Waking Up

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I groaned. There was a pounding in my head that wouldn't stop. I let go of the pillow I was holding and pushed myself up on my arms. What had happened? I couldn't remember. The last thing I remember was.. Niall. I was talking to Niall. I rolled over. I was always sleeping on my stomach. I touched something and scooted away. Then i about jumped out of my skin. Niall was in bed with me. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming, and vomiting. I really.. Wanted to throw up. Why did i feel like vomiting? I ran my hands through my hair. I felt like ripping it out. I checked my clothes. They were all still on, but Niall didn't have a shirt on. So what happened? Thats when I heard someone snore. Startled i looked around the room, my eyes adjusting to the light pouring in from the window.

There were people all over the room. There was a brown haired boy on my side of the bed and sleeping on top of him was a pretty brown haired girl. She looked vaguely familiar. The boy was Louis i think.. On the couch there was a dark haired boy anddd.. Victoria! So that must be Zayn. He had his head tipped back on the sofa. Victoria was cuddled into his chest. I looked over the front of the bed. There was a curly haired boy who was snoring softly. Harry. I knew it was him because of his curls. On Niall's side there was another brown haired boy. Probably Liam. Niall rolled over next to me. He put one arm behind his head. He must be awake. I don't think people did that unconscious. I poked him.

"Niall." I whispered. I covered my mouth when I heard someone shift in the room. I looked back at Niall.

"Can this wait til morning Sarah?" he murmured.

"It is morning Niall." I whispered. He ran his hands through his blond messed up hair and sat up.

"Wheres my shirt?" he asked me looking around like I had taken it off.

"How am I supposed to know!" i said a bit loudly. He found it on the floor next to the bed.

"Funny. Don't remember taking it off." he said almost to himself, but a look crossed his face as he looked at me. Almost as if he expected me to say something about it.

"Well it's about to get a hell of a lot funnier cause i don't remember a thing." I told him. Clearly that wasn't the response he wanted. There was a wave of pain that hit me and i groaned. My head was killing me.

"You did get pretty drunk." Niall replied with a shrug. I groaned and dropped my head into my lap.

"I told you i don't drink." I grumbled.

"Well you ate a lot of spiked watermelon.." said Niall slowly. I sat up and stared at him.

"What!" I half yelled but immediately regretted because it felt like knives were stabbing my head. Harry jumped up and looked around bewildered. He saw us and smiled.

"Hows little drunk girl?" he asked a bit sleepily. Nobody answered he just plopped back down and fell asleep.

"What?" I whispered to Niall shocked that Harry just called me that. "Did you know the watermelon was spiked! You probably made me eat it oh god I'm stupid!" I said as loudly as I could without screaming.

"If I remember correctly you ate it off your own free will sweetheart." he said softly.

"You.. I.. Urraaghh." I groaned grabbing a pillow and covering my face. He stroked my hair. It felt nice, but this was weird. "Oh god. What did i do last night?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well after you ate all the watermelon. You started acting a bit weird..." I cut him off.

"You ate some too." I pointed out.

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