a week of this

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you needed to stop telling yourself that things would be fine. this wasn't fine. it never was.

"l/n, you're all done here. i'll take you to gojo." utahime stated, and you sighed, resting against the small cart full of equipment you had been pushing around. you were already exhausted, you didn't have the energy or strength for this. "come on."

"yes, ma'am.." you grumbled, following her and nearly stumbling, you had been hit by at least six baseballs while the team was still training. they left a few minutes after you showed up, so you were sure they purposefully hit you. this is why you hated sports.

she led you through the halls back to the first year's classroom, frowning when she opened the door, looking around. "is he slacking off again?!" she grit her teeth, turning back to you with a sigh. "he wants you to grade some papers, get started on that while i go find him."

you nodded, watching her leave, sighing and stepping into the classroom, sitting at the teacher's desk and groaning, resting your head on the table. there were a lot of papers to grade, and you were tired. but if you got this done, you could go home and sleep.

"okay, what did he leave me..?" you lifted one of the papers, grimacing at the math that littered the pages. luckily you had the sheet of correct answers, so you could just skim over them, this might not take all that long. if you could find a pen.

"organize your desk..!" you grit your teeth, rummaging through drawers yet unable to find a pen. you were looking for a red one, but at this point, you would've taken any color. you sighed, slamming a drawer shut and pinching the bridge of your nose. "this is fine.. i know where geto-sensei keeps pens, i just gotta go get one.." you were so tired, but you lifted yourself up, making your way to the second year classroom, eyes widening a bit at the open door, noises coming from inside. "what the fuck. are we gotting robbed."

you moved around and peeked in, frowning when you saw the pink haired boy. right, his job was cleaning the second year classroom. yet he was just sitting at the desk, phone in hand as some video played. you sighed, you just needed a pen, you could ask for one, right? and not start a fight? hopefully?

you walked in, and he barely glanced up at you, though you thought you saw his scowl tighten. you frowned, moving beside him and opening a drawer, rummaging through it until you found a pen, sighing and looking at him from the corner of your eyes, freezing when you saw him staring at you, surprisingly.

"what." he grit his teeth, and you looked at the floor, grabbing a couple pens and just getting up and leaving without a word, making it back to the first year's classroom as you sighed, closing the door and sitting back down in the teacher's chair. that wasn't so bad. it could've been worse.

"i'm gonna regret saying that." you frowned, leaning forward to grade papers, getting through the stack pretty quickly, glancing up at the clock nearby at certain points. you didn't have to finish, after all, you got to go home in a bit. but you didn't have anything left to do, so you sighed, leaning back in the chair as you stared at the ceiling. it wasn't too often you got to think all alone like this, you were usually in noisy rooms, so this was.. nice, kind of.

yuuta was back, meaning you had another person around to make you feel happy, and inumaki would be really happy with him back, too, meaning he'd probably talk more, which also made you happy.. with all of you happy, maki would be happy, too, since you wouldn't be as annoying if you were in a good mood.. things seemed to be going well for everyone, you thought. your group didn't talk about super personal stuff that much, so you just hoped they were all happy.

you sighed, moving your hands over your face. you probably needed to talk to someone about all the stress you had feeling involving.. well, everything. feelings for yuuji, the constant stress of just everyday life, worrying about grades, especially sukuna. you hadn't told a single person about what was going on with sukuna, other than your fights, because it was embarrassing, but now?

you flinched when the door opened, turning to see gojo being shoved inside by utahime, yelling at him to get back to work, and he just laughed, turning to you as he adjusted his shades. "oh, y/n, are you done? you can go."

"okay." you immediately got up, walking past him as utahime continued to scold him, going back to the second year classroom to grab your bag (why didn't you just leave it in the first year's classroom..?). you opened the door with a sigh, stepping in before freezing. "oh."

there was sukuna again, in the same exact spot he had been in earlier, one knee up to his chest, but that didn't hide anything, considering you could clearly see his hand gripping himself between his legs. you stood there for a second, before just stepping back and closing the door again, your eyes wide, cheeks warming up. "what the fuck."

well, that was burned into your memory.

you jolted when the door opened again, seeing him glare down at you, and you glanced down, sighing that his jeans were zipped up, thankfully not showing anything. though he was still hard. and you had already seen it. it had just.. been there, and you hated your brain for thinking of it. "what do you want?"

ah, he wasn't cursing at you. that was a good sign. hopefully.

"umm.. my bag, i left it." you looked over at nothing, watching him disappear behind the door, coming back a second later and dropping your bag on the ground. "thanks."

"sure." he grumbled, slamming the door again as you picked your bag up, confused. he hadn't seemed all that angry, despite the fact that you had caught him doing.. uh, that. and he hadn't cursed at you, or called you an idiot. you had just been fighting with him yesterday, why was he so calm..?

it could.. relieve.. stress..

your eyes widened a bit, staring at the ground as you slung your bag over your shoulders, starting to make your way down the hallway, glancing back at the door. so.. it had worked for you, why wouldn't it work for him..? he was the one that had brought it up, of course he would've known from experience.. experience..

you shook your head, bringing your hand up to slap your face, gritting your teeth as you felt yourself blush, mind already racing with what you had been thinking of. you were in school, you couldn't be getting horny thinking of that!! especially of him!! though- technically you had already done stuff like that in the school, and-

"shit." you cursed at yourself, trying to hurry to get out of the school. it would be an uncomfortable walk home, but you weren't about to deal with the problem you just gave yourself in public. you could just go home, eat some food, and forget about all of this, it would be- okay, y'know what, you'd do what you could to just not do what your body was asking you to do. and hopefully something like this wouldn't happen again, or you'd just be full of tension by the end of the week.

the end of the week. it was only monday.

"do i really have to deal with this all week..?"

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now