Chapter 30

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"Hey Adam," I said, letting a long breath out and letting my heart rate slow down. At first I thought Adam was Max. They both have similar builds and are about the same height, although Adam has lighter hair and less muscular arms.
"What are you doing here? I didn't think you were going to arrive until tomorrow?" he asked with a smile. Adam is one of my good friends. I met him through Max, and we even had English together this year! Max...the thought of him still pained me and I frowned when I noticed he wasn't with his friend group.
"Yeah no I got here late last night," I said, faking a smile.
"Sweet! Does that mean you're free tonight?" he asked excitedly.
"I think I am..." I started, not sure how to respond with all the thoughts running through my head.
"Perfect, you should totally come to my party tonight!" he said. A smile grew on my face, as I processed what he just said. I haven't been to a party in forever! I mean, I never went to many parties besides the occasional party one of Max's friends threw that I was dragged along to, or a birthday/holiday party. Come to think of it, Adam hosted a party not too long before I went viral, but that night I stayed home to work on preparing that cover of "Say you won't let go", which really paid off in the end! I kinda took these small parties for granted, and I was starting to miss some aspects of being a normal teenage girl.
"I would love that," I said, trying not to sound too eager.
"Cool, I'll see you later," he said, walking off to catch up with the rest of his football friends. I smiled and walked into the restaurant happier than I've been in a while.

I stopped right in front of the table Sarah was at. She was reading a book and didn't hear me walk up. "Hey Sarebear," I said. She jolted out of her reading zone and looked up at me.
"Alexis!" she squealed, jumping up to hug me. I squeezed my best friend tight, missing her hugs so much. We sat down across from each other and started talking. "So how have you been holding up?" she asked me.
"I've been getting a little better each day," I admitted, smiling a little.
"I wish I could have been there for you. Max is a total jerk for hurting you like that," she said.
" is he?" I carefully asked, feeling little nervous butterflies in my stomach.
"I honestly don't know, I stopped talking to him," Sarah said shrugging, "I've just noticed he seems a little distracted during school and hasn't been hanging out with his friends a lot lately."
"Yeah I just saw Adam and some of his other friends walk out of here without him," I said.
"It's better if you don't have to see his ugly a** face," she said bitterly. I nodded in agreement with her.
"Speaking of Adam, did you know he's having a party tonight?" I asked excitedly. Sarah was quiet for a minute before responding.
"Yes I did, but Lexi I don't think..." she started before I cut her off.
"Okay cool, so we're going!" I said, as our waiter came over. Sarah quickly gave our orders and continued our conversation.
"Lexi, I'm not sure if going to the party is such a great idea," she said.
"Why not?" I asked. She looked conflicted, but I knew exactly what she was going to say.
"Adam and Max are still he might be there," she said.
"So? I can just avoid him," I said.
"Lexi, it's not that easy," she said.
"It can be," I said.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt, what if we had a movie night with your mom or..."
"Or we can just go to the party," I said. "Sarah, I haven't been able to feel like a normal teenage girl in a few months. I just want to go to the party and feel normal for one night," I said. Sarah frowned at this and sighed,
"I guess we can go..." she said.
"Yes!" I threw my hands up in victory. "You're the best friend ever," I said, making her laugh.

We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon with my mom, until we headed over to Sarah's house to get ready for the party. Sarah let me borrow a black skirt and top for the party, which matched my silver jewelry well. She curled my hair and did my makeup. "Is there anything you want me to fix?" she asks, having me turn around and face the mirror.

 "Is there anything you want me to fix?" she asks, having me turn around and face the mirror

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I felt a new burst of confidence as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was grinning as I spun around to see my outfit from all angles. "I'll take your smile as a yes," Sarah grinned. I struck a hot pose causing her to giggle. She too looked amazing! She was also wearing a black top and skirt with gold jewelry. Her hair was naturally straight so she just left it down and did her own makeup.

 Her hair was naturally straight so she just left it down and did her own makeup

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"Okay we are looking good," I said to Sarah. She grinned, and grabbed her car keys.
"Let's go then bitch, because the party doesn't start until we walk in."

Authors note:


Happy Thursday everyone! The week is almost over, you can make it!

If you're wondering why I had time to write today, it's because I'm home sick from school, so this is the only other thing I've done besides sleeping and trying not to die. Oh...and I just got my 4th covid test of the year an hour ago...go me I guess.

Thank you everyone for being so patient, I've been so overwhelmingly busy, but I'm glad I had time to write a chapter today! I can't promise how soon the next chapter will be, but just know I'm trying my best :)

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