Chapter 15

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I watched through the window of the plane as we took off in the air, covering the huge city buildings with fluffy white clouds. I tried to sleep for the first few minutes, but gave up after realising I can't sleep. I had too many emotions and WAY too much adrenaline. I thought nervously how I am sitting on this plane all alone moving halfway across the country at 16 years old. But then, I remembered I had Ryan, Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Zach, and Jack all waiting for me at LAX. Instantly, I felt comforted, and no longer alone. I decided to take my notebook and a pen to plan a few things while I put on "Scooby Doo". I was only half paying attention to the movie and was trying to plan out my week. I was given time to go in the studio, writing sessions, meetings with a lot of different people, and events I had to attend. Tonight, the only thing on my schedule was moving in, so I silently thanked Eric and Mr. Kallman for not booking anything tonight. I finished my list of things I want to buy for my new house after creating a Pinterest board.

I had taken a short nap before the plane landed. I woke up yawning as I gathered my bags. I went to the bathroom before heading to the baggage claim area to grab my luggage and to meet the boys. I had just picked up my bags and was scanning the area when someone picked me up from behind and hugged me. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled in shock. I couldn't see their face, but once they laughed I could tell exactly who it was. "Ry put me down!" I laughed. He put me down and I turned around to face him. I stared into his beautiful brown eyes and admired his adorable smile that caused my heart to melt. However, we were interrupted by Zach almost tackling me into a side hug. Daniel came on my other side and before I knew it, I was in a group hug with all five of them. "Hey guys," I said, trying to breathe with how hard they were squeezing me. They loosened their grip on me and I gasped for air.
"Sorry, we just missed you," Zach said.
"Yeah, Zach was whining the whole time you were gone, it was super annoying" Jack said and I laughed as Zach started chasing Jack to spank him.
"So Lexi, how was your flight?" Corbyn asked.
"Pretty good, I planned out my week and wrote a list of everything I need to get in order to move in."
"You planned your whole week? I can't even plan what I'm doing an hour from now! We are so irresponsible, that we need someone else to keep track of it all for us," Daniel said.
"Speak for yourself," Jonah scoffed.
"Do you want to hit the store or drop your stuff at your house first?" Ryan asked. I made eye contact with him and had to look away. No Lexi, you can't have butterflies! You have a boyfriend now, and it is not Ryan!
"If it's not a problem, I would like to go to my house first," I said.

Once we stopped Zach and Jack from running around like children, we hopped into Daniels's car and drove to my house. The boys followed me inside and helped me start to unpack so I could see if I needed anything else. I came up with a few more ideas for my list and wrote them just before we left for the store. We went to target and decided to split up; Ryan Zach and Jack would go get my food and beverages as well as cleaning supplies, Jonah and Corbyn would go pick up the products I needed (not thinking they would have such a hard time finding all the girlie products I put on my list), and that left Daniel with me to help pick out what to start decorating my house with. "Do NOT split up no matter what! I don't want to spend an hour finding one of you again. Keep your phones on, and don't get kicked out," Jonah instructed. We nodded and took off with our groups in different directions. The label offered to pay for the house and anything I wanted in it as long as it was an environment I could work in and it would inspire me. I had my cart full and was going to ask Daniel to get another cart for me when I noticed he was no longer with me. Of course I lost Daniel Seavey in a Target! I added a few cute candles to my cart when someone ran into me with a cart full of food and cleaning supplies. "Sorry!" I heard someone say, clearly out of breath. I turned around to see Ryan standing there. "Oh hey Lexi! Aren't you supposed to be with Daniel?" he asked.
"Yeah but I lost him," I said. "Where are Zach and Jack?"
"They wanted to play hide and seek as soon as Jonah turned the corner they ran off to hide," he said frustrated. "I've been trying to find them for 30 minutes and they are nowhere to be found!"
"It's okay, we will find them," I said. Ryan and I walked around and had a fun conversation. We were walking to the front of the store to check out when both of our phones received a text.

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