Chapter 29

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Ryan's pov:

It's already been a week since Max broke up with Alexis. We just got done with our 7th show and have been on the bus heading to our next stop, Chicago, for at least an hour. Alexis looks like her normal self out on stage, but as soon as she is off, her smile disappears and she lays in her bunk all day unless we drag her out of it. She turned her phone back on this morning to call her mom and Sarah, but she still doesn't use it much. It breaks me to see her this way, all I want to do is hold her and make her smile again.

I haven't been doing so well lately with Kaylee, but I haven't talked to anyone about it yet. She doesn't really text or call me, not that she ever did, and only wants to communicate publicly on social media or in person. I have a feeling long distance is really hard for her, and I completely understand. I don't want to bring it up because I feel like it might upset her. I just feel weird seeing all the things she posts about us on social media, like how proud she is of me or how much she loves me, when she can't even send me a simple text. But enough about my relationship, Alexis is my main priority right now.

It's been a really quiet ride so far. I was on the couch with Lexi's head in my lap. I was braiding her hair and admiring her highlights while she was eating her second pint of ice cream for the day. The rest of the boys were really tired so they were all in their bunks either asleep or chilling. "I shouldn't be eating this," she said, pushing the ice cream away from her.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I can't afford to gain any more weight," she said, her voice trailing off as she sat up.
"What do you mean?" I was surprised, this came out of nowhere! I don't understand how someone as gorgeous as her could be insecure.
"That's probably why he broke up with me," she said, her eyes watering. I pulled her into a hug as I've done plenty of times since the break up happened.
"He doesn't know what he's missing," I whispered quietly.
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. It's just...I've like him for so long now..." she paused and sniffed, "and I feel like I not only lost him as my boyfriend, but one of my best friends," she said crying softly.
"It's okay, you get to have two days off now in your hometown! You can visit Sarah and your mom," I suggested. I saw her smile slightly and looked at her phone. "Go ahead and give them each a call, they need to hear from you and make sure you are okay. After that, get some sleep," I said.
"Thanks Ryan, for everything," she said, going on her tiptoes give me a kiss on the cheek.
"Always, goodnight Lexi," I said, looking out the window at the dark sky so she couldn't see the color change that was still occurring when she said things like that to me.
"Goodnight Ryan, I love you," she said walking away with a smile on her face. I love you? I knew she didn't mean it like that which hurt slightly, but I couldn't help but replay those words in my head.

I stayed up as Alexis called Sarah in the back of the bus. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I opened Instagram and saw some posts from fan accounts wondering if Alexis was okay because of her performance a week ago and the fact that she's been of social media for the first time, and without warning. However, the picture that caught my eye was one of Kaylee in the stands at a football game. It looked like a casual high school game, maybe one of her cousins' games? I swiped to see more pictures of just her until I ran into one she took hugging a guy. He was sweaty in his football uniform with his helmet off. I couldn't see either of their faces, but I got a clear view of the school name. It was the name of Alexis's school, what was she doing there? I looked at the caption and saw she tagged Max. I instantly relaxed, knowing it was only one of her friends. Sarah and Max have been great friends to Kaylee since she moved to Chicago, so I was glad to see she was hanging out with some friends.

Alexis's pov:
I woke up for the first time this week without tear stained cheeks. Baby steps are still some forms of progress! I stepped out of my bunk and walked to the kitchen area. I felt a lot better after catching up with Sarah and my mom last night. Sarah was doing great in school and her sports, wasn't talking to Max anymore, and was meeting me for breakfast after her practice in an hour. Surprisingly, Zach was the only one in the kitchen area, drinking orange juice with a green straw. He looked up and saw me walk in with a smile on his face. "Good morning," he said.
"Good morning Zach," I responded.
"Have any plans for today?" he asked.
"I'm going to meet Sarah for breakfast and then me and her are going to spend time with my mom," I said, pouring myself a glass of water.
"That sounds like fun," he said. "Oh wait, I did want to talk to you about something," he said quietly.
"What is it?" I asked, putting my water down on the counter and turning to face him.
"Do you still have feeling for my brother?" he asked.
"I know you just went through a rough breakup, but I still want to know," he said.
"Can we talk about this later? I have to go meet Sarah," I said.
"Yeah sure," he said. I sighed in relief and exited the tour bus.

When I walked to the breakfast place, I saw Sarah sitting by a window. Her hair was even longer than before and she was wearing a super cute outfit. I was about to walk in when a group of guys walked out of the breakfast place and one of them met my eyes, "Alexis?"

Authors note:
Hey guys it's been like a month and a half...

I know.

I've been so busy that I completely forgot about this story, but I will definitely try to be more consistent.

Sorry this chapter is short, I wanted to give you guys something since it's been a minute :)

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