Cure for Boredom

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"I'm bored!" Harry whined.

"Well there's nothing we can do about it." Liam said looking up from his book. He was one to talk. He never got bored. There was always something to do for him. Harry and Louis looked like they were about to explode though. Normal both were jumping off the walls with excitement but right now Louis was on the floor playing with a loose strand of a blanket and Harry was laying upside down on the sofa letting all the blood rush to his head and getting the back of the couch dirty with his shoes. Even i was feeling the effect. I had been staring blankly at the room for god knows how long. Zayn was half asleep on the sofa across from Harry. He kept shifting uncomfortably and looking at his watch.

"When are they getting back." Louis whined.

"We don't even know if the girls are coming over here." Zayn said slowly.

"They better." Harry pouted getting up in a sitting position. He grabbed the blanket out of Louis' hands.

"Hey!" Louis said grabbing for it. Harry just laughed and ran away. Louis chased after him.

"Don't break anything!" Liam shouted at them. I don't think they heard. At that moment i heard the rumbling of an engine. I stood up and went into the kitchen to look out the window. I was just in time to see Eleanor, Sarah, Victoria and Alison climb out of Louis car with a car load of bags.

"They're back and they have a lot of bags!" i called out grabbing a jacket shrugging it on and heading for the door. There was a commotion behind me as they all bolted into action. I got to the door first and opened it heading toward them. "Hey guys." I called out. Sarah turned to look at me her hair flying out behind her. She smiled brightly.

"Hi Niall." she replied. There was a choked squeal from Alison. Even though she's met me i'm guessing it was still a bit of a shock. I went up to Sarah threw my arm over her shoulders and kissed her. "I'm guessing you guys missed us?" Sarah said. Zayn and Victoria were already making out wrapped around each other. Louis and literally lifted Eleanor off her feet and was kissing her. They were both smiling.

"You could say that." i said smiling down at her.

"Wow. Never felt more single then i do right now." Alison said standing off to the side a bit awkwardly watching us. "Even Sarah has a boyfriend. What is going on. Where's my hot boyfriend?" Alison asked. Sarah laughed.

"I seem to recall you dumped him because of what was it again?" she teased. Alison rolled her eyes.

"He thought One Direction was gay but also because he was a selfish jerk who cheated on me." Alison said crossing her arms which was pretty hard to do with bags in her hands.

"Well you're right." Harry said walking over to her and taking her bags. "We're not gay." he said smiling at her. Alison blushed something fierce which i'm guessing wasn't the norm for her because Sarah was holding back a laugh.

"Let's go inside." Liam said trying not to laugh at Alison and Harry. I took Sarah's bags and watched Zayn, and Louis do the same with Victoria and Eleanor.

"So what were you guys doing?" Eleanor asked.

"Oh tons of things. Loads of fun." Louis said. Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"So you guys were bored out of your minds." Victoria said.

"Basically." Zayn said planting a kiss on her forehead.

"But now you guys are here. Cure for boredom." Harry concluded.

"Do you mean that in a bad way or a good way?" Alison asked.

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