Chapter 18

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"Hey Lexi, want me to pour you a glass?" Daniel asked, holding a bottle of champagne.
"No thanks Daniel, I'm underage," I laughed. The party was amazing; I was having so much fun with my friends! It was a little past 8:00 and Ryan wasn't here yet, but that didn't stop me from having a great time with the boys and Sarah! I was watching Corbyn and Sarah flirting when I heard the front door open. A few seconds later, Ryan walked into the room holding the hand of a small skinny blonde girl. Her hair was perfectly curled and long. Her face was covered in makeup that brought out all her features and her tight crop top and short skirt showed off her curves and skin. She was even prettier in person! Ryan saw me and his face lit up as he brought the barbie like girl over to me.
"Hey Alexis! Sorry we were late," he apologized. Gosh, why does his face have to be so cute?
"Oh it's okay, don't worry about it," I lied. How old was she?
"Lexi, this is my girlfriend Kaylee. Kaylee, this is Alexis. It's her release party tonight," he said smiling.
"Nice to meet you," Kaylee said through a fake smile, her unnaturally white teeth showing. She held out her hand for me to shake.
"You too," I said with a matching fake smile. I shook her cold hand as her long and sharp acrylic nails pricked my skin.
"Babe, why don't you get us drinks? I think me and Alexis need to get our," she looked at me, still with a fake smile, "girl talk on."
"Oh yeah of course! Lexi, do you want anything?" he asked.
"No thanks," I sweetly replied. He smiled, clearly pleased with himself, and walked to the kitchen. As soon as he was out of view, Kaylee turned around to face me.
"So you're Alexis?" she asked coldly.
"Yes I am, what about it?" I asked, returning the coldness.
"You better stay away from my boyfriend," she threatened. I laughed, who does this girl think she is?
"I think you forget me and Ryan are going to be on tour together," I said, smirking.
"Oh I'm not too worried about that. In fact, I'll be there as well," she said, smirking. I felt like I had just been smacked in the face. There is no way this girl was coming on tour with us!
"Here you go Babe," Ryan said, giving her a red solo cup filled with I don't know what. "What were you guys talking about?" he asked. Kaylee's fake sweet smile returned on her face.
"Oh not much, I was just telling Alexis here about my modeling career," she lied. Of course she was a model. I wanted to mention she was apparently coming on tour with us but decided to say nothing.
"Oh yeah, Kaylee is a pretty well known model! She's ranked one of the best seventeen year old models across the country," he told me. She's 17? She's a bit older than me, I just turned 16.
"Oh, nice," I forced out. I crossed my arms over my stomach, insecure after comparing myself to her tiny figure.
"Babe, you're too kind," she says, putting her hands on his chest. I can't see this right now, it's too much.
"I'm, uh, going to go find my boyfriend," I said, hurrying out of the room before either of them could say anything. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone. Sarah turned around in the middle of a conversation with Corbyn.
"Oh hey Lexi! How are y...wait what's wrong?" she asked, worried.
"She's a model. She's a fucking model Sarah!" I frantically told her
"Woah calm down! Who is 'she'?" Sarah asked.
"Ryan's new hoe," I mumbled.
"He brought her to YOUR EP party?" Corbyn angrily asked. I just nodded and tried to blink back my tears. "We will have to talk to Zach later," Corbyn said angered.
"Hey, what's going on?" Daniel said, walking over with the bottle of champagne in his hand. I looked at the bottle for a second.
"On second thought Daniel, pour me a glass," I mumbled.

"3...2...1!" We all started cheering as the clock turned 11:00. I can't believe it, my first EP is officially out! I was slightly tipsy by now after having three glasses of  champagne, trying to get Ryan and his stupid girlfriend out of my head. I was tackled with hugs from the Why Don't We boys and Sarah. Max came from behind and picked me up, spinning me around. I laughed and forgot about everything for a minute until Ryan came up to me."Congrats Lexi!" he excitedly said, engulfing me in a hug. I looked over his shoulder to see Kaylee sending me a death glare. I just ignored her and hugged Ryan back, even though I could feel Max tense up besides me.
"Thanks Ry, that means a lot to me," I said. I breathed in his cologne one last time before Max cleared his throat. We pulled away and blushed slightly before he walked back to the barbie doll giving me a cold glare.

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