The House

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Letting go of her head she looked around before turning towards me. "So tell me the rest of the story." Sarah said tiredly. I wonder if she.. No. She probably didn't she told me she didn't remember anything.

"You tellin her 'bout all the awesome stuff she did last night?" asked Harry popping his head up between us. I shoved him backwards.

"Harry." i said trying to be menacing.

"Aw did I upset Niall!" he cooed with a slight pout, mocking me. I made a face at him.

"Well if Harry thinks what i did was awesome I must have done something really, really bad." Sarah sighed rubbing her forehead, eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Come on. What did i do?" she asked, smiling lightly. I smiled back at her. Her hazel eyes were dull and she looked completely worn out. Her long brown hair was tangled but she still looked beautiful.

"Well i found you in the backyard." i started but she cut me off. I have a feeling she likes doing that a lot.

"Wait. The backyard? Where everyone was skinny dipping? God, I'm glad i don't remember that." Sarah exclaimed as she ran a hand through her hair before fixing her eyes back on me.

"This is where i come in!" said Harry excitedly.

"Crap." muttered Sarah under her breath. Eleanor laughed next to me.

"I got there right as you were about to take all your clothes off and jump in. Harry jumped out of the pool, don't ask me why he was there, and asked who you were and why i was stopping you from taking off your clothes." she but in again.

"Somebody slap Harry for me." There was a loud smack behind us. We turned around and Harry was staring at Zayn open mouthed, holding his cheek. Zayn was trying not to laugh.

"Thanks." said Sarah with a laugh.

"Welcome." he replied winking at her.

"Anyways. I said you would end up regretting it later and that i sort of knew you. You started to complain asking why i wouldn't let you have any fun. You almost ran off again but i caught your wrist. Then your energy vanished completely and all you wanted to do was go to sleep." i stopped.

"That's why we were in that room?" Sarah asked. I nodded. "So everyone else was there because...?" she half questioned.

"Well you wouldn't let me leave. Said you were scared and actually i wouldn't have left you alone. Scared you would run off again, but you didn't want me to just sit by the bed you wanted me to sleep next to you." i saw her turn bright red.

"Sorry." she said apologetically blushing furiously.

"Aw Niall didn't mind!" Louis cried out. He winked her way which made her blush even harder.

"Here we are!" Liam said happily. We piled out of the car and i watched Sarah's eyes grow wide.

"You guys are renting this out?" she questioned. "It's huge! There's only six of you!" she half shouted. Immediately she touched her head and winced profusely. "Ouch." she muttered.

"Come on. Let's get inside." i said grabbing her elbow as the others walked toward the door. Louis pushed the door open and allowed Eleanor to walk in, ahead of him. When he let go of the door Zayn caught it and let Victoria walk in. Liam held it open for Sarah, Harry and I. "Thanks mate." i said as we walked past.

"Thanks Liam." murmured Sarah. Harry just clipped him on the shoulder.

"No problem." he replied. I took Sarah to the kitchen and began making her a remedy my mum came up with once when i had a real bad handover. Sarah looked like she was going to vomit and was rubbing her temple. Her light brown hair fell over her shoulders and she had. her eyes closed. She was turning a bit green. Sarah had sat on the stool facing the counter so i had a clear view of her. I watched her open her eyes and i put the glass in my hands down in front of her. She backed away.

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