Sequel Information!

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Unfortunately yes. That was my last chapter for Some Nights. But have no fear! as the title clearly states there will be a sequel. which will hopefully not take as long as this story did. I started this a little over two years ago and i am just now finishing it. yikes! If your'e still here with me god bless your soul. I'm so sorry i was such a bad updater. I actually stopped writing and got back to it about three months ago. It takes a great load off my shoulders to know that this story is done because I've been putting it off and putting it off and working on other things. I actually finished a full story before i finished this one and started three others! Oops.

So sequel information yes. So. Since i do have other stories i am working on it may be a while before i start writing and updating the sequel. I actually have a story up right now that also has a sequel in the works. Uh-oh... Yeah. All good things to come in due time. The sequel will be called Most Days. Be on the look out for it. It will be strictly Sarah's point of view which will be made obvious why when i start posting it. basically it takes place about a year into the future. Sarah is at college and well things aren't going so well. Jackson is causing trouble. Someone is spreading awful lies about her that the media keep buying even though Niall doesn't. All of it just get's Sarah down though. College isn't what she had hoped it would be especially since Alison and Victoria are no longer by her side. Victoria is touring and Alison has gone to fashion school in new York. So you can just smell the problems i'm cooking up for this sequel.

Again thank you for reading. thank you for voting. Comment and tell me what you think. Give me ideas. I'll take them to heart. Bear with me on the sequel. It may be a while before i put it up. unless there's a great demand. But i won't know there is if you don't tell me! Thanks again :D

P.S this whole story is dedicated to my real life best friend Sarah who i became friends with after i started writing this.

P.S.S If you want, read my new Zayn Malik Story Triple Dog Dare :)) Thanks!!

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