Chapter 2

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I hear a honk outside and check myself in the mirror one last time. I tried to look normal today and not stand out. I threw on light makeup and brushed my hair, leaving it down.

I grabbed my black beanie and ran out of my house towards Sarah's car

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I grabbed my black beanie and ran out of my house towards Sarah's car. She has been driving me to school everyday since she got her license. I am 16 now so I could get mine, but I have not put in enough hours yet. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack inside. "Hey loser" I greeted her, clipping my seatbelt.
"Hey Miss Celebrity" She greeted back with a grin before backing out of my driveway. I groaned and pulled my beanie over my eyes.
"Do you think anyone at school saw my video?" I asked, already knowing the answer but not wanted to accept it. She was quiet for a minute. I look over at her chewing on her lip thinking. That's something she does when she is thinking hard; I picked that up not too long after we met. Me and Sarah went to different schools all the way until highschool. We have been best friends since freshman year.
"Lexi, your video got A LOT of views last night, and it's still going up by the minute. I think some people from our school must have seen it, and that's okay! You have such an amazing voice, and that is why it did so well! I am sure today will be fine and it will be just another normal day. We have a bunch of classes together and the few classes I don't have with you Max will be there..." I didn't even have to look at her to know she was smirking at me.

Max has been my best guy friend since kindergarten. He is more popular than I am, but for some reason he is always there for me and will hang out with me. I have kinda had a crush on him since the summer before high school. He has no idea, and I plan on keeping it that way. I blushed when she mentioned his name. "We will make sure nothing happens to you. Besides, you are going to LA in two days! You will be out of this hellhole soon enough! Well, if your mom says yes." She drums her fingers on the steering wheel as we come to a red light.
"Yeah I am hoping to ask her after school. She has always been super supportive of my singing. I just hope this school day goes by fast so I can ask her." I say as Sarah parks her car. We hop out and start walking in. Already I am getting a bunch of stares and I see some people taking photos of me. Sarah is talking about something but I'm not really paying attention. I wonder how long it will take for these photos to get out. As we walk into first period I see a cute, tall muscular guy in a hoodie walk over to us.
"Hey Sarah! Hey Lexi!" Max nods at us with his charming smile, "I saw your video last night! It was absolutely amazing. You are so talented!" He says with a goofy grin. Butterflies flutter in my stomach.
"Thanks!" I blush not meeting his dreamy eyes as we all go sit down.

Our first class is math, which I am pretty good at. The bell rings and our professor starts class. I am not paying attention when he calls on me. "Ms. Alexis, can you please provide us with the answer to number 4?" His back is towards the class. Everyone else turns to look at me and I can feel my cheeks heating up.
"Umm..." Max tilts his book and points so I can read his answer. "...37i" I say quickly.
"Very good Alexis." He says, with his back still turned towards me. I flash Max a smile and mouth "thank you". He returns the smile, "Anytime" he mouths with a wink. My heart starts to melt and I turn back to my book.

The rest of the day is a blur, some people whispering and pointing at me. I would like to say I was getting used to it, but that would be a lie. All the attention still made me super uncomfortable. Max and Sarah didn't leave my side once and I was able to get through the day fine. How did I end up with such great friends? Anytime I got stared at or pointed at, they would always distract me with a conversation. After our last class, me and Sarah waved goodbye to Max as he ran off to get ready for football practice. "How did today go?" Sarah asked as we walked out to her car.
"It was fine. Besides the staring and pointing everything was normal," I said opening the car door.
"I am glad to hear that! I'm sure things will be better tomorrow and soon you will be out of this town!" She said giving me a smile. We blast some music and head on home, stopping at Starbucks on the way. The last song finished and we have been sitting on my driveway for at least 15 minutes just singing our hearts out. I thank her and walk inside my house. Right away, I found my mom in the kitchen cooking. I closed the front door and she turned around instantly.
"Hey Mom!" I greeted her.
"Hey Sweetie, how was your day?" She said smiling. I embrace her in a hug.
"It was okay." I took a deep breath "Mom, I have something important to talk to you about." She pulls away and searches my eyes for answers.
"Okay, let's sit down and talk about it," she says and sits down next to a fresh baked loaf of banana bread. I sit down and cut myself a piece.
" So Mom, you know how I have always dreamed of becoming a singer?" She nods and I continue. "And I upload videos of me singing on youtube?" She nods again. "Well, one of my videos did pretty well last night. And by pretty well I mean it completely blew up and I got offered to sign with Atlantic Records!" I exclaimed. She gasps and covers her mouth. After a moment she pulls me into a hug and starts to cry.
"I knew you could do it!" I start to tear up too. We sit in a hug for a long time before I pull away.
"Is it okay if I fly out to LA Thursday afternoon? I don't know how much school I have to miss but it will just be for a few days to figure out what my career is going to look like. The CEO wants to meet with me as well! I haven't given the official yes yet because I wanted to see what you had to say." I look at her blank face, trying to read something, anything at all.
"I'm glad you waited for my approval and I am happy to say I will let you fly out..."
"YES YES YES!" I scream cutting her off and leaping out of my chair to hug her.
"BUT you will have to go to the first half of your classes and then I can take you to the airport before lunch. Make sure you have all the information you need from them and all your stuff packed before you leave."
"Deal! Thank you so much Mom! I love you!" I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before running to my room to tell Sarah the great news!
"I love you too Sweetheart!" She replies. I have a huge stupid grin on my face that I can't get off. I can't believe it! My dreams are actually coming true!

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