid cheesy grins on our faces.

"Up next has been a highly requested song since it was released a few days ago. Here is Alexis and Ryan's new song!" the announcer says as our song starts to play. I gasp and turn to face Ryan who had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes were twinkling with happiness and the sun hit his face perfectly. My voice comes through the car speakers and I felt like I was floating; I can't believe my voice is on the radio! My dreams are coming true! My eyes started to tear up out of happiness and I felt like my smile could never leave my face. We started singing along to our song as loud as we could, savoring every moment of it. Our song finished playing and I leaned my head back on the seat, still processing what just happened.
"Woah, there is a sunflower field!" I pointed to the flower field in the distance. "Can we stop there?"
"Yeah sure, I'll bring my camera," Ryan said as he quickly parked. We hopped out of the car and he held out his hand, looking me in my eyes. I smiled and took his hand as we ran towards the field together.

Ryan's pov
Me and Alexis ran hand and hand towards the sunflower field. Her eyes were filled with excitement and she let out a cute laugh, the sound bringing a smile to my lips. She let go once we reached the field and spun around with her arms out. She looked so perfect, spinning around and not giving a care about what other people would think. Her hair soaked up the sun and her smile lit up the field by itself. "Freeze right there," I command. She stops spinning with a grin still on her face. I crouch down and point my camera at her. She poses and looks at the camera with her beautiful smile. Gosh, why does she make me feel this way? The butterflies I feel whenever she smiles flutter around in my stomach. I continued snapping pictures away and she kept posing. I even got a few of her mid laugh, which were probably my favorite. The lighting hit off her skin perfectly, making her glow like an angel. "You should be a model," I tell her. She just laughs at me and rolls her eyes.
"Yeah no, I could never," she said.
"Sure you could, you are gorgeous," I accidentally blurted out. I can feel my face heating up, but it is hidden behind the camera. I catch her blushing which makes me smile even more.

Alexis's pov
"Do you two want us to take a picture for you?" an old lady kindly asked us. She and her husband stood behind us smiling, they are so cute! I always love seeing old couples out in public, I don't know why but it's so cute.
"If you don't mind, that would be great, thanks!" Ryan said, flashing them a smile and handing his camera over to the husband. Ryan stood next to me and put his strong arm around my waist. I blushed from the contact and felt the sparks fly inside me.
"Ready?!" he said as he took a few photos.
"You two are so cute, why don't you try a few different poses?" the woman suggested nicly. We shrugged and I jumped on his back laughing. We did a few more such as him picking me up bridal style, us posing like partners in crime, and some other fun ones.
"Thank you so much," I thanked the couple as they handed the camera back to us.
"You are welcome. You two are an adorable couple, how long have you been together?" she asked.
"Oh," I said shocked, turning red.
"Um, we aren't together," Ryan said, turning redder than me. You would think we were used to this by now.
"Oh, my apologies! I just know young love when I see it," she said. I didn't think I could turn any redder but I just did!
"Enjoy the weather kids, drive safe!" the man waved to us before they linked arms and walked to the car chuckling amongst themselves.
"They are so cute," I sighed to Ryan. "I want that kind of love someday."
"Me too," he says, the sun reflecting off his face as we head back to the car.

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