what we've been waiting on

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you stared down at the podium, students going up one by one to get their papers or whatever they were called, and you sighed, regretting coming already. it didn't feel right, being there, knowing why you had come, but you needed to be there, this was your last chance, after all.

the week had been torturously slow, you had avoided the two brothers all week, seeing them only a few times and immediately going the other way, keeping your distance as best you could, hating yourself for it. but, you had a plan, and that plan involved talking to both of them today.

so, there you sat, up in the stands at graduation, listening to the smartest kid in the year give some speech about random stuff you didn't care about, thanking teachers and other students..

it was taking forever, and your leg bounced against the floor, biting your lip as you watched the final student get his diploma, all of them standing as principal yaga gave some final words, and finally, it was done. everyone stood up, students threw their caps into the air, and you got up, walking down the stairs as you looked around, cursing the large crowd as you struggled to see who you were looking for as you squeezed your way through.

"l/n-" you jumped, nearly yelling as you turned, fushiguro was there, and you sighed, seeing his sister and dad just a little ways off, right, tsumiki was a third year. "what're you doing here?"

"uh, nothing, really.. just, uh, came to see what graduation was all about?" you were bad at lying, he knew, squinting slightly before sighing, turning to the floor as he hummed.

"they're by the entrance, they didn't wanna stay in this crowd for long." he mentioned, and your eyes widened, smiling just a bit and nodding.

"thank you, megumi." you leaned forward, feeling him freeze as you hugged him, stepping back and inhaling, awkwardly patting his shoulders. "i'm never doing that again, sorry, okay bye-"

and you turned to go, running through the crowd, making it to the entrance, looking around, it was mostly empty, had they already left-? you cursed to yourself, running outside, looking around desperately, you literally wouldn't have any other chance to do this.

thankfully, thankfully, luck seemed to be on your side, and you spotted the two heads of pink hair, walking away through the parking lot, and you inhaled, running towards them, getting honked at by a truck as you ran across the road, eyes widening when the noise startled them, turning to look at you, and-

you tripped on nothing. fuck.

you hit the ground, yelling in pain as something scrapped, cursing at nothing and moving up on your elbows, grimacing. fuck, why were you so bad at this..?

"hey." you froze, looking up, where sukuna stopd, holding out his hand, and you bit your lip, taking it, letting him help you up, noticing how he squeezed your hand slightly, turning to yuuji. "go home with megumi."

"huh- uh, okay.." he nodded, frowning just a little and walking past you both, and you forgot for a second what your plan was, before your eyes widened, turning back to him.

"wait- i- i need to talk to both of you-"

"come on." he pulled you, and your eyes widened, getting dragged through the parking lot, ending up at his car, and he let you go just so you could get in, nervously sitting down as he started it up. "we're going to my place. buckle up."


"buckle up." he repeated, and you bit your lip, doing as told, holding your arm you had scraped, wincing slightly at the sting, both of you in silence as you drove, the atmosphere awkward. you wanted to say so many things, but you stayed quiet, keeping your eyes on your lap the whole time until you made it there, parking in silence. "come on, get out."

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now