Chapter 4

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The plane shifted in the air and woke me up. I looked out the window to see giant buildings
stretching wide below me. I could see the bright blue oceans already outlining the city. This was it, this was LA, and it looked even better than I dreamed it would be!

I walked over to the luggage and found my bags right away. I dragged my stuff to the washroom to fix myself up. I checked my phone to see my video was still growing in views and I was still gaining followers and subscribers. Of course there were haters, but I tried not to focus on that at the moment. I looked in the mirror one last time and gave a confident smile. I can do this!

I walked outside to see a dark skinned guy in his late 20's maybe with a bald head and a nice pair of earrings holding a sign with my name on it outside of a car. I walked over and he smiled at me "Are you Miss Alexis?" He asked with a gin. I smiled back; it was so hard not to smile around this guy.
"Um yes I am!"
"Great! My name is Jeremy, Jer for short, and I will be your driver today!" He takes my bags and places them in the back of the car. We hop on in, and he starts driving. "So Miss Alexis, I heard you are the new solo artist that signed with Atlantic Records, is that right?"
"Yes it is! I signed with them earlier this week!"
"Wow so you really are a new NEW artist!"
"I guess! This is my first time in LA and I am only here for the weekend to plan out my career with the label."
"Well since it's your first time here where would you like me to drop you? I am assuming you would like to get out and explore the city a bit. There is a lot to see here." I looked over at my bags. Jeremy noticed I was looking at them and quickly said, "I can drop your bags off at the hotel and I can pick you up in time for the album release party."
"Really Jeremy? I would love that!"
"Of course Alexis, and you can call me Jer."
"Okay thank you Jer, you can call me Lexi."
"Alright Lexi, where would you like to go?" I thought about it for a minute.
"Is there a quiet place to eat and work near the hotel? Somewhere possibly walking distance?"
"Actually there is a cute little cafe a few blocks away from the hotel, I can drop you there!"
"That sounds great! Thanks again Jer!"
"Of course Lexi! I'll pick you up at the hotel around 6:30 in time for the party!" With that, Jeremy waved goodbye and drove off leaving me in front of the cafe.

I had to work on some of my music and I was pretty tired from the flight so coffee sounded perfect. I stood in line and ordered a large carmel macchiato. I sat down in the corner of the cafe in a chair with a small table. I pulled out my headphones and my computer to get to work. I continued making a beat for one of my songs and a few minutes later my coffee was ready.

About an hour later it was 4:00. I needed to head back to the hotel soon to get ready. I had finished my coffee and just put the last touch on my beat. I listened to it and wasn't 100% satisfied. I bit my lip, trying to think of what to add. "Hey what are you working on?". I looked up to see a tall guy with fluffy dark hair. His eyes were an absolutely beautiful shade of brown that I could stare into forever. His smile warms me on the inside, and overall he is just really cute. I took off my headphones and put them around my neck.
"Um, nothing much, just a song," I said meeting his eyes. His face it up.
"Woah you write songs too?" I smiled. Cute and into music? Dang, this guy is the whole package.
"Yes I do!" I extend my hand, "I'm Alexis."
"Alexis, that's such a pretty name. I'm Ryan," he says shaking my hand
"Thanks Ryan! So are you an artist?"
"Yeah! Actually I recently got signed with a label."
"No way, congratulations!" He smiles
"Thanks! How about you, are you an artist?"
"Yeah, I just got signed with a label earlier this week and I flew down here to meet with them."
"Dang that's really impressive, congrats to you too! So can I listen to your song?" he asks with a grin. I blush a little and hand him my headphones.
"This is just the beat for one of my songs. It's almost finished but I can't quite think of what to add in." I press play and watch his face light up. He starts nodding his head to the beat and I can see in his eyes that he really likes it. Once the demo is done he takes off the headphones and hands it to me.
"Wow you are really talented! This is such a good beat! What if you tried adding some 808's in?" Wow, I didn't think about that. I click a few things with my fingers and listen to it again. Perfect. This was the sound I was going for. I gave him a huge smile.
"That's just what I needed! Thanks!"
"Anytime Alexis," he smiles.
"Oh, you can call me Lexi," I said.
He smirks, "Alright Lexi, can I have your number?" I blush.
"Yeah sure." He hands me his phone and I put my number in. I look at the time and it was around 4:30. "I would love to get to know you better but I have to go back to my hotel," I say giving him his phone back. "It was nice meeting you Ryan, I hope we can meet up soon!" I grab my stuff and start to walk out.
"Bye Lexi! I'll see you arourd," I walk out of the cafe with a stupid smile on my face I just can't wipe off.

I walk into my hotel room and start to unpack my stuff. I dig out my shower stuff and turn on the hot water. After I got out I curled my hair for the second time today, and threw on some makeup. I changed into a cute but simple outfit:

I want to make a great impression on the label but also express my style

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I want to make a great impression on the label but also express my style. I put on my compass necklace from Max, and rubbed it with my thumb to comfort me. I looked at the clock and Jer is supposed to pick me up in 10 minutes. I decided to face time Sarah because I have not had the chance to call her since I landed. I rang her and she picked up pretty fast. "Hey Sarah! I've missed you so much!" I said
"I've missed you more Lexi, how's LA?"
"It's better than what I imagined it would be! It's absolutely beautiful down here!"
"I am so glad to hear that!" She said smiling.
"Thanks! I'm heading to an album release party soon to meet my new label, and I wanted your opinion on how I look." I said putting my phone on the counter and backing up so she could see my outfit.
"Oh my gosh Lexi, you look amazing! Give me a twirl!" I laughed and spun around. "That is such a cute outfit! Your hair and makeup look fantastic too!"
"Thank you Sarebear!" I said picking up my phone. "Would these Doc Martens look cute?" I said holding a classic black pair
"Yes wear those!" She paused for a second, bringing her face closer to the camera. "Is that the necklace Max gave you?" She said with a gin.
I blushed, "Yes it is."
"I am adding him to this call!" She says and a few moments later, Max's face joined my screen.
"Hey guys! Woah Lexi, you look amazing!"
"Thank you," I blushed.
"Max she is wearing the necklace you gave her," Sarah said smiling.
"And it looks really good on her," he smiled back.
"Aww thanks guys! I have to go to an album release party, my ride is here."
"Alright, have fun and stay safe Lexi," Max said before leaving the call.
"I miss you, call me tomorrow to tell me everything!" Sarah said.
"I will!" I said before hanging up and walking out of my hotel room.

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