the gays are at it again

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this was going to be the death of you.

you knew it as soon as you got into the car.

you had gotten in, closed the door, gotten your seatbelt comfortable, before actually looking at him, and you were sure you were going to die.

he hadn't said a word, just glancing at you as you stared, and stared, you were sure your jaw was slack, and he grinned a bit, starting to drive. "you know, staring is rude."

"sorry." you apologized, yet continued to stare. he had on a tight, white shirt, and a gray jean jacket over it, cuffed up at the sleeves just enough to where you could see the tattoos around his wrist, and black jeans with rips in them. and if that wasn't enough, when you actually looked at him, he had a lip piercing. "how.. long have you had that?"

"couple years, just can't have it in at school." he shrugged, still grinning at the fact that you couldn't take your eyes off of him. "did you ever think of a place to go, or did seeing me make you forget?"

"..yeah.." you mindlessly nodded, and he laughed, shaking you out of it as your face heated up, turning to stare straight ahead. "i know one place, it's empty at night but we can still go in, if you wanted to get something to eat then go there.."

"at night? it's still early.." he muttered, and you nodded, you hadn't really thought about it that much. "alright, fine, let's go get something quick to eat, we'll figure something out while we're there." 

you nodded, just keeping your eyes on the road, willing your brain to stop doing backflips. this wasn't a date, you were both just hanging out cause you were bored and had nothing better to do, there was no reason to be so happy.. no reason to feel nervous, no reason to be thinking about kissing him, or biting his lip where the piercing was, or making out in the back of the car when you parked- was it possible to punch your brain?

"alright, here." he stopped, and you looked out, seeing a gas station, confusing you slightly. "we'll get actual food later, we're just getting some snacks while we figure out what to do."

"that makes sense." you nodded, hopping out and waiting on him, following him inside, down the isles, where you grabbed a bag of chips and candy, seeing him down another isle grabbing a couple bottles of soda, running up to meet him at the register, paying for your share before leaving. "is there anything you wanna do?"

he shrugged, leaning against the hood of the car, and you moved so you were sitting on it, hearing him scoff. "you really just make yourself at home anywhere, huh?"

your eyes widened, face turning warm as you shook your head. "sorry, it's a habit-" you went to slide down, stopping when he pushed a bottle into your chest, taking it and staying put. "i don't hang out with people a lot, so i'm not used to.. following their rules, really.."

"don't worry about it, you're not nearly as bad as some people i've met." he shrugged, sighing and turning to the ground. "you should've seen fushiguro the first time he came to hang out with the brat, he just did whatever he wanted, and of course yuuji didn't mind cause he's just nice to everyone- how's it going with him, anyways?"

"huh? with yuuji..?" you looked over at him, and he nodded, opening his soda as you bit your lip, looking away at nothing. "i.. don't know.. i haven't had many chances to talk to him lately, and.. he's been sticking with yoshino lately, i'm not-"

"yoshino junpei?" you turned to him, eyes widening a bit, and he sighed, kicking a rock on the ground. "yuuji told me a bit about him- said he's super shy and doesn't talk to anyone, got bullied at his old school and yuuji fought some of the bullies for him." 

"oh.." your eyes widened, was it really okay for him to tell you this..?

he huffed, standing up and grabbing the snacks, going around to the driver's side as you hopped off the hood, going to your own side. "i'm pretty sure he has a thing for him, too."

"i know that much.." you frowned, kugisaki had mentioned that.. you wanted to ignore it, but if sukuna was saying it, too.. "i.. don't really think i have much of a chance.. i mean- i knew my chances were already bad, but.." you probably didn't have any chance, you saw how they acted around each other.. you bit your tongue, opening the door and getting in, grabbing the bag of chips and opening it, you might as well eat away your problems.

"don't get so down, i'm sure there's some idiot out there who likes you." he sighed, and you glared at him, making him chuckle, backing out and starting to drive. "and don't get mad, we've still got a few hours."

"..yeah, yeah, where are we going?" you mumbled, eating a few chips at a time as he hummed, staying quiet. "alright, don't tell me, then."

"movie theatre." he stated, and you stopped, turning to look at him. "you're obviously stressed, we're gonna watch some dumb movie so you can take your mind off of things, plus it'll last a couple hours."

"that's.. surprisingly nice.." you tilted your head, squinting as he shrugged. "..are we sneaking the snacks in?"


"alright then, no complaints here." 

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now