not as planned

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"pleeease.." you were panting, too embarrassed to say it again, feeling him push himself off of you, and you watched him sigh, bringing a hand up to scratch against the back of his neck as he grumbled something under his breath. "what? do you not want to..?"

"fuck, no- i do, i really, really want to, but- shit, you're really something, you know?" he grit his teeth, and you pulled your legs up when he sat back, stretching his legs and sighing, looking at you as you sat up. "come here." you nodded, moving over, and he grabbed your sides to move you into his lap, his hands sliding up into your shirt as you exhaled shakily. 

"sukuna, please.." you repeated, hands moving to his shoulders to hold yourself up. "i want to.."

"i can tell." he huffed, sliding his hand between your legs, and you groaned, bucking your hips against it, already hard again, whining when he took his hand away, putting it back on your hip. "lift up."

you did as told, pushing yourself up, shuddering when he slid your pants and boxers down to your knees, hands squeezing around his shoulders when he grabbed your cock, sliding over it as you whined, legs shaking. "s- sukuna, please, please-"

"not tonight, okay?" he mumbled, moving his hand away, lifting himself so he could slide his jeans off to his mid thigh, cock springing free, and he sighed in relief, one hand squeezing your hip and bringing the other up to your mouth, two fingers out. "suck."

you did as told, mindlessly wrapping your lips around them, tongue running between the digits, too embarrassed and horny to really think about what you were doing. he moved himself to a more comfortable position, groaning when you sucked harshly, moving his hand between you to grab both your cocks, making you gasp, almost choking as you whined.

"shit.. you're gonna be the death of me.." he muttered, pulling his fingers from your mouth, and you slumped forward, panting as he twisted his hand around you, squeezing your eyes shut and whimpering when he pressed a finger to your entrance. "you okay?"

"y-yeah.." you could still form sentences, that was good enough, so he nodded, and you inhaled when he pushed his finger in, squirming awkwardly in his grasp, his hand on your cock slowing its pace so he could focus on fingering you. "f.. eels weird.."

"that's fine, it'll feel good in a minute.." he sighed, pressing his lips to your neck, and you whimpered, piercing sliding over skin, making you shudder, jerking when he pushed his finger in further, biting your tongue and whimpering when he started to push in a second one. "relax."

you nodded, hands clutching his shirt, exhaling as the uncomforting feeling slowly turned to pleasure, clamping down on his fingers as he stretched you open, rocking down to get them deeper. a breathless whine escaped you when he added a third finger, choking on a sob when they hit something, making you jerk. "ha-ah-! w-wait, wait, r- right there-"

he grinned, lips leaving your neck as he abused the same spot, making you gasp, desperately rolling your hips, hands squeezing his shoulders so tight your knuckles began to turn light. "good boy.. doing just as i say, taking it all so well.." you whimpered, whining when his hand around your cock jerked, twisted his wrist as he moved faster, mumbling praises into your ear as you came undone, swearing you saw stars behind your eyelids, the knot in your stomach tightening, so, so close, and all it took was a rub at your prostate and a jerk of his hand for you to come, pleasure flowing over you as you whined, biting into his shoulder to try to muffle yourself, his hands leaving you, hearing him sigh, just a few quick tugs before he followed you over, groaning lowly, both of you panting, coming down from your highs. 

"i.. love you.."

"huh?" he turned, and you froze, hands clenching against his shoulders. you had.. said that out loud. "what did you say?"

thank whatever all mighty being was out there, you leaned back, inhaling. "i loved that. a lot. it was.. r.. really good." 

he smiled a bit, and you watched him lean over between the seats, grabbing a towel, and you huffed, he had probably planned this.. but he wiped you both down, cleaning you off as best he could, abandoning the towel back between the seats. "come on, get up, it's late, yuuji'll kill me if i'm not back before midnight."

"o- okay.." you got off of him, pulling your pants back up, grimacing at the wet stain in your boxers, feeling your face warm as you crawled back into the front seat. you had.. just done all that.. and.. you asked him to.. 

"don't get all embarrassed and quiet, it's not that much to be flustered about." he sighed, putting the car in reverse to back up before starting the drive, the roads quiet, only passing a few cars here and there. "that was your first time getting fingered, right?"

you stiffened up, hands clenched against your legs as you nodded. "yeah.. you did say it was nice, i trust your opinion.." 

"i did?" he muttered, thinking before a second before he snapped his fingers. "oh yeah, when you woke up horny then yelled at me for owning a dildo."

"that's- not exactly how that went, but yeah." you huffed, and he laughed, you just sighing and looking out the window, getting back to your house in a few minutes, and he parked as you made sure you had all your things, unbuckling and getting out, before sighing, going around to his side, and he curiously rolled down the window, watching you as you stared at the ground, trying to figure out how to word this. "thanks.. for today. not- uh- the fingering, er- i mean, that, yeah, but not just that, i did like it- uh, shit-" you shook your head, ignoring the grin he had. "thanks for, uh, not fucking me when i asked.. that.. would've been embarrassing, having my first time in a car.." 

"yeah, i figured as much." he shrugged, smiling a bit as he watched you, your eyes stuck on the ground. "we could always go inside and fuck, i wouldn't complain."

"i don't think i can handle anymore of that today." you huffed, and he laughed, making you smile just a bit, biting your cheek before sighing, leaning forward into the window and pressing your lips to his, making him freeze, you staying for a second before pulling back. "i do like that piercing a lot, it's really sexy."

"oh, getting cocky now?" he grinned, though you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks, freezing when he reached out, grabbing your shirt collar and pulling you forward to kiss you again, sliding his tongue over your lips as you shuddered, willing yourself not to get back into the car and go for a third round. but he pulled back, wiping his thumb over his lips with a huff. "i'll wear it more often, then. maybe at school, it'd be fun seeing you get all hot and bothered watching me.."

"you'd get suspended." you sighed, shaking your head. "you're an idiot.."

"yeah, maybe i am." he continued, and you tilted your head, confused, watching him sigh, sitting himself upright and turning back to the wheel. "i'll see you later, okay? shoot me a text if you wanna do this again. the date or the fingering, i don't mind whichever one." 

"er- yeah, bye.." you stood back, waving as he left, and you shoved your hands into your pockets, walking to the door and going in, locking it behind you before rushing to your room, flopping onto your bed and yelling into a pillow as you realized two things. you still had his jacket, and he had called it a date. 

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