yeah that apology didn't last long

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"you're leaving already?!"

"yeah, i've gotta go." you smiled nervously, scratching the back of your head, standing in the doorway as yuuji pouted. "i'll see you tomorrow at school, though, don't worry!"

"okay.. i really liked having you over, though, we should do it again sometime." he mumbled, crossing his arms with a sigh.

"that sounds nice. maybe at my place next time, though." you offered, and he nodded in agreement. you didn't wanna deal with sukuna again if you hung out, so your place was the best option. "it was really nice being over, though. even if we didn't study much."

"you still helped a lot!" he grinned, stepping closer to you. "you deserve a reward for helping out!"


"yeah, here, look over there for a sec." he pointed off to the side, and being the idiot you were, you looked over, confused. you saw him move out of the corner of your eye, and a second later he had his lips to your cheek, your eyes widening, freezing up as he leaned back. "ta-da!!"

"oh." your face was red, facing him, where he was smiling as if he hadn't done anything. you wanted to say something, but no clue what. thank him? that would be weird. "umm.. s-see you monday.."

"bye!" he waved as you turned to go, your eyes wide and mind blank, the scenario running through your head over and over again. he had kissed your cheek. that meant something, right? hadn't he mentioned doing that with nobara and megumi too, though? but he was the one getting kissed, not giving them.. did.. did that mean something?

"ow-!" you yelped when you bumped into someone, wincing as you took a step back, apologizing quickly. "sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going."

"that's fine." your eyes widened a bit at the white haired person, them looking up at you with a bored look on their face. it was the person sukuna had been talking to on friday. the one he wouldn't explain anything about. "excuse me."

you moved so they could walk past your, mind racing as you watched them walk, and walk, and- turn to go up the steps to the itadori's house, your eyes widening as they didn't even knock, just opening the door and walking in.

who were they? they went to your school, and knew sukuna, right? it wasn't weird for friends to go to each other's houses, but- but without knocking? and why on the day you had left? did sukuna know? why would he invite them if there was a chance you could've still been there-? there were too many questions, not enough answers, and you frowned, just shaking your head and going back your own way.

then you heard the door open, and you hid behind a fence, peeking out to see the person again, this time sukuna by their side, both of them talking as they walked down the sidewalk, the opposite direction that you had come from.

and you followed them.

why were you following them?

this was stupid.

but you frowned, hiding behind fences as you watched them, getting barked at by a few dogs along the way. eventually the row of houses ended, stores and other buildings coming up, so you stayed a bit further behind, trying to make sure they wouldn't see you.

minutes passed of just following, almost losing them in the crowd that was around. they seemed to notice the crowd, too, and went into a building, you ducking around to peek through the window to see what they were doing. would you get in trouble if someone caught you spying on them?

they were talking, the white haired friend nodding from time to time, pointing at different things around the store as if explaining what they were. sukuna wasn't talking as much, but still pointed something out from time to time, you squinting to see what they were looking at but unable to. you sighed, just giving up. you shouldn't have been doing this, anyways, sukuna would kill you if he found you, plus some people were giving you weird looks, and there was some creepy guy standing next to you spying on them too, and-

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