revenge and suffering (not really)

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"y/n!! over here!!" you flinched at the yell, turning and spotting the pink haired boy. you smiled, moving over and sitting across him at the table, your tray going down as well. "i brought the stuff i need help with!"

"you brought your entire locker?" fushiguro mumbled, and you laughed quietly when yuuji shoved him, the raven haired boy nearly falling over. "hey, y/n. good to see you again."

"you too, megs." you saw him cringe at the nickname, making you smile before turning back to yuuji. "so what're we working with-?"

he placed the work in front of you, and you scanned over it, seeing all the answers that had been marked wrong. you set them back down, sighing. "okay, i understand why you wanted help now-" he whined at your comment, and you continued. "but i'm not the best at this stuff, so i don't know if i'll be any help."

"even if it's just a bit, i'll take everything i can get." he rested his head on the table next to his tray of food, and you smiled a bit at his expression, soft and pouty like a puppy.

"i mean, i can help a little.." you watched him lift his head up, eyes wide with excitement. he was a lot like a puppy, you realized, energetic and happy, warm to everyone. it made you wonder how on earth he was related to the jerk you had been thinking about all day, even more now that you would have to clean with him again.

"hey, megumi, move."

"speak of the devil.." you muttered, ignoring the glare tossed your way by the much worse pink haired boy, standing over fushiguro. the raven haired boy shook his head, saying something childish like "i was here first", and he just grumbled something, moving and plopping in the only empty seat left at the table. next to you. you were sitting next to sukuna, which only worsened your mood.

"teacher held me back past the bell." he stated, slouching against his chair and yawning. "do we really have three hours left?"

"you can tell time. good for you." the raven haired boy mumbled, and you were surprised sukuna didn't stand up and beat him on the spot for the insult. you turned to the boy, eyes widening at the grin on his face, chuckling a bit.

oh, right, there were two people he tolerated in this school.

"anyways, suku, we're not busy this weekend, right?" yuuji asked through a mouthful of food, and you wished you were in a romance anime, one where you could swipe your thumb across his lips to get any remaining crumbs. the thought made you sigh, getting a little too carried away with how touch starved you were. you were caught up in your thoughts, you hadn't realized yuuji was talking to you again until he said your name. "y/n, come to our place on saturday!"


"it'll be easier to study at home than at school, right?" he smiled brightly, and your eyes widened slightly, nodding. "alright!! don't forget about it!!" he was so happy, turning to fushiguro and chatting about something, and you couldn't help but smile.

you had really fallen.

your cheeks were dusted with pink, your heartbeat was fast, and-

and there was a hand on your thigh.

you inhaled sharply, looking down, seeing the black rings around his wrist, barely covered up by the uniform sleeves. it was about halfway up your thigh, and you shivered when it moved more, up higher. you turned to glare at the owner, seeing him just looking forward, nodding at whatever fushiguro was telling him. you stuck your hand under the table to grab his, trying to tug it off, but he just gripped your thigh tighter, making you flinch, hand slipping away.

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now