This Isn't Goodbye

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We were talking and laughing as soon as we hit the driveway. They wanted to know every last detail of our date and i told them. The talk turned to something else when we walked into my house and saw my parents sitting there eating breakfast together. "So where did you girls go for breakfast?" my mom asked as i kissed them on the cheek.

"IHOP." we all said in unison. We started laughing again.

"What did you guys have? Couldn't have been as good as the food i make." my dad said teasingly waving his fork at us. We giggled.

"I had waffles." i told them.

"Of course you did." my dad replied.

"And we had pancakes." Alison said gesturing to Victoria and her.

"We're just going to head up to my room." i told them. My mom nodded and we headed up to my room dropping our stuff on the floor.

"So go on." Alison encouraged as she flopped down on my bed. I went on explaining in fascinating detail everything that had happened at breakfast. They both nodded happily listening intently.

"You guys were made for each other." Victoria said with a sigh. I smiled brightly. I hoped so. I think i might actually love this boy. I've never loved anyone as much as i loved him. The home phone started to ring and was picked up almost instantly by my mom or my dad.

"Honey! Jackson's on the phone!" My mom shouted up to me.

"Jackson!" Alison squeaked diving for the home phone in my room. She grabbed it and clicked the on button. "I've got it!" Alison shouted out the door. I heard a small click and Alison put the phone on speaker. "Hi Jackson!" Alison said excitedly.

"I figured you would all be there together." came his rough voice. We laughed.

"Of course." Victoria said.

"Am i on speaker?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah you are. So don't spill any dirty secrets." i said jokingly, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth i wanted to take them back and eat them. We had a dirty little secret. Our kiss. How could i say something so stupid. The others didn't know about it.

"Oh i won't." Jackson said with a little laugh. "how are you guys? Last time i heard from you Sarah had a boyfriend, Victoria is going to England and Alison got a new puppy." i but into the conversation.

"You got a new puppy!" i gasped. Alison laughed.

"Oh yeah that's right i forgot to tell you." she said grabbing her phone and showing me her back round. On it was an adorable picture of a tiny black curly haired puppy.

"Aw!! What's his name!?" i asked excitedly handing her back her phone.

"Maximilian. Max for short." Alison said a smile on her face.

"Aww!" i said. Jackson cleared his throat.

"Still here you guys. So what's new? You still going to England and do i need to beat up some punk ass ex-boyfriend of yours Sarah?" he asked. We all laughed.

"Yeah i'm still going to England." Victoria said replying to his first question.

"And no you don't need to beat up my punk ass boyfriend." i replied with a roll of my eyes.

"But her punk ass boyfriend and his punk ass best friend and Victoria are leaving tomorrow. We're going with them." Alison said happily.

"Hey how come i'm not a punk ass?" Victoria asked.

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