it's finally time

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"you're not going with us?" yuuta's eyes widened slightly, and you nodded, walking beside him to your last class of the day. "did you find someone to go with?"

"uh, yeah, actually." you bit your tongue, stopping, making him turn to you. you might as well tell him, he was probably the last person to know at this point. "for saying this, i'll allow two smacks. so first, i'm going with sukuna-" you smiled a bit at the way his eyes widened, hands clenched at his sides. "and secondly, i also have a crush on him and i'm gonna confess tonight."

" said two smacks?"

"yeah." you closed your eyes, feeling the gentle smack against your cheek, making you snort, smiling and looking at him as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "what? only the one?"

"as much as i'd love to smack you again, we're going to a dance tonight, so you probably don't want a bruised face. especially since your other bruises have finally healed." he shrugged, and you nodded, both of you continuing the walk to the class. "i'll give the second smack to maki."

"please don't."

"i could pass it on to todo." he suggested, and you grimaced. "though didn't he smack you last year?" 

"yeah, cause i said i'm more of a thigh than ass girl, and apparently that offended him." you huffed, frowning and moving your hand to rub your cheek. "yet he agreed when i said a dominant girl who could peg me was my type, he thought that was fine. like, you need strong thighs to do that, i don't get it." 

"can we stop talking about you getting pegged?" he sighed, and you laughed a bit, opening the door so he could walk in, you about to step in before your arm was grabbed, making you flinch.

"oh, you're.." your eyes widened, seeing the white head of hair, a bland look on their face. "uraume? why're you here?"

"come with me." they tugged, so you followed curiously, getting lead around until you were in an empty hallway, stopping and pressing yourself to the wall, watching them sigh, holding their hands together. "you're going to the dance with sukuna, correct?"

"uh, yeah? how'd you know?" you tilted your head, before shaking it, smiling a little. "never mind, he probably told you. but yeah, why'd you pull me over just to ask-?"

you froze when they turned, suddenly grabbing your hands tight, and you inhaled sharply, scared for a split second. "i'd like to apologize for some of the things i said when i first met you- i thought you were just a short-tempered leech who was trying to take advantage of sukuna," your eyes widened, just a little offended, but mostly surprised. "and i can tell now that you're not, you're a good person who i- i mean, of course, based on what he told me, i know you mean a lot to him, and i shouldn't have thought of you that way. what i'm trying to say is, i think you and sukuna are a good fit for each other. so," they let go of your hands, and actually bowed, making your eyes widen, awkwardly moving your hands to make them get up. "please be gentle with him."

"..huh?" you were confused, so, so confused, you didn't know where this had come from, you were embarrassed, this was too much to process, what did they mean be gentle with him- "i- i'm confused, we're not- we're not dating, uraume, we just-" you bit the inside of your cheek, gritting your teeth as your face warmed, trying to speak. "i- i just really like him and was gonna tell him, he- he doesn't feel the same, nothing's gonna happen, i don't- wait, i mean a lot to him..?"

"hmm? he hasn't told you this..?" they trailed off, before sighing, holding their hands together. "well, even if you aren't, he has told me about some of the things you've done together- romantic things and sexual things-" you sputtered, face starting to burn, yet they continued. "and when you tell him about your feelings, if something happens between you both, i'd like you to gentle, that's all. while you were fighting, he was always mad, but he's calmed down since you stopped. it means less work for me, having to deal with his ranting and finding an outlet for it."

"oh.." you sighed, they really just wanted less work.. that did make sense, you knew how stressed your friends were while you were fighting, you hadn't really thought it'd be the same on sukuna's side. "alright, yeah, i'll be careful, don't worry." you smiled a bit, and they nodded. "i'll probably just get avoided afterwards, you don't need to worry." you repeated, turning to go, freezing when they grabbed your arm again. 

"you should really have more self-confidence. it's not just everyone that can actually get along with him." they stated, and you nodded, walking off when they let you go, sighing to yourself as you walked to your classroom, stepping in and getting scolded for being late, taking your seat and half listening to the teacher as you thought to yourself.

your phone lightly buzzed in your pocket, so you glanced down at it, grimacing at the text from maki, saying "so when do i get to smack you?"

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now