no time for an apology

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"maki, maki, please.." you ran up to the raven haired girl, who was talking to inumaki and okkotsu, all of their eyes widening as they saw you. "please, can we leave? i- i didn't drive myself here, and- i don't wanna be here anymore, and-"

"yeah, yeah, no, we can leave." she shushed you, eyes widening when you moved forward to clutch onto her, and she frowned, running her hand over your back and turning to the two boys. "come on, inumaki, let's go to your place."

"okay, yeah. do you want me to tell kugisaki-?" he stood up, and she nodded, the white haired boy giving yuuta the keys to his car, everyone splitting up as maki rubbed circles over your shaking form.

"..hey, what happened? are you okay?" she asked, and you shook your head, making her sigh. "sorry, dumb question, obviously you're not.. come in, let's get to the car, we'll go out the back, you can tell us what happened later."

you nodded, following her out of the building, sniffling and wiping your eyes as you tried not to cry, climbing into the backseat, yuuta moving in next to you after starting up the car, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. a minute later inumaki made it, hopping in, the four of you starting the drive, the night cut short for you.

"..come on, we're here." the black haired boy gently nudged you, you hadn't even realized how short the ride was, crawling out and following them into the house, flicking some lights on as inumaki ran to get some tissues and a few bottles of water, the rest of you going to his room, sitting on the bed together.

"do you wanna tell us what happened..?" maki was being so gentle with you, it only made you closer to crying, biting your lip and shaking your head. "do you want us to stay in here with you?" a nod, and she nodded, pulling you against her, yuuta doing the same to your other side, a minute later inumaki coming in, carrying panda with him, setting the cat on your lap, and you mumbled your thanks, lightly scratching him behind his ears as inumaki sat in front of you.

"'m sorry.. i made you guys leave early, i should've just walked home.." you mumbled, immediately getting head shakes and arguments in return. "but i am really sorry.. i.. ended up yelling again, and.. made everything worse.."

they all waited, inumaki handing you a bottle of water, which you took, drinking most of it and sighing, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. "y.. i should've told you guys this.. but.. these past couple months, i've been doing.. fuck, sexual stuff with sukuna- no actual sex, and- i don't know why, but it made me start to think i loved him."

"..that explains a bit." maki nodded, and you sighed, biting your lip harshly, wishing you had told them all this sooner. "what happened to your plan?"

"you were going to confess tonight, right..?" inumaki muttered, and you nodded, clenching your fists and inhaling shakily.

"i was, but- i ended up outside yelling at itadori, and i accidentally spit out my feelings for sukuna, and he heard me.. so.. i ended up more yelling than confessing, and.. fuck, i didn't apologize or anything, i just ran inside to you guys." you explained, hating yourself more as you said it. "i don't know why, i- i always end up yelling, and making everything worse, and now they both probably hate me.. and.. i really hate myself, i can't even confess properly.. i don't know what i even expected, trying to confess to him of all people.. after what happened last year.."

"wait, what happened last year?" yuuta tilted his head, and you inhaled, maki shushing him, the only one of the three to know about, since you didn't want the other two to know you had broken down crying about it. now, though, it was pointless, considering you were on the verge of tears in front of all of them.

"i, umm- he asked me to go to a classroom after school to talk, and i got excited, since i was sure he liked me, and i walked in on him and some random girl having sex in there.." you smiled, laughing quietly, it was so dumb, now that you thought about it.. "i don't know why i thought that, considering he was a bigger asshole to me than then he is now, and.. it made me realize i was probably just a backup, just someone he could go to if his first choices didn't want him, and.. shit, it's the same now, i wasn't even itadori's first choice, and i'm selfish for thinking that, but-"

"it's not selfish to want to be the first choice." inumaki cut in, and you stopped, hearing him sigh, he didn't usually talk this long to anyone, even you. "you want to be loved the most by someone, there's nothing wrong with that. we probably weren't helping, since we were busy with ourselves.. i'm sorry, one of us should've realized and asked about all of this.."

"no, i'm the one that didn't say anything, it's not your guys' fault.." you shook your head, looking down and petting the cat in your lap, who was laying down comfortably. "i just- ah, i'm gonna have to see them again on monday, and.. it's gonna be weird and stuff.. especially itadori, i yelled at him for no reason.."

"don't worry, i'll ask nobara to keep him away from you." maki smiled, gently squeezing your shoulder. "it does sound like there's a lot going through your mind right now, so can i suggest a few things..?"

"yeah, sure."

"okay, one, you definitely need some therapy, dude, you can't keep bottling all this up." she sighed, and you smiled, nodding. "two, personally, i don't think you're at fault here- wanting to be loved isn't bad, maybe you just shouldn't yell at people for it."

"yeah, i got that."

"if i can add something in, i think you should apologize, but both of the itadori's owe you an apology, too." yuuta sighed, and you tilted your head, letting him continue. "sukuna, obviously, but i know you don't yell at people for no reason, and i think yuuji knows that, too, so you should at least get a sorry."

"..okay, i'll.. uh, keep that in mind."

"..and finally." you watched inumaki stand up, nodding to yuuta and maki, who nodded back, confusing you, freezing when inumaki grabbed your shoulders, leaning down to kiss your forehead, the same time the other two kissed the sides of your head, making your eyes widen. "we love you, okay? you can always talk to us."

"oh. okay." you nodded, still in shock when they pulled back, feeling the wetness on your cheeks, cursing to yourself as you grabbed the tissue yuuta handed you, trying to get yourself to stop crying. "fuck. uh, i love you guys, too. i'll try to talk to you more about stuff like this, and- i love you."

they smiled, letting you cry everything out, the three of them just keeping you company for the time being, a comfortable silence over you all.

and, for the first time in a while, you felt genuinely loved, and you let yourself relax.

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