Chapter 35

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*time skip*

I woke up to the noise of laughing coming from the kitchen area. I rolled out of my bunk in my new oversized t-shirt. I got it last week when I met up with the company who agreed to produce my merch, and the t-shirts were SO soft! It was a black t-shirt and I originally had my name in only pink and purple, but last minute I added a blue option, which is the one I'm wearing right now!

We took a travel day yesterday and arrived in Seattle Washington for our last performance. I couldn't believe today was the last day of tour! We have traveled all over the country performing in the coolest venues, and visiting places I had only dreamed of visiting. I was so lucky I got to travel with such amazing people. Jonah, Daniel, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn were all like older brothers to me, and I'm so grateful I got to open for them! I'm sad I won't be opening their next tour for them, and neither will Ryan, but both of us are going on our own tours! We just found out last week, and I'm super excited to take my career to the next level!

Over tour, I've written a bunch of new songs that I've fallen in love with. My favorite one I've written is Driver's License, which will be the first single I release off of my upcoming album that should drop a few months after we get back home. Daniel has helped me produce a ton of them and I'm so lucky to have a madly talented producer two bunks away.

"Good morning Geek," Sarah said as I entered the kitchen area, giving me a hug.
"Good morning to you too Sarebear," I said.
"I can't believe today is the last day."
"Me either, this will probably be the last time I perform live for a few months," I realized.
"You're going to kill it tonight, and I can't wait to hear drivers license," she said excitedly. After I perform it tonight, I'm doing a surprise release and dropping it a couple hours after the show ends at midnight. We shot the music video a few weeks ago and it looks pretty sick!
"I can't wait to put my baby out there," I grinned at her. "We will have to celebrate when we get back to my house with some pizza and a movie day on my couch," I said. Since Sarah is done with school for the year, she is allowed to stay with me for a few weeks over the summer as soon as we get back, and I'm so excited to show her around LA! She is going to be looking into a bunch of colleges around here (which is definitely part of the reason we were able to convince her mom). That way if she goes to college here (which is pretty likely) we can live together!
"That sounds perfect! I'm tired, so I can only imagine how tired you are," she says. I was about to call her out for staying up too late ONCE AGAIN hanging out with Corbyn, but right on cue, Jonah placed two coffee mugs in front of us.
"Last day as an opener, how do you feel Lexi?" he asks, ruffling my hair.
"Amazing," I said, swatting his hand away.
"Thanks for the coffee Jonah, I'm really going to miss it," Sarah said.
"I'm sure I'm going to wake up plenty of mornings and find you at my house snuggled up next to Corbyn, and I'll have to make an extra coffee for you" he joked, causing Sarah to choke on her coffee. I was wheezing when Corbyn walked in with Daniel, and Sarah just hid her red face.

When Ryan walked into the room, it was like time stopped. He yawned and stretched his arms above his head. His eyes were still half closed, and his dark fluffy hair was messy in such a cute way. He walked over to Zach to give him a good morning hug. "DAMN BRO STOP GROWING!" Zach yelled at him. Ryan laughed with his deep raspy morning voice, that made my heart skip a beat. Any time I was near him, he was all I could think about.
"Lexi? Lexi! Earth to Lexi!" Daniel teased me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glared at Daniel and he just took another bite of his donut and walked away with a smirk. But when he said my name, Ryan turned around and his eyes lit up when he saw me. He came over to me and gave me a hug from behind, whispering
"Good morning," in my ear.
"Good morning to you too," I said, taking in the sweet smell of him.
"I can't believe today is the last day," he mumbled, his breath tickling my ear.
"I know, but at least we are neighbors," I said. He buried his face in my shoulder and I felt a smile on his lips.
"Hey uh Lexi? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Zach asked.
"Yeah sure one sec."

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