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I opened the door to the car and let Sarah get in. She blushed as she tossed her backpack in and got in after it. I closed the door and went around to the other side and got in. "Aww! How cute!" said Victoria as she looked back at us in the rear-view mirror. I laughed and Sarah hit her.

"So are you two coming with us or do you wanna do your own thing and make out in some cafe?" Victoria asked.

"Victoria!" Sarah shouted, sounding embarrassed. Her cheeks were already red and i snickered she glared at me. But Victoria just rolled her eye's.

"Like you two haven't kissed." she said. Sarah sighed.

"What movie are you seeing?" she asked.

"That new romance one. What was it called again.." Zayn said looking at Victoria.

"Real Life." she said. I saw Sarah make a face.

"I don't want to see that. The commercials looked dumb." i breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good i did not want to see that." i blurted out. They laughed at me.

"On their own it is." said Victoria as she coasted down the road. We pulled up into a local plaza. It had the usual shops and stores plus a theater. "Ok so we'll text you when the movie is done and we'll go get something to eat or something." Victoria said to Sarah.

"Yeah ok." she replied. Vitoria hugged her and whispered something. "HEY! No." Sarah said sternly pulling out of the hug. Victoria simply laughed grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him toward the movie theater. Sarah sighed.

"What was that about?" i asked. She just shook her head as if to say 'You don't want to know'.

"So where do you want to go?" she asked.

"First things first." i replied. I smiled at how confused she looked it was cute. I took her hand a pulled her toward me. Lacing our fingers together i kissed her. It was all i could think about since she had gotten into the car. There it was again the heat. I cupped her cheek with my other hand. She was blushing i could feel it. She pulled away and i lightly ran my hand along her jaw. I had to restrain myself from kissing her again.

"Ok." she said lowly. i laughed at her.

"You're adorable." i said seeing the look on her face. She bit her lip and just tightened the grip on my hand.

"Again i ask. Where too?" she said as we walked out of the parking lot. I looked around and saw exactly what i was looking for. A bookstore.

"There." i said pointing to it. Her eye's grew wide.

"I love book stores!" sh said excitedly. I laughed as she let go of my hand and practically ran there. She waited for me outside the store. "Hurry up!" she whined. I smiled at her and pretended to go slower which only made her glare at me. As i reached her she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. It smelled great like book stores always do. I pulled out the sticky notes and sharpies. Of course i had planned for this. "What's that for?" she asked staring quizzically at me.

"We're going to leave messages in the books." i replied simply.

"That's so cute!" she said loudly. Then clamped her hand over her mouth as her voice rang out. I tried not to laugh to loud but it was hard. I could see people peeking around book shelves looking at us. Then she was pulling me toward the fantasy section. She stopped in front of a shelf and pulled a book out. "I love these book's i used to read them all the time when i was in 6th grade." she said. I peeked at the title. Percy Jackson and the Olympians it read. There was a boy standing in the water facing what looked like.. New York? And he was carrying a golden sword and some sort of horn. She flipped through the pages and then stopped and held out her hand to me. I placed a sticky note on the page and gave her a sharpie. I looked at what she was writing. My absolute favorite part! It said. I smiled.

She pulled out the whole series of those books leaving notes that said It get's better or Keep reading this part killed me. The whole time she explained the whole series to me freaking out and getting really excited. We walked down the row. Sarah was gingerly touching the spines of the books as we walked. She stopped in front of The Mortal Instruments series. I was planning on seeing the movie but hadn't read the books. "Knock knock." she said surprised i said,

"Who's there?" she was smiling to herself.

"Jace?" she replied. Jace from the book.. I was guessing that's who she was talking about.

"Jace who?" i asked.

"Depends on where you are in the series." she said laughing. I didn't understand. "You haven't read them have you!" she said half disappointed but still excited. I shook my head. "Dang it i need to talk about them." she said jumping up an down.

"Then talk about them." i said.

"Noo! you should read them." she said looking at me unhappily. She wouldn't let me look at the notes she was putting in the book because she said they would give away plots and she needed to fan-girl alone. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. We walked out of the row and she walked toward a table covered in John Green books.

"See, now i've read these." i said picking up a copy of The Fault In Our Stars.

"Really because i haven't." Sarah said blushing.

"How have you not read John Green!" i said confused trying not to laugh at the expression on her face. She shrugged

"I've always meant to. Just haven't gotten around to it." she said. I rolled my eyes and started writing on sticky notes and putting them in the books. She watched me leaning against the table and put her head in her hands. "Hey." she siad i looked over at her she was wearing a sort of confused expression.

"Yea?" i replied.

"What if you signed the books. Would anyone believe that you actually signed them..?" she asked her brow furrowing.

"That's a great idea!" i said. She blinked at me in surprise.

"What?" she said.

"All I would have to do is tweet it with a picture maybe." i said with smile. I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. Then i opened it up to the cover of the book and signed my name.

"Take a picture." i said facing the signature toward her. Laughing she pointed the camera at me. I placed a finger over my lips and looked to the side. She laughed at me and i saw the camera flash.

"You look stupid." she said with a roll of her eyes. After signing some more random copies we placed them in different places on the table. "Wait!" she exclaimed. They have to be around here somewhere. She ran down an aisle. I chased after her and found her in front of a shelf full of autobiographies. There was a stack of our book Dare to Dream:- Life as One Direction. "Look it's you!" Sarah said trying not to laugh as she picked up the book. "Sign these!" she said shoving a copy in my hands.

"Wait hold up." i took out my phone again and gave it to her.

"You want me to take a photo?" she asked arching her eyebrows.

"Just wait til you see it." i replied with a smile. I held up the book and made a face at it. Sort of shocked and confused. She laughed as she took it. I took m phone back and she grabbed he book flipping through it. I pulled up the photo and sent it to twitter with a message that said, "Awkwardly ran into myself." As i sent it Sarah's phone went off. She pulled her's out of her back pocket and looked at it. Then she laughed and showed me her phone. There was the photo i had just tweeted. "You get my tweets sent to your phone." i said fighting a smile. Sarah covered her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes looking embarrassed.

"It's cute." i said removing her hand from her face. A tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear she bit her lip. Before i could react her arms were around my neck and she was pressing her lips against mine. I started to smile and tried to fight back my words but they spilled out anyway. "Can't resist me can you." she broke away and slapped my cheek lightly and pointed her finger directly in my face.

"Shut up." she said sternly. I laughed at her dumb comeback.

"Make me." i said. I could read it in her face she was fighting the urge to kiss me again. Instead she stuck her tongue out at me and turned back to the books.

"Start signing she instructed." i laughed as i pulled out the sharpie and started to sign the insde ocver of the books.

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