Chapter 32

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As much as I didn't feel like going, a few hours later I was walking into my second and thankfully last interview of the day. The first one wasn't that bad, it was just me by myself. They mainly asked about my hometown and my future career plans, which was nice. I hinted I was planning on releasing more music once tour was over, which is exactly the answer they were looking for out of me. I've done enough of these to know what they want out of me, and if they are nice enough I'll give it to them.

However, I was dreading the second interview. This time, I would be interviewed with Ryan, who was one of the people I didn't exactly want to see right now. Not only was I still hurt by some of the things he said to me this morning, emotionally and mentally drained, but I also felt bad about how I treated him after he just helped my drunk irresponsible ass last night. I walked into the room in a decent looking outfit to cover up how crappy I felt.

 I walked into the room in a decent looking outfit to cover up how crappy I felt

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I had simple silver jewelry on and a pair of creased air forces to go with it. My hair was washed and dried this morning, but had nothing special done to it. I kept my eyes down as I walked over to the interviewers to introduce myself quickly. I looked up to find my seat and caught Ryan's gaze. His warm brown eyes stared into mine without emotion. It seemed as if we were strangers again. A shiver ran through my body as I made my way to sit next to him, keeping my eyes fixed anywhere else in the room. A small lady immediately rushed over and touched up my hair and makeup.

"Okay we will start in 5," said I don't remember his name. It was probably the longest 5 minutes of my life. I sat there and picked at my nails while trying to ignore the unsettling feeling of Ryan's eyes on me. Finally, he spoke to me, "Feeling better?" he asked. There was a slight bitterness in his quiet voice, and I knew he wasn't referring to my pounding headache. He was referring to me taking my anger out on him this morning. I wasn't having it, so I snapped back.
"Very. No thanks to you," I said, keeping my eyes forward.
"I'm sorry but does last night ring a bell for you? Oh wait...probably not because you were passed out for most of it," he fired back, voice still hushed. I turned to face him and looked at him dead in the eyes
"You would do the same thing if you saw what I saw," I said.
"And what exactly did you see?"
"I've already told you, Max and Kaylee, making out upstairs," I said frustratedly.
"No, that's what you THINK you saw, I'm asking what you KNOW you saw," he said. "Preferably without the alcohol involved."
"I get you are in a happy relationship and you don't WANT to believe me, but I know what I saw Ry. I don't get why you just don't believe me," I said right as our interviewers sat down and told the cameraman to start rolling.

"What are your favorite drinks?" the lady asked us with a big grin after a huge introduction.
"I think I know this," Ryan said, fakley flirtatious for the camera. However, I could tell exactly what he was thinking. Two can play this game.
"You should because it's Pepsi," I said, sending him a fake smile.
"Oh really? That's not what I was thinking," he said, not breaking eye contact with me.
"Really? I thought you knew me better than that," I added a fake laugh so hopefully the interviewers couldn't read the awkward tension between us.
"I thought I did too," he said, sounding a bit more serious than he intended, so he coughed to cover it up.
"Well, we asked your fans what they thought your favorite drinks are and we have them for you! Alexis, your fans were right and said your favorite drink is Pepsi, and Ryan yours said it's Coca-Cola," she said, handing us each a drink.
"Thank you so much," I said.
"Our fans are truly the best, they seem to know us better than we know each other," Ryan said. I let the comment slide and glanced at the clock, I can do this!
"Well that leads us into our list of questions to see how well you know each other," the man said. Oh gosh, this isn't going to end well.

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