learning something new

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"thanks for helping me, you two.. i called in some first years to help, but they won't be here until the last hour of the day." utahime led you both through the gym, opening the door to the storage closet. "we just need some streamers hung, some tables set out, a couple platforms moved, it shouldn't take long with the two of you. will you be okay?"

it was meant for both of you, but you saw her worried glance at you, so you nodded. "it'll be fine, i've decorated for a couple parties before.."

"okay, i'll be in the teacher's lounge down the hall, let me know if you need anything." she sighed, turning to go, leaving you both in this wide, empty gym.. a whole space, all alone.. no chance of anybody entering for a while..

it really wasn't a surprise that you were on your back on a platform, legs wrapped around his waist as he bit into your neck, a whine torn from your throat as he sucked on a patch of skin, bruising it purple. "s-sukuna, wait- we're- we c-can't do this here.."

"what're you so nervous about..?" he grinned, slotting a leg between yours, letting you grind yourself against it despite your previous protest. "i saw you eye-fucking me in the hallway, you're lucky i stopped at just that one kiss.."

you shook your head, face warm from his comment, of course you had been caught. "i'm not- nng, letting you f-fuck me in a gym, asshole.." 

"who said anything about fucking?" he was back to attacking your neck, trailing up to bite against a sensitive part behind your ear, making you gasp, desperately pushing your hips against his leg, trying to get yourself off as your hands tugged in his hair, inhaling slowly

"if you're g-gonna use your mouth, then use it for something better.." you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling him move back, there was no way you'd look at him after what you had said.. but he tugged at your legs, making your squeak, eyes flying open to see him on his knees, sighing and trailing his hands up your legs, making you shudder, he really just did what you asked.. it was surprising, but you couldn't exactly focus on that, considering he was unzipping your pants, pulling your cock free, and you let out a strangled moan when he wrapped his hand around it, slowly stroking it before stopping. 

"you know, you're really something.." he huffed, and you whimpered when he rubbed his thumb over the slit, your hand going to grab his hair, gently tugging the strands, biting your tongue when he continued stroking, almost painfully slow.

"sukuna," you muttered, gripping his hair tighter, pulling him forward, making him flinch when your dick slid against his face, the friction making you shudder. "please, please use your mouth." 

he scoffed, and you wanted to note the slight blush on his cheeks, thought getting pulled away when he suddenly took you in, a shaky gasp torn from your throat, other hand clenched against the platform beneath you as you whined, hand gripping his hair tighter, having to force yourself to let go, you didn't wanna hurt him. that thought was weird, you huffed, but you ignored it, just moving your hand to the back of his head instead, eyes stuck on the sight of him sucking you off, gulping. 

"fuck-" you whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut when he pulled back, dragging his tongue along the underside before going back to sucking on the tip, your hand flying to your mouth, moaning against it. "s- kuna, shit.." you couldn't help it, looking down at him, lips wrapped around your cock, the words spilling out of your mouth before you can think twice about it. "you look so good like this.. fuck, fuck.." 

you felt and heard him moan, your hips jerking, feeling him hollow his cheeks, an embarrassingly needy whine tearing from your throat, hand on the back of his neck pushing him down further, feeling him shudder. you were close, so, so close, toes curling in your shoes as you struggled to speak, falling too fast, grabbing his hair to try to tug him off. 

fangs | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now