and they were roomates!

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"woah, this is really good." your eyes widened when you took a bite of food, hearing your stomach rumble in reply. "i didn't realize you could cook well."

"it's just one of my many talents." he smiled, and you laughed a bit, continuing to eat. "if you want, i can start making you lunch, too. i already make plenty."

"huh-? really?" you looked up at him, and he smiled brightly, nodding. you turned back to your plate of food, smiling a little while your cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "yeah, if it's okay. thank you."

"no problem!" he nodded, both of you eating in a comfortable silence. it was nice, hanging out with him at his house and eating together. it made you think of something a married couple would do, making your blush worsen a little, bit shaking the thought out of your head.

"so, actually, i was meaning to ask this before.." you started, making him look up from his plate, pausing for a second. "i saw that there was only the one bedroom. can i ask about that?"

"oh-! yeah, that's suku and i's room. we've been sharing a bed basically since we were born." he smiled, and you tilted your head to the side, a bit confused. "but then i hit high school, and he stopped babying me, so i got kicked out of his bed and had to use my own."

"oh.." you thought for a minute, wondering just how he put up with that for so long. they were brothers, was it normal to sleep in the same bed for that long? "i've never had siblings, so i don't know anything about that."

"you're not missing out on anything." he laughed a bit, finishing off his plate and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "yeah, we fight all the time. especially the past month or so, he's been really stressed. it doesn't get physical usually, just a lot of yelling. but we only have the one bedroom and neither of us wanna sleep on the couch, so we end up just ignoring each other if it's really bad."

that explains why sukuna's like a brick wall, you thought, grimacing a bit. "he seems like he's always stressed, i wouldn't have realized he's more stressed."

"ah- well, it's a brother thing, and he'd kill me if i said why." he laughed, scratching the back of his neck, and you just nodded, finishing off your own food and thanking him quietly. "anyways, what do you wanna do now?"

"study." you muttered, and his eyes widened, realizing that that was why you were there in the first place. he stood up, smiling and apologizing for forgetting as he put the empty dishes in the sink, running around the house as you stood up. "you've got all your stuff, right? where do you wanna sit?"

"my bed, it's comfy!!" he yelled from his room, and you smiled a bit at how energetic he was, moving so you were in the doorway, watching him toss stuff off and throwing books on. "okay, just- make yourself at home!! i'll go grab some snacks and drinks!"

"we just ate." you smiled when he blushed, embarrassed, running anyways to go get snacks as you took a seat on the bed, sinking into it, your eyes widening a bit. it was definitely more plush than sukuna's bed.

"stop it." you smacked yourself, shaking your head violently as you inhaled sharply. he had literally scared the shit out of you, what was the point in thinking about that? or him in general?

"i'm back!" you turned when he cheered, running in and dropping bags of chips and candy on the bed, handing you a can of soda, his arms full of at least seven more. "okay, so! history is definitely my worst subject, can we start with that?"

"i am also terrible at history, i won't be any help." you smiled, and he laughed quietly, you turning away and looking at one of the poorly graded papers. "how about math? i'm decent at that, at least."

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