Chapter 25

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Alexis's pov:

"Won't she be even more mad since she's on her period?" I heard Zach say from a few feet away.
"I don't know, I've never experienced a period," Jack said.
"Maybe this is a bad idea and we just shouldn't tell her. What are we gonna say? Good morning Lexi, your hair looks great this morning! Also did we mention we took a picture of you and my brother sleeping together this morning because you guys were so cute and now we just pissed off your boyfriend and commented a few things that shouldn't be commented and now the fans are going nuts? Up my ass Jac-"
"You mean YOU commented-"
"Wait what did you say?" I said, startling the two shortest members in the band.
"Shit! I mean...oh Lexi, you're awake...," Zach said.
"Please explain to me why I just heard you say 'boyfriend' 'pissed' and 'fans' in the same sentence?" I said carefully untangling myself from Ryan so I wouldn't wake him up. The two boys in front of me jjst looked at each other.
"Hey this was your idea, not mine," Jack said, backing away from me and Zach. Zach shot Jack a dirty look before meeting my eyes.
"Look, all I did was post a picture of you and my brother sleeping this morning on the band's Instagram page because I thought you two looked cute and then your stupid boyfriend saw it and got jealous so he had to leave a nasty comment insulting my brother," he said.
"What did he say?" I asked confused. That didn't sound like something Max would do!
"He fat shamed my brother," Zach said. "He said you don't like beach whales and told him to stay away from you." I looked at him in horror as he continued taking "But don't worry, I called him a jealous little bastard and now we are all over the media," Zach said. I sat there shocked as Ryan stirred from his sleep.
"What a great way to start off the morning," Jack said sarcastically before an angry Jon yelled "ZACHARY DEAN HERRON! WHY DID I WAKE UP TO SEE YOUR FACE ON THE HOLLYWOOD FIX?"
"Ugh, not them,"Zach groaned and slowly dragged his feet to our kitchen area.
"What happened?"" Ryan mumbled rubbing his eyes. Jack sighed and began to retell Ryan what Zach just told me.

"Don't worry guys, it's all being taken care of," Jon assured us after getting off the phone with someone. We sighed as our phones continued to buzz from being tagged in more posts. "This should blow over in a few days anyways, just next time watch what you say online," he said, looking at Zach. "Just lay low on social media for a few days guys. This isn't something that hasn't happened before, and it will happen again. That's fame for you," Jon said dismissing us back to our bunks.

A little while later, while me and Ryan were playing uno, the boys started making their way to the front of the bus. I was wearing a casual but cute outfit with silver hoops, my necklace from Max with a chain Corbyn let me borrow, and my silver rings.

 I was wearing a casual but cute outfit with silver hoops, my necklace from Max with a chain Corbyn let me borrow, and my silver rings

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"Where are you guys going?" Ryan asked
"We have some friends who live in Denver," Jonah said.
"They are picking us and a few other people up," Corbyn said.
"It will be like a small house party," Daniel said, adjusting the cowboy hat on his head (for what reason, I couldn't tell you).
"Do we have to come?" Ryan asked, sounding like he didn't exactly want to.
"Nope, you guys stay here and make sure Jon doesn't miss us too much," Jack said, winking at Jon who was right next to us before they ran out the door to climb into the two nice black cars that were parked by our bus.
"Eric, we finally have a day off babysitting," Jon said jokingly, throwing his hands in the air.
"About damn time," Eric replied, receiving a few giggles from me and Ryan as he sipped a beer.
"What have you two planned?" Jon asked.
"Nothin-" I started.
"We are going to explore downtown if that's okay," Ryan cut me off.
"We are?" I asked, turning towards him with a smile.
"Only if you want to," he smiled back. I grinned and nodded, I was super excited to see downtown Denver!

"Why did it have to rain today," I groaned as we crossed the street, getting completely soaked before taking shelter under a bookstore.
"It's quite beautiful," he said, watching it in awe, "but not as beautiful as you," he said, turning towards me. I turned to stare into his sparkling eyes and wondered how his hair still looked perfect when it was wet and messy. I must have been staring too long because he quickly flashed a grin and grabbed my hand, dragging me inside the bookstore.

I'm not sure how long we were there, but it was a long time. Turns out, Ryan is kinda a bookworm, which somehow made me fall for him even more! We found out we both like Harry Potter and agreed to watch the first movie when we get back. "The rain has lightened up slightly," I pointed out as we left the bookstore.
"You know what I've always wanted to do in the rain?" he asked. I looked at him and saw a mischievous grin.
"Oh no..." I started. But it was too late, Ryan took off running down the street leaving me no choice but to follow him. Once I caught up, he took my hand and together we ran through the streets. It sounds lame, but it was absolutely magical. The rain drenched us but we didn't care, we just laughed and continued racing through the streets like we were the only ones in the world.

Finally, out of breath, we collapsed onto some grass from a park we ended up in. I let the cold grass tickle my skin and stared up at the sky as the rain stopped. Off in the distance was a large rainbow. "That was so much fun," I said once I got my breath back.
"It was," he responded. We bathed comfortably in each other's silence for a while before standing up to walk back. We made it all the way to the other side of town. I turned to start walking back when he grabbed my hand, pulling me back. I turned around and almost fell into his chest. His other hand tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear. It lifted my chin towards him and he cupped it. My heart was beating so fast as I looked into his dark sparkling eyes. He leaned forward and his lips were an inch from mine with his eyes closed. Before I could process what was happening, I closed my eyes and let him inch even closer.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Sorry this is so poorly written, I wanted to give you guys something since it's been a while :)

I've been dealing with a lot of stuff lately and it's been so emotionally draining. Always remember to take care of yourself first because it's very important!

Anyways love you guys and thanks for all the support on my story so far! I feel like I don't thank you guys enough <3

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