Chapter 6

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"5...4...3...2...1! WHOOHOO!" the boys yelled as Jonah popped a bottle of champagne, having it squirt everywhere. Everyone cheered and started taking a sip of their drinks. Me and Ryan split a can of sprite since we are underaged. Once everyone calmed down a little bit, they gave a toast and gave thanks to everyone who helped them with the album. They got out a big speaker and started playing the whole album in order. Everyone was singing, dancing, and laughing. It was my first time listening to their music and I was beyond impressed. Their music was so real, and it was how I wanted mine to sound one day. "So Lexi, do you have a boyfriend?" Ryan asks looking at his cake. I hesitated, looking at my cake as well. "Its...complicated. I'm not with anyone technically but there may be something between me and my best guy friend." Ryan nodded, and didn't look up at me. Mr. Kallman approached me and I said a silent prayer, thankful this conversation was over. "Hey Alexis, can you follow us really quick? We promised to talk to you about your career, didn't we?"
I nodded and looked at Ryan, "Watch my cake and don't eat it!" I said.
"No promises," he says with a goofy smile. I roll my eyes and turn to follow Mr. Kallman.

We arrived in a room and him and one of the guys I was introduced to earlier was there. Mr. Kallman motioned for me to take a seat. As I sat down, he started to talk. "So Alexis, as you know this is Eric and he will be your manager," Mr. Kallman says, gesturing to the guy in the chair. I nodded and he continued, "We want to get your schedule ready, start booking opportunities for you, and figure out a few more details. Does that sound okay?" I nodded again. "But before we do all of that, do you have any sounds you would like to show us?"
"I do actually," I said, pulling out my laptop. "I love to write songs. These are just a few of my songs, I haven't recorded any more, but I'm working on it." I play 4 songs for both of them and I can not read Mr. Kallman's face. Minutes passed and I sat there fidgeting with my fingers. I start to get really nervous once the last song is over and he speaks up.
"Alexis, these songs are really good. These have real potential to go far, and I think we could use a few, if not all of them, on your first EP. At this rate, you should be able to release your first EP in a month or two!" A smile grew on my face, "Thank you so much!"
"This gives me a better understanding of how we should book you. A few songwriting sessions would be nice, a bunch of recording sessions and some low-key rehearsals for now," I look over to see Eric writing on a notepad. "What times work best for you to work?" Mr. Kallman asks.
"Um, I am still in highschool, but I can do online classes so we don't have to worry about school getting in the way. I am pretty much okay with any time," I said.
"Okay, I can try and match yours and Ryan's schedules for the most part. I can also book the boys around the same time so they can help you both. I can have you start on Wednesday, I think two days back at home should be enough before you move here and you can start writing more songs for your EP..."
"Hang on, I am MOVING to LA?" I asked excitedly.
"Well yes, that is how you are going to record and produce everything," he said. A giant smile grows on my face, and I am unable to contain my excitement.
"Where will I live?"
"That is something else we have to talk about. I want to meet up with you again tomorrow morning so we can look at some houses and find you one to move into. There are a few nice ones that I think will be a perfect fit for you here in Beverly Hills, and they would be super convenient. However, if you do not like them, we can always find you a place to live somewhere else."
I beamed, "That sounds perfect Mr. Kallman!,"
"Great, we can set up a time to do that. I also think we should set a day aside for Ryan and the boys to show you around." My heart skipped a beat when he said Ryan's name. This can not be happening!
"That sounds perfect!"
"Alright, I know the boys will be busy tomorrow because they just released their album, but I think Ryan should be available to show you around the studio. How about we look for a house around 10:00 tomorrow morning, and then you and Ryan can meet up in the afternoon to go to the studio. The rest of the day will be yours to explore LA."
"Thank you so much Mr. Kallman," I said shaking his hand.
"Of course Alexis, Eric will send you a text where to meet up tomorrow morning," he said and Eric nodded.
"Okay, bye Mr. Kallman, bye Mr. Eric," I said leaving.
"You can just call me Eric," my manager said. I smiled, and walked back to the food hoping to find the boys and Ryan.

Right away I found them eating cake by the food. I walked over and Daniel smiled at me. "Hey Lexi, your back!"
I laughed, "Yeah I had a meeting with Mr. Kallman. We need a way to communicate because on Saturday you guys are going to be giving me a tour of LA!" I said.
"WHAT? No way!" Jack exclaimed/
"Dude, this is going to be so much fun!" Zach said.
"We have to show her the gems of LA," Corbyn said.
"I'll start writing some ideas down!" Jonah said excitedly.
"We should make a group chat to plan everything," I said.
"Ooh great idea," Daniel said, pulling out his phone and passing it to me. I type in my name and number and pass it back to him. Suddenly my phone dings and I see all of us have been added to a group chat.

5 children and 2 parents

unknown: hey guys
unknown: whats up squad?
unknown: i like the gc name dani
unknown: thanks bro, but I didn't make it
unknown: then who did?
Lexi💕: i'm sorry, but who is who
unknown: i'm daniel
unknown: I'm jonah
unknown: jack
unknown: zach
unknown: corbyn
unknown: i'm ryan
Lexi💕: okay thanks guys!

I put my phone down and we continue celebrating the boy's new album. Daniel checks his phone and gasps with a shocked expression on his face. "What is it Daniel?" they all ask.
"WE ARE ALREADY NUMBER ONE ON ITUNES!" he shouts, jumping up and down. They all jump in a group hug, and I can't help but smile. The album was released only an hour ago. The boys hop back on their social media accounts to continue promoting their album, but also to thank their fans. It was getting pretty late and I didn't want to keep the boys to myself the whole night. So many people were at the party to see them, and I was so tired from my flight anyways. I had texted Jer a little bit ago asking him to pick me up. My phone buzzed and I looked to see Jer send a text telling me he was here.
"It's getting late, " I yawned. "My ride's here, I'll see you guys Saturday! Congrats one last time on the album!" I hugged each of them and walked over to Ryan.
"Make sure to text me when you get back to your hotel, I want to make sure you get back safe," he says hugging me.
"I promise I will," I say hugging him tighter. He pulls away and smiles at me.
"I can't wait to see you again tomorrow."
"Me neither, bye Ry"
"Bye Lexi"

When I got in the car Jeremy had a million questions for me. I told him everything, including how me and Ryan almost kissed. "Oh. My. Gosh. No way. Are you serious?" he asked, eyes no longer on the road. I gave him a nod with a sheepish grin and he continued freaking out. "Do you have feelings for him?" he asked. That's what I had to figure out myself. I mean, I only met the guy today, but it feels like I've known him forever. He was definitely cute, sweet, talented, and overall just amazing. Wow, I sound like a simp. I have literally known him for less than 24 hours! How could I develop feelings that quickly?
"I'm not sure Jer, I've known the guy for less than 24 hours."
"Well Lexi from the way you talk about him, it sounds like you like him," Jer said. I blush and look out the window.

After Jeremy dropped me off I headed back to my hotel room. I grabbed my phone to text Ryan and let him know I got to my hotel safe.


Lexi💕: hey ryan, i just wanted to let you know that i got back to the hotel safe :)
Ry☺️: i am glad to hear that :)
Lexi💕: goodnight ryan
Ry☺️: goodnight alexis, sleep well and i'll see you tomorrow!

I put down my phone and tried to wipe the smile off my face. Yep, I like Ryan. I closed my eyes and wrapped myself in my blanket, drifting off to sleep.

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