getting hit with balls isn't fun

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"ten minutes left!! start finishing up!!"

the team yelled a quick "yes coach" back, continuing with what they were doing, you running alongside the field to pick up balls that had been forgotten, water bottles that had been abandoned, and a cigarette butt. you'd probably have to tell utahime about that.

"ow-!" you yelped when a ball hit your leg, nearly stumbling as you reached down to grab it, rubbing the spot that was probably already bruising. the kid that hit the ball laughed, but gave a quick "sorry, man!", and you just mumbled to yourself as you went on with whatever utahime asked you to do. that didn't last long, though, when another ball immediately hit your arm, making you hiss, grabbing the ball to throw back to whoever was pitching.

you had been there for thirty minutes. you had been hit by eleven balls so far. you had counted.

there was a sharp pain in your spine when you turned to pull a plastic bag off of of the wire fence.

twelve balls.

were they even trying to not hit you?

"okay, that's all for today!! go shower and go rest!! eat a proper dinner!! don't stay up late, you've got a game tomorrow after school!!" utahime blew on the whistle she had, the team stopping to go get ready to leave, you sighing in relief. no more getting hit by balls.

"hey!! catch!!"

you turned, getting hit square in the face by a ball. thirteen. thirteen times. and your nose was bleeding.

"who threw that?!" utahime yelled, but nobody raised their hands, and she just sighed, walking up to you as you rubbed your nose, which wasn't broken, but still gushing blood. "i'm sorry, they're not a nice bunch. do you need me to take you to shoko?"

"i'll be fine, it's just blood." you mumbled, though you felt a little dizzy from the hit, shaking your head, which just made it worse. "i can finish up here, is there anything you need?"

"no, really, you should go to the nurse."

"i'm fine, i promise, this is my punishment, after all." you just didn't wanna go inside cause you might see sukuna. "i'm sure nanami wouldn't like it if you let me go early."

she inhaled, but nodded. "that's true.. if you really think you're okay, i've just got some equipment that goes in the shed. the cones around the field and.. did they forget to put their helmets away?" she glared at the bench nearby, making you laugh just a bit. she was scary, yeah, but she was also just as annoyed with the team as you were. "i'll talk to them tomorrow, try to get them to stop. if they start getting too rough, let me know, i'll make sure they stop."

yeah, she was really scary. almost as scary as geto that time that panda had knocked the projector off the wall, and he had to stand on a chair to fix it, then fell off because gojo slammed the door open and scared him. that was scary, too. but then gojo had comforted him the rest of class, so you all didn't have to do anything, which was more fun. this wasn't fun.

you balanced the cones and a few helmets in your arms, walking over to the equipment shed, glancing over at the locker and shower room attached to the shed, hearing the team yelling inside. what the fuck were they yelling about? they were literally just a baseball team, there was probably nothing else exciting going on in their lives. but you sighed, walking in, seeing steam coming out of the window on the wall, thankfully high enough so you didn't have to see any of them naked. they would probably kill you if you did. which didn't sound like a very good way to go.

but, because whichever all mighty being seemed to hate you, they were yelling, and the open window made it easy to hear them. something about wanting to fuck a neighbor's mom (gross), someone catching a couple having sex in the bathroom (also gross), something about a second and first year lesbian couple..

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