staying over again

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"hey, i'm out.." he sighed, running a towel over his hair as he stepped into the room, stopping at the sight of you, laying on your side in bed, eyes closed, making him huff. "idiot, it's too early to sleep. wake up."

"'m tired." you grumbled, and he sighed, stepping up and sitting next to you, watching you roll onto your back, reaching out and ruffling your hair, smiling at how your eyebrows pinched. "nooo.."

"hey." he continued, nudging your shoulder, making you squirm. "let's have sex."

"i'm tired." you repeated, rolling over again, huffing and ignoring him, and wait a fucking second. "what?"

"nothing." he stood up, your eyes wide as he started to walk off, reaching and grabbing his wrist, tugging him so he'd stay still, gulping when he glanced down at you, grinning. "what?"

"what did you say-?"


"no- before that."

"it's too early to sleep."

"after that, asshole." you grit your teeth, and he smirked, pulling his arm free, turning and sitting down next to you, humming as if he hadn't said anything. "you- you said-"

"what did i say?" he continued, and you squirmed, biting your lip, hearing him laugh quietly, leaning closer to you, breath warm against your face. "do you want to?"

you sat there watching him, slowly figuring everything out in your head. on one hand, you could finally lose your virginity to the asshole you'd been in love with for a year, possibly getting railed in the process- on the other hand- yeah, you could stop there. "yes."

"good." he smiled, moving his hand to the side of your head, tilting it as he pressed his lips to yours, immediately sliding his tongue over your bottom lip, pushing it into your mouth when you moaned softly, your hands gripping the front of his shirt. "fuck- y/n, hold on.."

you let him pull back, gulping when he pulled his shirt off, moving back to kiss you, pushing you backwards so your back hit the bed, letting him hover over you, your hands roaming his chest, feeling him hum as your hands dipped lower, lower..

"shit- you're gonna be the death of me, you know that-?" he cursed, resting his forehead against yours as you palmed his already half-hard dick, lightly squeezing and getting a groan in return. "y/n.. s.. shit, g-good-"

"sorry, gimme a sec.." you stopped, and he glared slightly, but lifted up so you could slip your shirt off, flinging it somewhere before he was on you again, and you whimpered when he pulled your legs apart, grinding himself against you, panting against your neck as you whined. "'kuna, wait-"

"don't wanna." he huffed, your hands on his shoulders, lightly scratching, shuddering when he groaned into your ear. "i'm taking these off, okay?" he sounded breathless, a hand tugging at the front of your shorts, and you nodded, moving yourself so he could pull them off, leaving you completely bare, twitching when he licked his lips, whimpering quietly when he traced his finger over the underside of your length. "fuck, i want to do so much with you, but-"

"i know." you nodded, and he glanced up at you, nodding back before pulling back, shoving his shorts down and struggling to get out of them without falling over, tossing them behind him before moving back over you, his hands tight on your hips as he kissed you again. "i- i want-"

"i know." he mumbled, too focused on kissing you, a hand moving to your face to let you press yourself into, softly sighing. "you're sure?"

"yes, i'm sure." you tilted your head back, and he smiled a little, his hands grabbing your hips again, and you glanced down at him, eyes widening with a yelp when he suddenly flipped, landing on his back and pulling you on top of him, your hands on his chest to steady yourself. "what the fuck-! warn me next time-!"

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