don't you take his fangs

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"you're joking."

"i am not."

"maki, there's no way yuuji and megumi snuck into a fight club." you huffed, and she grinned, shrugging and just continuing to walk ahead of you, you following behind closely, turning to the two beside you. "yuuta, you're close with them- is it true?"

"uh, maybe?" he shrugged, scratching the side of his head, his other hand swinging in inumaki's, who laughed softly at the interaction. "that would explain the scar on itadori's face, i guess.. and fushiguro has been more bruised, i just thought it was normal fighting, or something."

"just ask when you see them." the raven haired girl sighed, gesturing with her hand to the school entrance, where the mentioned second years and a couple more were were standing, talking to each other. "oh yeah, noba and i were gonna go to that new cafe that opened , do you guys wanna go?"

"not tonight, nanami-sensei gave us a super long assignment, i'm gonna have to spend all night on it.." yuuta grimaced, inumaki nodding with a scowl, maki nodding and turning to you.

you smiled a little, shaking your head. "i can't tonight, sorry. i've.. uh, got a date."

"seriously?" her eyes widened, and you lightly shoved her, making her laugh. "alright, well, have fun, then." she lightly shoved you back, and you nodded, turning when she yelled to the four at the entrance. "nobara!"

"maki~!" the orange haired girl smiled brightly, dropping her backpack to run up to the taller girl, jumping into her, maki laughing and wrapping her arms around her, spinning her around slightly. "maki, my beloved, those two were being really lovey-dovey, it was icky, i need kisses to drown it out."

"of course, love." she smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the smaller girl's head, making her laugh, and you shoved the taller girl as you walked past, getting flipped off in response, making you grin.

"yuuji, hey, i have a question." you stepped up to the pink haired boy, who turned to you, tilting his head as you continued. "are you and megumi in. fight club?"

"did maki say that?" fushiguro interrupted immediately, and you nodded, seeing him glare at nothing. "i told her not to say anything.."

"seriously?! you're both in a fight club?!"

"yeah, but don't worry! we're not getting hurt super badly!" itadori smiled, running his hand over the bridge of his nose, where a scar was faded across his face. "plus i have a sexy-looking battle scar now!"

"you can't pull that off, you're too cute for that." you huffed, and he whined in response, huffing.

"jun, what do you think?" he asked, turning to the black haired boy, who shrugged, making him whine more. "you're supposed to be on my side..!"

"he's right, though, you're too cute for a lot of scars.." he started, turning to look off at nothing, lightly squeezing the pink haired boy's hand. "i mean, it is kinda sexy, i'll admit, but-"

"a-ha!! see?!" he grinned, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's shoulders, making him flush, whining.

"whatever you wanna think, yuuji." you smiled, and he pouted, making you laugh softly. "anyways, megumi, how's tsumiki doing?"

"a lot better, actually. college is a little stressful for her, but nothing too bad." he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck and turning to the ground. "she keeps asking me if i have a partner yet, though, it's getting tiring."

"aww, poor megumi.. all alone.." you moved towards him to ruffle his hair, getting glared at in return, making you smile. "well, tell her i said hi. and-"

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