how to deal with your crush's drunk brother

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you opened your eyes slightly, wincing as you moved to sit up, rubbing at your eyes. you were.. on a couch, in an unfamiliar room.

"where..?" you looked around, seeing a light on somewhere, frowning before you remembered. itadori's house, right. you must've fallen asleep.

you turned to the floor, where yuuji was out cold on a makeshift bed. you smiled a bit, silently thanking him for letting you stay on the couch, but feeling bad all the same that he was sleeping on the floor. but if he was there, why was there a light-?

you heard rustling, and you poked your head over the couch, seeing a figure in the kitchen, where a light was on. you squinted, managing to make out the pink hair and messy clothes. sukuna was back.

"what time is it..?" you mumbled, standing up and stretching, walking quietly around the couch, trying to find a clock and also see what the older brother was doing awake and back so late at night. you entered the kitchen, freezing slightly when you actually got a good look at him. "sukuna-?"

he flinched at your voice, turning and glaring at you, and you winced when you saw the bruises on his cheek, one of his eyelids swelling up, probably in a fight. "what.. the fuck are you doing..?"

"are you drunk-?" your eyes widened in panic, walking up to him, grimacing at the smell of alcohol and smoke. "where were you? what were you doing?"

"doesn't matter." he grumbled, taking a sip from a bottle that you just hoped was water. "where's the brat-?"

"asleep. should i wake him up?" you were speaking quietly, trying to not disturb yuuji and also to not hurt the older's ears, since he seemed sensitive to any noises.

"don't bother, he'd just worry." he stood up straight, nearly falling over again, and you shot your arm out to press against his back, holding him upright as he walked past you. "fuck, i have a headache.. i need sleep.."

"what you need is a bath and some medicine." you muttered, gritting your teeth as you followed him, seeing him turn and glare back at you. "even if yuuji doesn't wake up now, he's gonna see all those bruises you have."

"bruises..?" he brought his hand to his face, wincing slightly when he pressed down on one of the many marks across his face. "shit- go get some bandages, they're-"

your eyes widened when he tripped over nothing, hands hitting the floor at the last second so he didn't fall flat on his face. "hey-! be careful!!"

"bE caRefUl." he mimicked, and you frowned, grabbing his arm to help him up, taking the lead and dragging him to the bathroom, watching him sit down as you rummaged through drawers, finding some pain reliever gel and bandages. first, though, you needed to clean the wounds. and, well, he stunk, so he probably just needed to be clean.

you sighed, going and turning on the faucet for the bath, waiting for it to get warm before plugging it, watching it fill as you turned back to him. "take off your clothes."

"huh-?" he looked up at you, confused, tilting his head to the side. "what, do you wanna"

"shit, no- you need a bath." you cursed at yourself for blushing, pointing to the water. he followed your gaze, nodding, and you turned around to grip the sink counter as you sighed, hearing clothes get thrown around, water splashing, you glancing over to see him in the tub, sighing in relief. "okay, if you're all good, i'm going to sit down, so-"


you froze, turning to look at him, his gaze returned soft, for once. he didn't seem mad, or stressed, he seemed.. almost desperate, your eyes widening slightly. "you.. want me to stay in here?"

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now