the plan begins

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"i heard about your super homophobic family, so i got you this! also i like your hair, it's really neat!"

"huh-?" her eyes widened, running a hand through her surprisingly, now very short hair, watching you push a bag at her, and she grabbed it to dig in, quietly pulling out a box of sour candy, tilting her head. "what is this?"

"uh, my apology.. there's more in there," you started, scratching the side of your head and watching her snort at the knife you had snuck in. "kugisaki told me about your family visiting, i'm sorry i didn't talk to you or anything.. i thought you were mad at me, i figured i'd just let it be, but.." you gestured to the bag, sighing. "i miss talking to you, so this is an apology."

"y/n, you're an idiot." she sighed, but smiled, tossing the stuff in the bag and pushing her fist lightly into your chest. "it's my fault i didn't tell you guys about them, they're all embarrassing so i usually keep quiet about them. though i guess i should've said something."

"it's no problem, i'm just glad you're not mad at me.." you sighed in relief, walking beside her to your class, turning when she laughed.

"i could never stay mad at you, who else would i go to to get all the gay drama around school?" she grinned, and you sighed, stopping when she grabbed your shoulder. "though, mai told me something that happened the other day.." oh no. "you called her an asshole? which is understandable," oh no. "but she also said you have a crush on sukuna?" oh no. 

"uh, i don't- i mean- i do, but i'm- i'm not-" you were stuttering, how were you supposed to explain this..? before when you told inumaki and the others, it had been a simple thought, one you didn't dwell on, one you thought you might forget about.. but after the other night, when you spent probably an hour just cuddling against the jacket he had left with you.. "listen, i know i'm pathetic, so you don't have to rub it in-"

"y/n, please tell me you're joking." 

"i tried to stop it, but-"

"hey, y/n." you both froze, and you turned, seeing wow! sukuna!! you panicked a bit, had he heard you..? but you felt your heart do a little jump, and you smiled a little, hating yourself for it, getting lightly shoved by maki. "nanami said we'd both be helping in the gym again during last hour."

"oh- okay, thanks for letting me know.." you were quick to reply, and he nodded, walking past you without another word, you and maki standing there for a second as your brain rebooted, inhaling as you peeked out behind the corner, seeing him down the hall, talking to uraume. "did you know he has a tongue piercing-"

"i do not need to know that." she grit her teeth, pointing at you accusingly with a huff. "this is the same guy you got into all those fights with, who you came crying to me about because he broke your heart, how could you possibly have a crush on him?" 

"i.. i don't know, i- i just think he's neat, okay?" you shrugged, and she sighed, knowing she would get nowhere with this, so she just grabbed your hand and started to drag you to the classroom, mumbling under her breath as you followed. "i'm not good at romantic feelings."

"what about the other one? yuuji?" she suddenly asked, and you stopped, biting the inside of your cheek as she turned to you, shoving her hands in her pockets. "you have a crush on him, how did you fall for his much, much worse brother?"

"uh.. i.. i don't- really know.." you hadn't given it any thought, really.. you liked yuuji, you knew that, but sukuna.. they were both different, why did you like both of them at the same time..? "my brain is weird, liking two people like that. it's kinda like last year, remember when i had a crush on both you and yuuta?"

"that was a dark time." she shuddered, and you laughed, seeing her sigh, nodding. "i guess it is kinda the same, but both those crushes went away, right? how'd that happen?"

"well, i figured out you were a lesbian, and.. yuuta started dating toge." you started, humming a bit in thought. "guess my brain realized i didn't have a chance and just erased my feelings."

"then hopefully your brain erases your feelings for sukuna soon." she sighed, and you tilted your head to the side, confused. "what?"

"why would my.. what do you mean?" 

"because you have no chance with him? he's an asshole, and he's straight, we all know how many girls he's fucked around with." she waved her hand, and you just stared, bewildered. maybe you.. should've told them what was going on between you both. but that would involve embarrassment and getting bonked, so probably not. though..

"he's not straight, yuuji told me." you mentioned, and her eyes widened, giving you a "you're lying" look, so you gulped, this was probably okay. "he said sukuna's got a crush on megumi, so.."

"he's what?" she looked angry, and you once again cursed your brain for forgetting they were cousins. "since when?"

"ah, i dunno, he told me a few weeks ago." you scratched the side of your head, smiling nervously. at least the conversation had steered away from you getting rid of your feelings for sukuna. you probably should've, you knew, but.. dumb hormonal heart wanted you to keep them, to confess, so you didn't really want to get rid of them. hopefully maki was right, they'd go away with time, but until then? "i don't think he'd act on it, he actually respects megumi, i think.. and megumi would probably just tell him "no" and that'd be it."

she huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at the floor. "that's true.. still, though, i'm pissed- why megumi? he's a first year, and sukuna is a third year, they're graduating in less than two weeks, and then he'll never see him again."

"..huh?" your eyes widened, and she turned to you as you gulped. "when's graduation.."

"a week from thursday, why?" she tilted her head, and you froze, biting your tongue. "did you not realize? we're gonna be third years soon, then we can bully all the new first years."

"third.." you couldn't process it- graduation..? you weren't really close with any of the third years, hell, all you really knew was fushiguro's older sister, sukuna, and a couple kids in your class, and it's not like you'd never see sukuna again- you saw yuuji all the time, and he'd probably invite you over again, but.. you.. wouldn't see him as much, and.. "maki, i made a promise with toudo that i'd tell sukuna about my feelings for him by the dance on friday, and i wanna tell him, because i'm also being blackmailed." her eyes widened, and you stared at the floor, frowning. "do you.. think you could help me come up with a plan? i can ask toge, too- and i might as well tell yuuta, too, though he'll probably fight me."

"y/n, i wanna fight you. i'm just not because i've been fighting my family all week and i'm exhausted. one of them threw a cup of hot tea at me, and it left a scar on my arm, so i'm tired." she huffed, crossing her arms. "but, since you've never asked me for help before, okay, though i can't guaranteed you'll get a positive response when you do confess." 

"yeah, i know that, i'll probably get punched." you sighed, starting the walk to the classroom with her beside you. "but hey, i'll never see him after graduation."

"unless you start dating yuuji, then you'll probably see him a lot more." he pointed out, and your eyes widened a bit, but nodded, entering the classroom and sitting in your desk.

you had been so busy thinking of sukuna, of confessing, that you never really thought about.. actually dating yuuji. it just seemed.. unrealistic, which was surprising, considering.. you thought you had a higher chance with sukuna. it was weird, and you just rested your head on the desk, asking your brain to shut off for a while. no point getting romantic feelings worked up, you could think about all this later. 

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