One Way Ticket

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I felt like screaming into my pillow. I hadn't thought much of that day in a really long time. Before it used to keep me up late tossing and turning wondering if i had made a mistake. Jackson was a great guy and one of my best friends why didn't i like him? Why could't I just see him as more than just a friend? Wen he left for college it got better. Which sounds really bad. I didn't see him at school so i thought about our awkward encounter less. But it was always there in the back of my mind gnawing at my brain. When i met Niall and we started dating the memory had all but disappeared. Now here it was. Fresh in my mind like an open wound. I wanted so bad to close it up and forget but i couldn't. There was a blotch in my friendship with Jackson. I don't think we can ever move past it if we never talk about it.

I was hopping he would get a girlfriend in college and then things wouldn't be so weird. Instead i got a boyfriend and he has nothing. I breathed in and out slowly in an attempt to calm my nerves. Once i had done so i shook my head and put down the phone and felt around for my cell. I found it on the floor turned over and on silent. I picked it up and turned it around. I had about ten messages from Niall. Worried i looked through them. I smiled when i realized that he was just worried about me.

Hey :)

Sarah are you ok? Is something wrong?

Why aren't you answering? Did you get in trouble?
Well you wouldn't have your phone if you were...

Sarah! Please answer! I'm going to drive back down to your house if you don't answer.

Sarah! I smiled and sent back a quick response.

Niall I'm fine calm down. i sent it and started a new message Sorry. I was talking to my friend Jackson. He goes to college and i haven't seen him in a while. Sorry if i scared you. I got off my bed and went to pickup my backpack where i had dropped it on the floor about an hour earlier. I didn't have to much homework today but i should get some done anyways. I shuffled around the notebooks and loose papers grabbing a pencil and my binder. i sat back down on my bed as my phone buzzed with a new message. I clicked on it.

That's ok love. Sorry for freaking out a bit. :) he replied.

I thought it was cute. i sent back. I twirled the pencil between my fingers as i stared down at the equations before me. It's a wonder how i got into Calculus. Numbers weren't my thing. Why was i even taking the class. I was a senior. I didn't have too. I sighed and put the pencil behind my ear. There was no way i was going to finish this, or even start i for that matter i had to much on my mind.

"Sarah!" my mom shouted up the stairs. "Time for dinner!" with a sigh i slipped my phone into my pocket and went downstairs.


Around ten o'clock Sarah said goodnight and i found myself sitting on the couch bored out of my mind. Harry jumped up behind me. "Hey Niall! We should go out!" he said excitedly.

"I don't know mate." i said a bit nervously. Harry's idea of a good time could sometime be extreme.

"Oh come on! We're not doing anything! I wanna go somewhere fun." he pouted.

"Harry were not going to a club." i started.

"Then we wont go to a club! Come on I'm bored." he said. I sighed knowing i would eventually give in. Not many people could resist giving Harry something he wanted. He would get all pouty and pleady. He doesn't use it to his advantage it's just how he is.

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