Chapter 26

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I waited for his lips to connect with mine but that didn't happen. I felt him pause and then at the last second move to kiss my cheek. Damn it Alexis! You almost just cheated on your boyfriend without even realizing it! I scolded myself as he pulled away and said "We should probably head back to the bus."
"Yeah," I managed to say. How can he instantly make me forget about everything?

We were about halfway across the town before I heard a few girls scream. Me and Ryan turned around to find a group of girls racing towards us and screaming their heads off. "Oh shit," Ryan muttered as he grabbed my hand and we took off running. I have never been chased by fans before, and it was a lot scarier than I imagined it would be. We ran down alleyways and eventually hid behind a dumpster. Once my heart rate calmed down, I noticed how close me and Ryan were. We were snuggled together in a tight space and I didn't really mind it. I felt something hard poke my back and I froze turning red. Did I just give Ryan a...? My face flushed red at the thought. I couldn't see his face the way I was turned but I felt him immediately stand up. I stood up and didn't look at him as we continued walking down the alleyway. I stopped and pretended to tie my shoes so Ryan walked past me. I looked up to see he did have one. He had his hands positioned there to try and cover it up, but it didn't work. Shocked, I got up and walked with him back to the bus, my mind blank.

We got back on the bus and went to our bunks without saying much. I checked social media to see how management decided to handle the picture from earlier. I saw it was deleted, but fan accounts were posting it everywhere. Everywhere I looked, there the picture was. I didn't really get any backlash and neither did Ryan. Most people understood we were just friends and mentioned it on the captions. It seemed everyone wanted us to be together. A few people accused us of cheating but definitely not as many as I thought it would be. I looked at Max's account and saw he was getting a lot of messages saying how Ryan is better than him and how he doesn't deserve me. It broke my heart to see my boyfriend getting this much hate just for dating me. I checked Kaylee's and it was the same thing except she already has a fanbase so some of them were calling me ugly names. No longer in a great mood, I decided to take a nap until the boys got back for dinner. They would for sure wake me up!

Hours later, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I rolled over to see Ryan standing there. "Hey, we already ate. I brought you some food," he said, handing me a plate full of food. I smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks," I said with a tired voice. He smiled back and climbed into my bunk.
"Wanna watch Harry Potter like we suggested earlier?"
"Sure!" I said grinning.
"Okay I'll go grab some snacks and my computer," he said.

We finished the first movie and decided to watch the second one since the boys still weren't back. "Ugh Fred and George are SOOO hot!" I said as the Weasley twins entered the screen.
"What do you even see in them? They aren't even that good looking" Ryan complained, causing me to laugh.
"Are you jealous?" I asked.
"What? No way!" He said.
"You definitely are!" I teased.
"Whatever," he mumbled.
"Hey it's cute," I said without thinking.
"You think?" He asked, smirking at me.
"Don't get too cocky, your last name still isn't Weasley."
"Yeah Herron is even better," he said.
"Is it though?" I joked.
"Yep, it would suit you much better than Weasley anyway," he said.
"So you're saying your last name would suit me?"
"Yeah, Alexis Herron has a much better ring to it than Alexis Weasley," he said stubbornly.
"Does it now?" I said, feeling myself blush.
"Yeah it does," he said, leaning back to watch the movie.
"I think it does too," I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the short filler chapter! This chapter was kinda a mess and all of my random ideas were just thrown in so I hope it didn't turn out too bad, I just wanted to give you guys another chapter as soon as I could considering we are getting close to some chapters with A LOT of tea, so grab your mugs and get ready (also at least this one didn't take me over a week to write lol).

I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter and I hope all of you have an amazing start to your week!

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