this is gonna be awkward

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you rested your elbow on the windowsill, watching the world blur by before you sighed. "you didn't have to drive.."

"'s fine, we would've been late if we walked." he shrugged, coming to a stop at a light and glancing at you, grinning a bit. "you look good in that."

"it's the same thing i always wear." you bit your lip, refusing to look over at him as your cheeks warmed up. "and i don't wanna anyone to see us get out of the same car."

"i never drive, nobody will recognize us." he scoffed, light turning green and driving again, "and i park behind the building, nobody is ever out there. you'll be fine."

you frowned, squirming in your seat and trying to scoot as close to the window as possible, to avoid being close to him. after all, you would probably get smacked for your next question, at least you could be far away from the blow. "so, are you dating anyone?"


"i mean- fuck, no- are you doing anything.. with anyone else?" you closed your eyes, just hoping your embarrassment wasn't visible on your face. "like.. what we're doing? i keep hearing classmates talk about you and how stupidly sexy you are, it's bugging me, cause one, you're not, and two, i don't wanna catch anything when we go further."

 he raised his eyebrows, laughing lowly, making you shudder. "right now, no, the last i did something was back at the beginning of the year. and for your information, i've been tested, i don't have anything." you sighed, that was something to calm you down.. it should've, at least, but your dumb hormonal brain was cheering at the thought of being the only one to do anything with him. you wanted to punch your brain. "and you don't think i'm sexy?"

"i'll punch you." on his mouth. with your mouth. fuck off, brain.

"good to know." he smiled, pulling into the school, and you ducked your head down, just hoping nobody happened to look into the windows and happen to recognize you both. "also good to know you want to go further." 

"wha-?" your eyes widened, sitting up when he parked, watching him pull the keys out, spinning them on his finger, that stupidly sexy grin on his face.

"you said "when we go further", not "if"." he laughed a bit, unbuckling and opening his door, hopping out and turning to look back in at you as you struggled to unbuckle, your hands unfairly sweating and shaky. "so the possibility of you riding me isn't that far off, huh?" 

no, it's not, get back in the car and i'll show you how far off it is- oh fuck off, brain, your input is not needed. "shut up." 

"alright, alright, fine." he shrugged, watching you hop out and slam the door, locking it before turning to go his own way. "just let me know if you need to blow off some steam, you know where to find me."

"fuck off." you grumbled, sliding the sleeves of your temporary uniform up. it was a little big on you, sleeves too long and pants trying to slip down, but it worked for now, you'd repair your own uniform at home. you sighed, clutching the strap of your bag tighter as you moved in, walking down the halls to your locker, opening it with a frown. you just had to get through the day, then it was the weekend. two days of being dumb and horny to try to process your feelings.

"l/n, we need you in the office." you froze, turning to the third year teacher, usual frown on his face, your eyes widening slightly. "about what happened yesterday at the baseball fields."

"oh-!" you nodded, you had.. forgotten, honestly. your brain kinda struggled to multitask, so worrying about your absolutely devastating crush and also worrying about some homophobes didn't work at the same time. "why're you here, though, nanami-sensei?"

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