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There was a BANG! As the front door closed. I jumped up and so did Niall. I was sleepily rubbing my eye's and Niall was looking around confused. My mom was standing there tapping her foot. "What's going on?" i asked quietly generally confused. My mom scoffed.

"I could ask you the same question!" she said huffily.

"Why aren't you in school and why is he here?" she asked gesturing toward Niall. My mom isn't mean maybe a little high strung.

"School." Niall mumbled rubbing his eyes. She was waiting for an answer.

"They attacked me." i finally said. Her face fell as she took in my clothes and the dried blood on my arms from small scratches. Oops. She immediately went into extreme mom mode looking me over patching things up fixing my hair talking about how she'll fix my clothes. Niall followed us around and didn't say anything. I gave him a weak apologetic smile. He smiled back brightly.

"We're going to have to do something." my Mom said. I wasn't really paying attention.

"What?" i asked again. She sighed.

"You can't go to school again until we figure out how to deal with this." she gestured to all of me.

"We? I'm the one who got attacked mom. I can handle this." i said slightly annoyed.

"You obviously can't!" said my mom fussing with my rumpled shirt. I stepped away from her.

"This will all die down like it did with Victoria." i said crossing my arms but my mom was already shaking her head no.

"This isn't like what happened with Victoria. You never got attacked because of her!" she said throwing up her arms.

"So your saying it's Niall's fault." i retorted really annoyed now. I could see Niall swallow he did not want to be in on this. He was shifting uncomfortably and looking back and forth at us.

"I didn't mean it like that." she said tiredly.

"Well it sure sounded like you did." i grumbled. I picked up my backpack from where i left it and stormed up to my room. I was hopping Niall would take that as a 'Follow me because i don't want to be down here. I threw open my door tossed my bag on the floor and flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard light footsteps. My mom wasn't shouting at me to come back so I was guessing it was Niall. They walked into the room but i ddin't look up. Niall came into view. He looked at me then at the ceiling. He sat on my bed and looked back at me as if he was asking permission to join me. Slowly he laid down beside me and put his hands behind his head.

"What ya looking at?" he asked softly. I knew he was being genuine but maybe that's why it was funny. I burst out laughing and Niall smiled at me glad that he made me laugh. "Don't be to harsh." he said nudging me with his elbow. I nudged him back and sighed.

"My mom just.." i started but trailed off.

"I know." he replied. He grasped my hand from where it was resting on the covers and gave it a light squeeze. I exhaled slowly and thought about the day's events. What could i even do about today? They weren't just going to stop asking questions and being nosy. They were going to want to know everything and Alison couldn't keep them away forever nor would i expect her too. "She's right though. You know." he said reading my mind. "Somethings... Somethings just got to be done." I rolled onto my side and looked at him.

"I like your accent. It's cute." i said. He snorted and rolled his eyes at me as he turned on his side to look at me.

"Don't change the subject." he said.

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